Importance Of Processor Management In Operating System | Coding Ninjas Blog (2024)

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Earlier there used to be only single-task performing systems. In this way, there used to be only one process running at a time. And it had the freedom to utilise all the resources in the system. But today we have multitasking and multiprocessing operating systems, where more than one process runs at a time.

This creates problems such as deadlock, multiple processes requesting for the same resource, processor, or RAM space allocation to execute.

All these problems require a proper solution, and this instigates the operating system to carry out processor management.

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So let us learn more about the process and its management, processor management, how they are being carried out by the operating system, and what are their different stages.

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What is a process?

A process or a thread is an active execution unit of a program that performs some action.

We can also say that when a program is loaded in the memory it is called a process. An operating system has the right to create, schedule, and terminate a process. There are four sections in a process-:

  • Text: holds the current activities represented by the value of Program Counter
  • Stack: holds temporary data such as local variables, functional parameters, return addresses, etc.
  • Data: holds the global variables
  • Heap: dynamically allocated memory to process during runtime.

The operating system controls a process by a block called Process Control Block (PCB). It is a type of data structure that is maintained by the OS for each process separately. Each PCB can be identified with an integer Process ID (PID), which helps to store all the information required to keep a track of the processes.

PCB can also store the data of processor registers, which are created when a process moves from one state to another.

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Process Attributes

Let us see the attributes of a process at a glance.

  • Process Id: unique identifier assigned by the operating system to each process
  • Process State: there are few possible states a process goes through during execution.
  • CPU registers: stores the details of the process when it is swapped in and out of the CPU, just like the program counter.
  • I/O status information: shows information like the device to which a process is allotted, details of open files.
  • CPU scheduling information: processes are scheduled and executed based on priority.
  • Accounting & Business information: information about the amount of CPU used and time utilities like a job or process number, real-time utilised, etc.
  • Memory management information: information about the value of base registers and limit registers, segment tables, page.

Process States

These are the states in which a process might go during its execution. Let us know more about them-:

  • New: a new process is created when a certain program is called up from secondary memory and loaded to RAM.
  • Ready: a process is said to be in a ready state if it is already loaded in the primary memory/RAM for its execution.
  • Running: here the process is already executing
  • Paused (Waiting): at this stage, the process is believed to be waiting for CPU or resources allocation.
  • Blocked: at this stage, the process is waiting for some I/O operation to get completed.
  • Terminated: this specifies the time at which the process gets terminated by the OS
  • Suspended: this state shows that the process is ready by it has not been placed in the ready queue for execution.
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Process Operations

After gaining insights on the architecture of a process and the various states a process go through, let us see some of its operations:

  • Creation: once a process is created, it’s ready to be landed in the ready queue i.e loaded onto the main memory, thus, be ready for its execution.
  • Scheduling: OS chooses a process from those present in the ready queue and starts its execution, this whole process is called scheduling.
  • Execution: once the process has been scheduled by the OS, the processor starts executing it. If during the execution, the process enters a waiting or blocked state, then it means that the processor is executing other processes.
  • Killing: once the process finishes execution, the contexts of PCB get deleted and the process gets terminated by the OS.

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Process Management

Now that we know about a process and its various states and parts, let us learn about its management.

Process management involves tasks related to processing like creation, scheduling, termination, deadlock, etc. The operating systems allocate resources that allow the process to exchange information. It synchronises among processes and safeguards the resources of other processes.

The operating system manages the running processes in the system and performs tasks like scheduling and resource allocation.

Processor Management

Operating systems need an efficient processor in scheduling the process or thread. However, these processors are also managed by the operating systems. But the question lies that what are the concerns that demand the processor to be managed.

Let us see these issues that require the operating system to perform processor management:

  • To ensure that each process and application receives enough of the processor’s time to function properly.
  • Utilising too many processor cycles as possible for the actual work.

Let us make this more clear with an example:

Suppose your system has Windows XP or Unix operating system. And you wish to work on MS Word. In the background, you decide to play some music. You also have some PDFs and documents opened. Now apart from this your system has antivirus software running behind, you are surfing the net and so on.

So now the operating system needs to manage the network, perform disk and memory management, and do checks on viruses as well.

This is why processor management is needed. All these applications running behind are processes that need the resources and processors’ time for their execution.

Hence, it’s up to the OS now how it manages the processor and does all the tasks concurrently.

