Conversion to SAP S/4HANA- Consistency checks in Finance (2025)

This post was originally published in August 2018 and updated with information about newly introduced ‘Reconciliation prior to Conversion to S/4HANA´ checks in General Ledger and Asset Accounting in November 2020.

Inthis blog series, we are looking at some of the challengesand risks that most commonly affect SAP S/4HANA conversion projects and how to mitigate them with the right selection of tools and approaches. In the previous blog Conversion to SAP S/4HANA On-Premise – what are the key problem areas (and what to do about them)?I tried to outline areas wherecustomers usually experience difficulties when converting from SAP ERP to SAP S/4HANA.

As explained earlier, one ofthe mostcritical phases of any conversion to SAP S/4HANA is thefinancial data migration. For more information, please check out the blog Conversion to SAP S/4HANA- Insights into Finance Data Migration.

We already talked about how important for successful financial data migration is to have clean and consistent transactional data, how a company can end up with data inconsistencies, and what impact it can have on the conversion project plan. Let’s remind ourselves, that no matter how well you manage the integrity of your data, chances are that you are going to have some errors in it. Therefore, in this and the next blog post, I will focus on tools that help us to detect inconsistent financial data. We are going to talk about various programs available in the system for checking financial data before, during, and after conversion to SAP S/4HANA.

In general,we can classify these check programs into several categories. We have consistency checks which are to be performed in the source SAP ERP system before the technical installation of SAP S/4HANA and we have check programs running in the target SAP S/4HANA system. We recognize a configuration, master data, and transactional data consistency check. According to a component, we have consistency checks in different finance-related application areas: in General Ledger, Asset Accounting, Materials Management, etc.

In this blog, we will go through consistency checks based on the phase in which they are to be performed. In the first part of this blog, I will explain the checks which you should run in the Preparation phase, in the source SAP ERP system. In the second part of the blog, we will explore the consistency checks available in the Realization phase, just before or during financial data migration. So first, let’s take a look at the Preparation phase.

Conversion to SAP S/4HANA- Consistency checks in Finance (1)

Consistency checks are an important part of preparatory activities that are to be performed in the source SAP ERP system before the installation of SAP S/4HANA. Here we have 2 types of checks.

Configuration and master data consistency checksare newly developed programs specifically for conversion to SAP S/4HANA. They check whetherfunctionaland configuration prerequisites for conversion are met.

Transactional Data Consistency Checks include programs for reconciling General Ledger totals with Sub-ledgers totals (, GL<>FI-AA, GL<>MM, GL<>ML, GL<> EC-PCA, etc.) and a couple of programs for checking data consistency of selected tables (i.e. document tables <>indices, etc.).

All these programs have been around for a long time. The majority of them are recommended to be executed on a regular basis as a part of a closing process in Finance. There are high chances that you know them and already ran them in the past.

Update! Since August 2019, we have a new program Reconciliation prior to S/4HANA Conversion available or checking the consistency of General Ledger data in SAP ERP. Since November 2020, there is a similar program for asset accounting – Reconciliation prior to S/4HANA (AA)

These programs enable you to perform some of the critical S/4HANA migration-specific checks already in the SAP ERP system. In the past, these checks were accessible only after the technical installation of the SAP S/4HANA system done by the Software Update Manager tool (SUM).

Configuration consistency checks

NameTcodeProgramDescriptionSAP Notes
Simplification Item (SI) Check/SDF/RC_START_CHECKChecks GL configuration (GL part of the SI)2245333
Check of prerequisites for FI-AA MigrationFAA_FINS1_PRECHECKRASFIN_MIGR_PRECHECKChecks FI-AA configuration2333236

Simplification Item(SI) Check is a tool available as of release 1709. It contains not only the configuration but also master data and few transactional data consistency checks. It comprises checks in various functional areas. In Finance, SI check replaces the former pre-conversion check of general ledger customizing (program FINS_MIG_PRECHECK_CUST_SETTNGS). The Finance pre-checks, contained in the SI check, examine the consistency of your ledger, company code, and controlling area settings to determine whether a financial data migration is possible.The list of checks, possible root causes for errors, and their solutions are described in detail in the SAP note 2245333Pre-Transition Checks for FIN: Error Messages and Possible Solutions.

