Google Ticketing System: How to set it up - Drag (2024)

Google Workspace

By J Olof StefensonAugust 10th, 2023No Comments

Google Ticketing System: How to set it up - Drag (1)

Google Workspace does not currently offer a ticketing system – so what are your options? Here’s what you need to know.

Every successful company demands the correct tools to optimize output and improve customer service. The market is flooded with help desk tools, customer support tools, and project-management-based ticketing systems, but so much of the time this can be overwhelming, particularly when you need to introduce new technologies, processes, and training to your wider team.

If your team is currently using Gmail to manage incoming support requests, then it feels natural to stay there to track issues from received to closing each off.

Before we go into your best options, let’s delve into some of the basics.

What is a Google ticketing system and how does it work?

When you send an email and receive an automated response saying ‘We’ll get back to you’, you’ve probably gone into a ticketing system.

A ‘ticketing system’ (sometimes referred to as a ‘ticketing tool’) is software that manages a list of inbound inquiries and organizes and distributes them out to team members (with all relevant information) in order to review and resolve any questions, tasks, or other support requirements in any organized way.

A ‘ticket’ is created and shared between a team member and the customer and contains all of the information about that specific case. It’s a point of reference for all stakeholders to work on, contribute and come to a resolution.

Is there a Google ticketing system?

Google Workspace does not offer a ticketing system. There are no Google Workspace or Gmail applications that enable ticketing. Whilst Google Workspace offers a range of productivity tools, unfortunately, there is no ticketing system available directly from Google Workspace.

Why is a Google Workspace Ticketing System important?

If your Gmail inbox is always full of customer service requests, then a ticketing system is best to handle them. Here arecompelling reasons why you need a ticketing system.

1. More responsive customer service

A Google ticketing system ensures that every incoming request is immediately assigned to a staff member. Thus ensuring that your customers are promptly served. Failure to use a ticketing system may result in varying response times. Unanswered requests often sit in your mailbox for days before anyone notices.

2. Enhances the customer’s overall satisfaction

An individual customer may send a series of emails to you to settle their issue. If you’re utilizing a Google ticketing system, you can designate a certain staff member to receive emails from this customer. A customer won’t have to re-explain the issue to each new person in the email chain. Instead, they will save time and effort. As a result, the customer has a better overall experience.

3. Organizes customer service requests

Incoming requests will be easy to track if you use a workplace ticketing system. This will prevent requests from being lost in the shuffle and getting ignored. It makes customer service a collaborative effort, making it easy to include other team members in problem-solving. If you want to ensure everyone is optimized, you can delegate assignments to your team members.

4. Prevents duplication of work and effort

There is no way to know what your team is working on if you don’t use a ticketing system. A possible effect is that you may find yourself working on a support request that another user has previously resolved. Instead of saving time, this practice could lead to client confusion when they receive repeated responses from your team. Using a ticketing system helps you avoid this problem by allowing you to see what your team is working on at any given time.

Google Ticketing System: How to set it up - Drag (2)

The best ticketing system for Google.

  • 2.5x faster email responses.
  • 20 hours less spent per month, per team member.
  • 40% more deadlines achieved and happier teams.

Try for Free

Ways to set up a Google ticketing system.

There are different ways of setting up a Google ticketing system for your company. In this section, we’re exploring the pros and cons of each. Below is a summary of the options.

Google Forms ticketing systemUsing Google FormsFreeDoes not manage real-time email communication
Sharing a Gmail account ticketing systemMultiple users logging into the same accountFree
No training required
Lack of accountability
Higher risk of security breach
Google Groups Collaborative Inbox ticketing systemUsing Google Groups as a ticketing systemFree
No need to share passwords
Doesn’t work inside Gmail
Lack of automations
Drag as a ticketing systemInstalling a third-party Gmail add-onFit-for-purpose ticketing system
Works inside Gmail
May include extra costs
May include training

1. Ticketing system using Google Forms.

Some teams opt for a very simple method of utilizing Google Forms in their Google ticketing system. Whilst it’s not for the majority, it’s an option to explore and understand if this free and simple fix is aligned with what your company needs. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Create a Google Form and make all questions required.
    This ensures you get all the information you need to process each ticket. For example, in this form, you can ask for name, email address, and case-specific questions. Also add a question that relates to urgency so that you know the prioritization of responses.
  2. Turn on email notifications for new responses.
    Each time a customer submits a new ticket, you’ll get an email notifying you.
  3. Customize the confirmation page.
    This is an opportunity to explain response times, other methods of communication, and other areas that are relevant to your workflow.

To answer tickets submitted through your form, open the Google Sheet created when you set up your form (it should show up in My Drive). As people submit tickets through your form, they’ll automatically appear in your sheet as data rows.

⚠️ Challenges with Google Forms as a ticketing system.

No two-way communication

Google Forms is limited to collecting information. When it comes to responding, this needs to be done from individual team members’ email accounts.

Lack of team collaboration

By nature, ticketing systems work when team members can collaborate on communication. Google Forms does not enable collaboration.