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Device Management

The operating system interacts with the hardware of machines and supports the execution of different programs and applications. It communicates with the underlying hardware and connected devices and tries to strike a balance between the two. This is important because CPU execution speed is faster than that of I/O resources.

To establish a connection between the system and virtual hardware, there are some special programs called drivers that are present in the operating system. A few of the main tasks that a driver performs are:

  • It acts as a translator between the electric signals of the hardware and the high-level programming languages of the operating system.
  • It takes up the data files stored on the operating system and translates them into streams of bits or a series of laser pulses.
  • They function just like a process. Any high-priority job is assigned to the driver, by the operating system, so that the system hardware is free.
  • New functions can be added to the drivers, without modification, recompilation, and redistribution.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the function of process management in the operating system?

Process management involves the creation, scheduling, termination of the process by the operating system. It also deals with the resource allocation to a process.

Why does the OS need to manage the processor?

The operating system needs to manage the processor so that a process gets the time of the processor and it finishes its execution. The operating system also manages processor cycles.

What are the four types of operating systems?

The four types of operating systems are: Multi-tasking Operating System, Real-time Operating System, Network-based Operating System, Distributed Operating System.

How is a process managed by an operating system?

A process is controlled by the operating system through its PCB. All the operations of a process like its creation, scheduling, and termination are under the control of the operating system.

What are the BPM tools?

Business Process Management tools are used to design a systematic approach to automate business processes and solve business-related issues. Eg: BPM

What are the two steps of a process execution?

The two steps of process execution are the creation of the process and loading the process into the running queue for its execution.

Key Takeaways

Since operating systems is one of the most popular topics among the interviewers, students generally have a weak hand when coming to OS. So if you are preparing for any company’s interview then Coding Ninjas’ short-term course on Operating Systems will benefit you.

It is a two-month course and here you will be taught the core concepts of the operating systems that will help you ace the interviews. And this is not enough, you will be working on 150+ practice problems of operating systems that have been previously asked during the interviews of some tech giants.

If you are interested to know more about operating systems you can check out Coding Ninjas’s Operating System Guide To know more about the different kinds of operating systems available checkout Coding Ninjas blog on Types of Operating Systems.

You may also find the below-mentioned links useful if you are looking for some exclusive content on operating systems-:

  • Operating Systems Tutorials with code explained
  • How to choose a good OS?
  • Top operating systems for programmers

This was all you need to quench your thirst to know about Processor Management. Hope this helps you out in preparing for tech giants. You can also check out some exclusive in-demand courses offered by Coding Ninjas.

By Shivi Srivastava

Importance Of Processor Management In Operating System | Coding Ninjas Blog (2024)


What is the importance of process management in operating system? ›

Process management involves various tasks like creation, scheduling, termination of processes, and a dead lock. Process is a program that is under execution, which is an important part of modern-day operating systems. The OS must allocate resources that enable processes to share and exchange information.

What is processor management does in operating system as is function on it? ›

Process managements involve the execution of various tasks such as creation of processes, scheduling of processes, management of deadlock, and termination of processes. It is responsibility of operating system to manage all the running processes of the system.

What is processor management used for? ›

Process Management refers to aligning processes with an organization's strategic goals, designing and implementing process architectures, establishing process measurement systems that align with organizational goals, and educating and organizing managers so that they will manage processes effectively.

What is the program in the operating system that the processor management? ›

For processor management, an operating system performs the following tasks: Keep track of the processor and the process's state. The traffic controller is the program that is in charge of this task.

What is process management in OS PPT? ›

Process Management  A process is a program in execution. A process needs certain resources, including CPU time, memory, files, and I/O devices, to accomplish its task.  The operating system is responsible for the following activities in connection with process management.

Which of the following are the part of the process management of the OS? ›

  • OS Process Management.
  • OS Memory Management.
  • OS Input Output Systems.
  • OS CPU Scheduling.
  • Deadlock.
27 Jul 2022

What is process management in operating system with example? ›

The process control block is a data structure used by an operating system to store information about a process.
Process control block.
Attributes of processDescription
Memory management informationThis includes the memory information like information related to the Segment table, memory limits, and page table.
7 more rows
10 Jun 2022

What are the activities done by processor management? ›

The creation and deletion of both user and system processes. The suspension and resumption of processes. The provision of mechanisms for process synchronization. The provision of mechanisms for process communication.