For further details on how to implement and run SI check, please refer to the blog of Markus GoebelSAP S/4HANA Simplification Item Check – How to do it rightwhich is being continuously updated with the latest information.

Check of prerequisites for FI-AA Migration – Checks for functions and configuration not permitted. The program has been integrated into SI Check starting from release 1809.

Transactional data consistency checks

Reconciliation prior to Conversion to S/4HANA in General Ledger

NameTcodeProgramDescriptionSAP Notes
Reconciliation prior to Conversion to S/4HANA in GL



Perform S/4HANA specific migration checks2755360
FIN_CORR_DISPLAY FIN_CORR_DISPLAY_ISSUEDisplay the result of S/4HANA specific migration checks

The newly introduced reconciliation checks for General Ledger have been released in the SAP Note 2755360. They correspond to checks which are performed in the S/4HANA system before the financial data migration part of S/4HANA conversion.

You can run the transaction FIN_CORR_RECONCILE to start the checks. Once the reconciliation is complete, the results are written to the FIN_CORR_ISSUE table. You can use the FIN_CORR_DISPLAY transaction to display the results of the reconciliation run.

Reconciliation prior to Conversion to S/4HANA in Asset Accounting

NameTcodeProgramDescriptionSAP Notes
Reconciliation prior to Conversion to S/4HANA in AA



Perform S/4HANA specific migration checks2896400
FIN_AA_CORR_DISPLAYFIN_AA_CORR_DISPLAY_ISSUEDisplay the result of S/4HANA specific migration checks

The newly introduced reconciliation checks for Asset Accounting have been released in the SAP Note 2896400 – Reconciliation of Asset Accounting Inconsistencies in ECC prior to S/4HANA Conversion

The program enables you to perform some of the critical Asset Accounting migration-specific checks already in the SAP ERP system.

You can run the transaction FIN_AA_CORR_RECON to start the checks in your ECC system. Once the reconciliation is complete, the results are written to the FIN_AA_CORR_ISS table. You can use the FIN_AA_CORR_DISPLAY transaction to display the results of the reconciliation run.

Reconciliation of AR/AP sub-ledgers with General Ledger

NameTcodeProgramDescriptionSAP Notes
Comparison: Documents / Transaction FiguresFAGLF03TFC_COMPARE_VZCompare document tables with totals (NEW GL)946596
FI Comparative AnalysisF.03SAPF190Compare document tables with totals (CLASSIC GL)86067
FI Consistency checkRFINDEXCheck the consistency of index and document tables

Comparative analysis reports–there are2 comparative analysis programs, SAPF190 for a system with classic General Ledger and TFC_COMPARE_VZ for a system with new General Ledger implemented. They are used to compare values from document line item tables with transaction totals tables and with the secondary application index tables

TFC_COMPARE_VZ makes a comparison between the following tables:

  1. Document lines (BSEG/BSEG_ADD)with secondary indices(BSIS/BSAS/BSID/BSAD/BSIK/BSAK)
  2. Document lines (BSEG) with AR/AP sub-ledger totals(KNC1/3 LFC1/3)
  3. Document lines (BSEG/BSEG_ADD) with new GL line items (FAGLFLEXA)
  4. New GL line items (FAGLFLEXA) withnew GL totals (FAGLFLEXT)

If the program findsany discrepancies or inconsistencies, it will highlight themstore them in a log.

In case of inconsistencies between the FAGLFLEXA and the FAGLFLEXT tables, you may use the report TFC_ADJUST_VZ to correct them. However, If there errors from the single document comparison i.e. between the Entry view (BKPF & BSEG) and the NewGL view (in FAGLFLEXA), the correction report will not run.

You may also refer to the following wiki articles:

FI Consistency check (programRFINDEX )consists of ten functionalities that can be activated by flags in the selection screen.