2. Ticketing System sharing a Gmail Account.

Many teams still manage their emails using Gmail (Google Workspace) and try to utilize this for their ticketing system also. It means sharing a username and password for an email address such as [emailprotected]. This is a very basic method that can lead to lots of confusion. In order to attend to a ticket, typically team members will mark an email as unread and therefore there is a shared awareness of a ticket that requires attending.

⚠️ Challenges with using shared Gmail account as a ticketing system.

Unsecure confidential data

If a team member is hacked or loses their device, all of the team’s data may be vulnerable to a data breach. The person who finds your employee’s computer may access your client’s emails which is a complete risk.

Platform restrictions

Many email services restrict the number of devices that you may log in to at any one time – you may not be able to concurrently access the inbox without triggering a restriction from your provider.

3. Ticketing System using Google’s Collaborative Inbox.

A collaborative inbox allows all support agents to view the same email from the same dashboard on the same platform. A single user owns and manages an email account. You start by having all your customer-facing inboxes on the same page so you can monitor them from a simple interface.

With a shared email inbox, you can close tickets more quickly. Organize and prioritize tickets by labeling and highlighting those that require prompt attention. Assigning a single ticket to the appropriate teams. This allows agents to access the ticket and provide notes and comments to resolve it quickly. Team email management software makes it simple to track and measure its time to resolve a problem.

⚠️ Challenges with using Google Collaborative Inbox as a ticketing system.

Inconsistent Email Synchronization

A significant drawback of Google Collaborative Inbox is that it does not allow smooth email synchronization. Customers or project managers that utilize collaborative inboxes need to make sure that they synchronize all emails.

It LacksAutomation Capabilities

When it comes to getting the most out of your collaborative shared email, efficiency is one of the primary advantages. There are no automation tools available for the Collaborative mailbox on Google. As a result, you should expect a slew of additional emails to pile up. The only option for team members to interact with one another is through additional emails.

It Operates through Google Groups Rather Than Gmail

Google’s collaborative inbox will be a challenge for your team to work with. It is more frustrating since they have to switch tabs to react to emails, making things even more cumbersome. The possibilities of some emails getting lost in the shuffle are also rather high, though.

4. Ticketing System Using Drag.

Over 23,000 customers use Drag for managing their inbox and in many cases, this is customer-service focused which means managing incoming tickets.

For instance, Boosted Commerce is establishing a platform for 100+ brands that utilize Drag for frictionless customer service. The Boosted team has developed an exceptional customer support team that operates all over the world.

Teams set up a Help Desk board (effectively a Shared Inbox inside Gmail) where incoming inquiries will be received in real-time.

Google Ticketing System: How to set it up - Drag (3)

Here’s how to set up a Google ticketing system using Drag:

  1. Set up a new Drag board.
  2. Invite members of your team to join the board.
  3. Add incoming emails to the list (the email account want to integrate to Drag eg. [emailprotected])
  4. Organize and classify inquiries

You can organize boards in a clean and concise way in order to best work through your tickets:

Create Helpdesk-specific Columns and Listings

The columns (if you use Kanban view) or lists (if you use list view) may be customized to fit your Helpdesk process. Simply click on the names of the columns or lists to rename them. This is possible on the top left. To alter the title, type it in the input form and click outside the input field to save your changes. It enables auto-saving of the names.

Consider Utilizing Shared Tags for Important Data

To classify queries based on important details regarding each client or ticket, use Drag’s shared tags. This might include customer plan, organization size, inquiry, etc. When a board has a variety of queries, the ability to filter boards based on tags is a valuable tool.

To Aid in Visual Segmentation, Use Color-Coded Labels

In addition to arranging your cards alphabetically, you may also use color-coding. Each color can reflect a ticket’s urgency, current state, the timezone where the client is located, or something else.

Determine the Source of Your Responses

Drag allows you to reply to emails using your user@ email address or a shared email address, such as support@.

Additionally, you can choose a “Reply Default” for your emails. If you use support@ as your default reply email address, all answers will originate from support@ regardless of whether you have signed in to your account.

✅Drag is the best option for a Google ticketing system.

Combine Email Cards to Minimize Clutter

Drag allows you to arrange and classify emails that include similar requests. You may then merge those email cards for simpler organizing. With this function, you can search and answer in the quickest time possible for your team members.

Integrates with Calendar

Using Drag, you can plan milestones and create reminders by integrating your Google Calendar. With this concept, users will receive notifications of upcoming deadlines. Furthermore, the likelihood of late response is relatively minimal.

Features Kanban Boards

Drag’s goal is to make working with Kanban boards in Gmail error-free and straightforward. This feature makes it easier for team members to examine emails at different stages. This allows them to identify which concerns they have addressed and remain unresolved easily.

It is Mobile-Friendly

As one of Drag’s most notable features, its mobile app provides a convenient way for you to keep track of your boards. You don’t have to be at your desk at work to receive incoming emails and keep tabs on how they’re progressing. With a smartphone and an internet connection, you may work on queries from home, road, or anywhere else.

