Sind Lockpicking und Lockpicking-Werkzeuge in der Schweiz legal? – Steiger Legal (2024)

Sind Lockpicking und Lockpicking-Werkzeuge in der Schweiz legal? – Steiger Legal (1)

Blogleser B. hat mich per E-Mail gefragt, ob der Import von Lockpicking-Werkzeugen aus Deutschland in die Schweiz erlaubt sei.

Was ist Lockpicking?

Lockpicking ist das Hobby, Schlösser ohne passenden Schlüssel oder ohne Kenntnis der Zahlenkombination zu öffnen (oder es zumindest zu versuchen).

Einen informativ-unterhaltsamen Einstieg liefert Anwaltskollege «LockPickingLawyer» mit seinem YouTube-Kanal.

Ist Lockpicking in der Schweiz verboten?

Locking ist in der Schweiz nicht verboten, solange man eigene Schlösser oder Schlösser von Dritten, die ausdrücklich einverstanden sind, verwendet. Auch der Besitz von Lockpicking-Werkzeugen ist in diesem Rahmen nicht verboten.

Gemäss dem Legalitätsprinzip ist erlaubt, was nicht verboten ist.

Ist der Import von Lockpicking-Werkzeugen erlaubt?

Lockpicking und Lockpicking-Werkzeuge sind in der Schweiz nicht verboten. Aus schweizerischer Sicht ist der Import von Lockpicking-Werkzeugen deshalb unproblematisch.

Auch in Deutschland sind Lockpicking und Lockpicking-Werkzeuge gemäss meinem Kenntnisstand nicht verboten. Ich gehe deshalb davon aus, dass auch der Export aus Deutschland in die Schweiz unproblematisch ist.

Was ist, wenn man von Polizei oder Zoll «erwischt» wird?

Der Besitz von «Diebeswerkzeug» kann gegenüber Polizei und Zoll erklärungsbedürftig sein.

So ist beispielsweise im Kanton Zürich der Gewahrsam von Diebeswerkzeug strafbar, wenn man weiss oder damit rechnen muss, dass das Werkzeug zur Verwendung bei Diebstahl bestimmt ist. Lockpicking als Hobby fällt allerdings nicht unter diesen kantonalen Straftatbestand.

Siehe auch: Empfehlungen vom Strafverteidiger: Wenn die Polizei am Morgen um 6 Uhr klingelt.

Bild: Pixabay / stevepb , Public Domain-ähnlich.

Sind Lockpicking und Lockpicking-Werkzeuge in der Schweiz legal? – Steiger Legal (2024)


Is lockpicking illegal in the US? ›

Lock-picking tools and lock-picking are available and legal in the United States. In the majority of U.S. states and the District of Columbia, lock picking is legal by statute. In these states, the person lock picking must show intent. In other states, there are no specific laws regarding lock picking.

Are lockpicks illegal in New York? ›

Possession of burglar's tools is a class A misdemeanor. If you are convicted the longest prison sentence that you could receive is 1 year. It is also possible that you will be sentence to a probation term of 3 years.

Is the Elite 3 lock pick set illegal? ›

Factual errors. Neal states that the "Elite 3" lockpick set is illegal. Lockpicks are, however, legal by statute in New York. The state must prove criminal intent.

Is it illegal to travel with lockpicks? ›

Tools that are 7 inches or less in length are allowed in carry-on bags. Please check with local law enforcement regarding traveling with this item.

What is a 999 key? ›

Bump keys are specially cut keys that can bypass the security mechanisms built into traditional pin and tumbler locks. Bump keys are also referred to as “999 keys” because all of their ridges are cut to the maximum depth (999) in a key-making machine.

Is lock picking illegal in Texas? ›

The Texas Unlawful Use of Criminal Instrument or Mechanical Security Device law gives police the right to arrest you if they believe you possessed lockpicking tools or any other tools designed for use in the commission of crimes if you intended to use those criminal instruments to commit crimes, or if you sell, install ...

Is it illegal to own lockpicks in Florida? ›

Under Florida law any person who possesses a tool, machine or other object with the intent to use the object to commit a burglary or trespass could be charged with possession of burglary tools.

Are lockpicks illegal in Florida? ›

It is legal to possess lock picking tools in Florida so long as you are not using the tools in the commission of a crime. As a real estate broker I often had to access foreclosed properties that way.

What lock Cannot be picked? ›

Abloy Protec2 PL 330 Padlock

It is one of the only locks in the world that has never been picked. It has a hardened boron alloy steel shackle to provide resistance to bolt cutters (but is not bolt cutter proof). The padlock body is brass and the shackle and body are chrome plated, so it is very rust-resistant.

Is there a truly pick proof lock? ›

Yes, there are many locks that, by all intents and purposes, are pick- and bump-proof. However, you will find very few that actually make this claim. Instead, most “pick-proof” locks on the market are labeled as “pick-resistant” due to legal purposes.

What locks Cannot be picked? ›

The best pick-resistant locks to buy are the Medeco3 Cam Lock, BiLock deadbolts, and the EVVA MCS locking system.

Are bump keys illegal? ›

It's also possible to make bump keys that are protected from leaving indentations. You may be able to tell that a lock has been bumped, but don't count on it. Can I Buy a Bump Key? Owning or possessing a bump key is not currently illegal, and bump key sets, and videos on how to use them, are available online.

Does lockpicking destroy a lock? ›

While learning, an unskilled person using the best lock-picking tools can still cause irreversible damage to the lock. This is the reason many people consider lockpicking to be unsafe. When done incorrectly you can damage your lock so severely that it will require a complete lock replacement.

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