What Obedience Looks Like “In the World” (2024)

Can a story about four young men in the book of Daniel help us in our struggles as believers in a post-Christian culture? Daniel’s story might just provide the perfect model for faithfulness to God’s call on our lives—no matter what the environment.

Working for the Good of the City Doesn’t Mean Complete Assimilation

Daniel opens with four young Jewish exiles, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah trying to fulfill Jeremiah’s call to “work for the shalom of the city” (Jer. 29:7, OJB). Like others who’d been recruited to serve in King Nebuchadnezzar’s court, they are about to embark on three years of training. The training is designed to erase their Hebrew identities and assimilate them into the culture of Babylon.

The first step in this primitive brainwashing is to change their names. They would now be known as Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Dan. 1:7). In the ancient world, “naming” someone had great significance. Paul Redditt writes in his Introduction to the Prophets, “To rename someone is to claim far-reaching power over that person.”

As part of their indoctrination, the young Hebrews would be trained in the language and literature of Babylon and live in the king’s palace, eating the rich food of the king’s table (Dan. 1:4-5). But Daniel resolved, or as the King James Version says, “Daniel purposed in his heart,” not to defile himself by eating the food from the king’s table (Dan. 1:8).

Outwardly, Daniel may have looked Babylonian, but inwardly, in his heart, he remained a Jew, a follower of the most-high God.

Daniel’s request for a different menu is initially turned down by the king’s chief of staff, but he perseveres and gets an attendant to agree to a test. (Dan. 1:12). After ten days of only vegetables and water, Daniel and his friends look even better than those on the king’s diet and are allowed to continue with that diet for the duration of their training (Dan. 1:15-16).

Allowing God to Work

Interestingly, the passage does not tell us why Daniel and his friends did not want to eat the king’s food.

It may have been because the food was unclean (not kosher) or that it had been sacrificed to idols. In either circ*mstance, to eat the food would have gone against Jewish law (Lev. 11; Deut. 14). According to Joyce Baldwin, in her commentary on the book of Daniel, another reason may stem from an ancient Near-East practice; eating from the king’s table was to enter into a bond of fellowship with him, effectively acknowledging devotion to Nebuchadnezzar as Daniel’s covenant Lord.

But Tremper Longman suggests in his new book, The Fear of the Lord Is Wisdom, that the reason Daniel and his friends didn’t eat from the king’s table was that, “…Daniel [was] giving God room to work.” And work he does.

At the end of their three-year training, God greatly blesses these four men, and they are found to be ten times wiser than not only the other talented trainees but all the wise men in the kingdom (Dan. 1:20).

The faithful actions of Daniel and his friends were unusual for their day. The other young men had no problem eating from the king’s table. And Israel did not exactly have a stellar track record of religious fidelity in this period (See 2 Chron. 36:14, NASB).

Obedience and Trusting in God

Daniel was determined not to assimilate into the Babylonian culture when it was possible for him to actively resist. In his resistance strategy, Daniel displays three principles that apply to all of God’s people who are struggling to be faithful in the midst of a godless culture.

  • First, Daniel resolves, decides, purposes, makes up his mind to be holy and not be absorbed into the idolatry of the Babylonian culture.
  • Second, Daniel does not carry out his resistance in an arrogant or obnoxious way, but exercises his opposition with genuine humility and grace.
  • Third, Daniel exhibits faith, trusting in the power and promises of God and expecting God to respond to his faithful obedience.

This is Christian activism demonstrated through cultural resistance. It’s a model for us of how to “seek the shalom of the city” as an “exile” without compromising our faith.

Daniel’s example calls us to perseverance. His message is, “Don’t give up, continue to resist the temptations, being obedient to what you know God has called you to do.”

His example is also a call to faithfulness. To stand firm through faithful obedience to God’s divine word and what you know he is calling you to do.

Like Daniel, God’s followers must serve in the wider world, but with limits on their participation in the customs of that world. It is often difficult to maintain religious convictions, but we must decide where our loyalties lie.

As John Goldingay points out in Daniel and the Twelve Prophets for Everyone:

…we are reassured that the Daniel who lives at court, stands by the side of the king, and serves the empire, is one who has taken his stand and kept himself pure; and we are challenged about our own willingness to accept an involvement in the world, but to recognize that there are points at which we have to draw a line. We are called to be citizens of two worlds, neither surrendering one’s citizenship by assimilation nor surrendering the other by forming a ghetto.

As Goldingay observes, Daniel provides a biblical alternative to Christians withdrawing from society, which has been advocated by some.

If the best choice for us as “exiles” in a hostile culture is to resist the culture while serving people (and God), like Daniel, then we need to strive to be faithfully obedient right where we are.

Persevering even in the small things that God has called us to do will make room for him to work both in us and in those around us.