What is process management with example? ›

Similar to support processes, this type of process is not directly related to the value creation of a company. Examples of management processes would include, but are not limited to: Aligning the company strategically, defining the corporate mission statement or formulating corporate goals.

What is good process management? ›

Promotes efficiency: good process management means continually monitoring and optimizing business rules and processes.

What are the 3 processes of process management process? ›

A management process is sometimes referred to as performance management. In general, this term consists of three components. They are performance measurement, analysis, and improvement.

What is process states in operating system? ›

Process goes through different states throughout the life cycle which are called process states. New, Ready, Running, Waiting or Block, Terminated or Completed, Suspend ready, and Suspend wait or blocked are different states which process might go during the life cycle.

How a process is managed in Windows? ›

The fundamental Windows process management function is CreateProcess, which creates a process with a single thread. Specify the name of an executable program file as part of the CreateProcess call. It is common to speak of parent and child processes, but Windows does not actually maintain these relationships.

How Process management is done in Linux? ›

Process management on Linux simply operates i.e continue, stop, or terminate , commands that are already running, just started, or already completed. A process is a running program. This process is created when a command is about to be executed, so you can call it a running instance of a running program.

What is process management in distributed system? ›

Process Management in a Distributed. Environment. • Main goal of process management in DS is to make best possible use of existing. resources by providing mechanism and polices for sharing them among processors.

Which management helps operating system to create and delete process? ›

File management in an operating system includes file creation and deletion.

What is process management in operating system PDF? ›

A process can be thought of as a program in execution. A process will need certain resources — such as CPU time, memory, files, and I/O devices —to accomplish its task. These resources are allocated to the process either when it is created or while it is executing.

What is process management and its types? ›

Process management includes (1) process design or engineering, which is the invention of new processes; (2) process definition, which requires the description of existing processes; (3) process documentation; (4) process analysis and control; and (5) process improvement.

What are the 5 processes of management? ›

At the most fundamental level, management is a discipline that consists of a set of five general functions: planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.

How can process management be improved? ›

Make your business process more efficient in 5 simple steps
  1. Identify what's working—and what's not.
  2. Set your baseline and your goals.
  3. Leverage your team and build a roadmap for success.
  4. Look for opportunities to automate.
  5. Roll out your new process and continue to gather feedback.

What is process management computer? ›

Process management involves tasks related to processing like creation, scheduling, termination, deadlock, etc. The operating systems allocate resources that allow the process to exchange information. It synchronises among processes and safeguards the resources of other processes.

How process is created in operating system? ›

Process creation is achieved through the fork() system call. The newly created process is called the child process and the process that initiated it (or the process when execution is started) is called the parent process. After the fork() system call, now we have two processes - parent and child processes.

How many process states are there in operating system? ›

A process must pass through at least four states.

The new state, run state, ready state, and terminate state are the four states.

What is state process management? ›

The state of a process is defined by the current activity of the process. Each process may be in any one of the following states − New − The process is being created. Running − In this state the instructions are being executed.

What is the process in operating system? ›

A process is a running program that serves as the foundation for all computation. The procedure is not the same as computer code, although it is very similar. In contrast to the program, which is often regarded as some 'passive' entity, a process is an 'active' entity.

What are the major activities of operating systems with regard to process management? ›

The five major activities of the operating system with regard to process management are:
  • The creation and deletion of both user and system processes.
  • The suspension and resumption of processes.
  • The provision of mechanisms for process synchronization.
  • The provision of mechanisms for process communication.

What are the types of processes in operating system? ›

Basically there are two types of process: Independent process. Cooperating process.

Why does a computer need processing? ›

It allows the system to use different priorities for interactive and non-interactive work. Rather than running one program multiple times to process one transaction each time, batch processes will run the program only once for many transactions, reducing system overhead.

What is the name of the process when the operating system runs? ›

The different Process States

READY - The process is waiting to be assigned to a processor. RUNNING - Instructions are being executed. WAITING - The process is waiting for some event to occur(such as an I/O completion or reception of a signal). TERMINATED - The process has finished execution.

What are some of the important activities that an operating system can performs? ›

An operating system has three main functions: (1) manage the computer's resources, such as the central processing unit, memory, disk drives, and printers, (2) establish a user interface, and (3) execute and provide services for applications software.

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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.