Final Thoughts

Inevitably, a well-thought-out collaborative mailbox feature will increase team output and please customers alike. Just sign up with Drag if you wish to benefit from the incredible tools! Check out how Drag helps Boosted Ecommerce improve its customer service. If you join Drag, you’ll be part of the next success story, guaranteed!

Google Ticketing System: How to set it up - Drag (4)

The best ticketing system for Google.

  • 2.5x faster email responses.
  • 20 hours less spent per month, per team member.
  • 40% more deadlines achieved and happier teams.

Try for Free


Table of contents

Turn Gmail into your Team’s Workspace

Google Ticketing System: How to set it up - Drag (5)

Try Drag for Free

Google Ticketing System: How to set it up - Drag (2024)


Google Ticketing System: How to set it up - Drag? ›

In a nutshell, a Gmail ticketing system is a customer support tool that integrates with Gmail, allowing businesses to manage, track, and respond to customer inquiries directly from their email.

How do I create a Google ticket? ›

Create a support case
  1. Sign in to the Google Cloud console Support page as a support user. Go to Support.
  2. Select the project for which you'd like to create a support case.
  3. In the navigation menu, click Cases.
  4. Click add_box Get help.
  5. Complete the required fields and submit the form.

Does Gmail have a ticketing system? ›

In a nutshell, a Gmail ticketing system is a customer support tool that integrates with Gmail, allowing businesses to manage, track, and respond to customer inquiries directly from their email.

How do I submit a Google support ticket? ›

Go to the Google Cloud Support Center. Click New Case for the product you want to file a support ticket for. Provide required information and click Submit to create a support ticket.

How do I create a workflow in Google Forms? ›

In the Google Cloud console, go to the Workflows page. Click add Create. Enter a name for the workflow, such as myFirstWorkflow . The name can contain letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens.

How do I create a customer service ticketing system? ›

How Do You Create a Support Ticket System? (Using SurveySparrow as an Example)
  1. Step 1: Receiving Customer Requests. ...
  2. Step 2: Creating a Support Ticket. ...
  3. Step 3: Tracking & Analyzing the Tickets. ...
  4. Step 4: Close the Feedback Loop. ...
  5. Step 5: Set Email Notifications.
Jun 12, 2023

How do I create a helpdesk system? ›

How to set up a help desk?
  1. Step 1: Plan your help desk workflow.
  2. Step 2: Add customer service channels.
  3. Step 3: Bring your support team in.
  4. Step 4: Define SLA policies.
  5. Step 5: Create automated ticket workflows.
  6. Step 6: Configure agent productivity features.
  7. Step 7: Set up and customize your self-service portal.
Oct 13, 2022

Where do Google tickets go? ›

The boarding pass is saved to the Google Wallet app.

Can you sell tickets on Google? ›

Businesses that sell event tickets are allowed to advertise through Google Ads, after obtaining confirmation of eligibility from Google using this form. To obtain confirmation of eligibility, businesses may need to meet specific destination ad requirements.

How do I raise a ticket in Google workspace? ›

File a support case
  1. Open the Cloud Support Care Portal.
  2. Click Create support case.
  3. For Product type, select your product (for example, Google Workspace) and enter a title to describe the issue.
  4. If you're an Assured Controls customer, select a Regulatory Regime.
  5. For Category, enter keywords and select an option.

How do I raise a ticket in Gmail? ›

In Gmail, click the "Support" icon, then "Send feedback to Google" to report issues.

How does an email ticketing system work? ›

An email ticketing system is a tool that helps a team or organization manage its incoming email requests. The tool turns each email received into a “ticket” that the team can use to track the request through to resolution.

Can I send tickets from Google pay? ›

Google Wallet now allows users to easily share boarding passes and event tickets with others, regardless of whether they have Wallet installed or not. The sharing feature creates a special link for the pass, which can be sent through messaging apps or email. Recipients can view and save the pass using the link.

Does Google have a customer portal? ›

The Google Cloud Support Portal is available to Google Workspace customers and Google Cloud partners. Note: Google Cloud Silver, Gold, and Platinum support customers will continue to use Google Cloud Support Center at this time.

How do I email Google support? ›

If you are unable to find guidance about your concern on these resources, you may reach out through the Grievance Redressal Mechanism by sending an email to

Can I use Google Forms as an intake form? ›

There are multiple routes you can take to create a new client intake form. A few simple methods include using PDF and sharing through email or using Google Forms.

Can you create a Jira ticket from a Google Form? ›

Unfortunately, Jira does not have a built-in feature to create a Jira issue directly from a Google Form. However, there are third-party add-ons available that can enable this functionality.

How do I create an attendance form in Google Forms? ›

How to Create a Google Forms for Attendance
  1. Step 1: Create New Form. First, make sure that. ...
  2. Step 2: Setup Form. ...
  3. Step 3: Customize Form Fields. ...
  4. Step 4: Monitor Form Responses. ...
  5. Step 5: Share Form. ...
  6. Step 6: Check Sheet Responses. ...
  7. Step 7: Preview Results.
Jan 19, 2024

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