Editor’s Note: Learn more about God’s call for us to “reweave shalom” through our work inHow Then Should We Work?

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© 2024 Institute for Faith, Work & Economics. All rights reserved. Printed from http://tifwe.org/how-to-be-productive-in-2014/. For reprint permissions, contact info@tifwe.org.

What Obedience Looks Like “In the World” (2024)


What are some examples of obedience in everyday life? ›

  • What are the practical ways to show obedience in daily life?
  • Some examples of compliance include:
  • * A child cleaning up their room because their parent asked them to. * A student helping another student with their homework when asked. * Buying an item because a saleperso...
Apr 17, 2023

What does obedient look like? ›

Obedience is without question.

This person will obey even if it does not make sense to them. They don't engage their own reasoning or ideas on the matter, they simply do what is being asked.

What is obedience in our life? ›

Obedience, in human behavior, is a form of "social influence in which a person yields to explicit instructions or orders from an authority figure".

How does obedience affect society? ›

In societies, the main purpose of obedience is to elicit peace and harmony within a society. However, obedience can be taken too far, and much human strife along with suffering can result.

How do people show obedience? ›

Compliance involves changing your behavior at the request of another person, while conformity consists in altering your behavior to go along with the rest of the group. Obedience involves altering your behavior because an authority figure has told you to do so.

How is obedience important in our daily life? ›

By obeying in all things, even the mundane, you are showing God that you are willing and able to obey whatever he asks of you. Obedience to God is not only a way to worship him, but a way to get closer to him, prepare for whatever he leads you to and grow as a person.

What are the 2 types of obedience? ›

Obedience is a specific type of social influence where people are explicitly told what to do by an authority figure. Obedience is of two types: constructive and destructive.

What is obedience in God's eyes? ›

Obedience Definition in the Bible

Another Greek word for obey in the New Testament means "to trust." According to Holman's Illustrated Bible Dictionary, a succinct definition of biblical obedience is "to hear God's Word and act accordingly."

What does true obedience to God look like? ›

As Christians, that higher authority is God Himself. The Lord said in John 14:15 “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” It also deals with the individual's own attitude toward God. True obedience means to hear, trust, submit, and surrender to God and His word.

What are the 3 ways to be obedient? ›

Being Obedient to Your Parents
  • Be respectful. ...
  • Don't ignore them in public. ...
  • Don't roll your eyes when they ask you to do something. ...
  • Be attentive to your chores. ...
  • Avoid making your parents ask you to do something more than once. ...
  • Do what you can to help out around the house without being specifically ordered.
Mar 21, 2018

What represents obedience? ›

However, certain images or symbols could be metaphorically associated with obedience. These might include images of chains, a raised hand in a gesture of submission, or an authoritative figure with followers. It's important to note that symbols can vary in interpretation and cultural context.

What is the power of obedience? ›

Obedience is a powerful force for our upgrade and personal transformation. Every instruction from God always moves us forward and God's instructions to us are not in anyway to reduce us or bring us down. The missing link today in our Christian experience is OBEDIENCE, which is KEY and the true test of our faith.

Why is obedience so difficult? ›

We can get tense when we hear the word obedience, maybe because we tend to associate this word with pressure, punishment, following rules, and even words like "shame" and "belittling" come to mind. So, it makes sense many of us struggle with obeying God. We struggle to obey God, because we DOUBT him.

What are the 3 factors that affect obedience? ›

Learn how proximity, authority legitimacy, victim distance, and defiance models affect obedience. Understand that mood, status, and culture also play roles. Realize that awareness of these factors can help reduce harmful conformity and obedience.

What is an example of bad obedience? ›

Examples of destructive obedience include soldiers obeying orders to attack civilians, medical personnel following a doctor's orders even when they know the doctor is mistaken, and participants complying with the experimenter in Stanley Milgram's classic behavioral study of obedience. Compare constructive obedience.

What obedience means examples? ›

Meaning of obedience in English

the fact that people or animals do what they are told to do: He demands unquestioning obedience from his soldiers. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases. Obedient and compliant. accordance.

What is an example of social obedience? ›

Examples include a child who cleans their room when told to do so by a parent and a soldier who follows the orders of a superior officer. Obedience has the potential to be highly destructive and ethically questionable, however, as demonstrated in the behavioral study of obedience.

What is an example of obedience to God? ›

Jesus Christ was the sublime example of obedience to our Heavenly Father. He said, “I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me” (John 6:38). His whole life was devoted to obeying His Father; yet it was not always easy for him.

How do you live a life of obedience? ›

Listening to what God says in the Bible. Following Jesus as His disciple. Being polite and following the rules of good society to show our consideration and respect for others. Trusting that God's way will be best for us, rather than our own or the world's way.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.