  1. Reconciliation of the document tables (BKPF) against the index tables (BSIS/BSAS/BSID/BSAD/BSIKBSAK )
  2. Reconciliation of the index tables (BSIS/BSAS/BSID/BSAD/BSIKBSAK) against document tables (BKPF)
  3. Search for missing document headers (BKPF)
  4. Reconciliation of document headers (BKPF) against line items (BSEG)
  5. Check clearing transactions
  6. Reconciliation of documents against transaction figures
  7. Reconciliation of indices against transaction figures
  8. Open item as at the key date
  9. Find double entries in the index table
  10. Check accounts/FS.

The disadvantage of the RFINDEX is that very often it lists inconsistencies which do not have any impact on conversion. It means that not all errors reported need to be also corrected.If RFINDEX detects inconsistencies, please contact SAP support which is able to run the program in update mode to correct data.Please note that runtime of FI Consistency Check and FI Comparative Analysis can be significant,

Reconciliation of Asset Accounting (AA)with General Ledger

Consistency Check of General Ledger and Asset AccountingABST

RAABST01 (classic AA)


Reconciles asset line items with asset summary records. Compares G/L account line items with asset values.46511
Reconcil. program FI-AA <-> G/L: List of accounts showing differencesABST2RAABST02Compares assetGL account balances with asset values499536

There are two dedicated data consistency check programs for Asset Accounting (transaction codes ABST and ABST2). In addition, you may find standard asset reports such as Asset History Sheet (reportRAGITT01) or Asset Balances (RABEST01) helpful when evaluating the consistency of asset accounting data.

First, you execute ABST2 which identifies all G/L accounts where is there is a discrepancy between GL account balance and Asset values:

Reconciliation FI-AA and G/L (transaction ABST2)selects the asset summary records (ANLC), summarizes the values on G/L account and business area levels, and writes the summarized values to table EWUFIAASUM. Then this table is read, and the values are reconciled with the G/L accounts. The output of the program is a list of GL accounts per company code with differences in amounts between AA and GL.

In the next step, individually for each of the affected GL accounts, you run:

Consistency Check of General Ledger and Asset Accounting (Transaction ABST) is used for the reconciliation of AA values with G/L account postings on individual G/L account level. In the first step, the asset line items (ANEP, ANEA) for each fixed asset are summed up and compared with the asset summary records (ANLC). In the second step, asset line items (ANEP) of a fixed asset are summarized per each document number and compared with the G/L account line items (BSEG and FAGLFLEXA in case of new GL) posted to this fixed asset. You can run the consistency check only for asset balance sheet account with line item management active and in the depreciation area which posts online.

Most common reasons for differences and how to solve them:

Please refer to the following SAP Notes

  • SAP Note 2032547 – Reconciliation FI and FI-AA. ABST2 Differences
  • SAP Note 543151 – FAQ Note Reconciliation of FI <-> FI-AA
  • SAP Note 104567 – Collective note Euro FI-AA: Analysis phase

Reconciliation ofMaterials Management (MM) with General Ledger

MM/FI balance comparisonRM07MMFICompares stockGL account balance with stock values in MM198596
List of Stock Values: BalancesMB5LRM07MBST Compares stockGL account balance with stock values in MM
Balance Reconciliation BetweenGLand MMFAGL_MM_RECONFAGL_MM_RECONCompares stockGL account balance with stock values in ML

We have 3 programs available to reconcile MM with General Ledger. The core functionality is the same for all 3 of them, they compare the balance of stock GL account balance with the total of stock values as recorded in Materials Management/Material Ledger. They display the total value of the stock together with the stock G/L account balance and any deviations between them. Theprogram RM07MBST is the oldest and is able toread stock values on an individual material level from MM tables. Theprogram RM07MMFIwas developed as a faster alternativeto RM07MBST as it reads values from MM tables on the valuation area level. The program FAGL_MM_RECONis primarilydesignedto read stock values fromMaterial Ledger. If material ledger is not active,it reads values from MM tables.

Please refer to the following SAP Notes for the most common causes of differences and possible solutions:

  • SAP Note 968812 – MM/FI Difference for material stocks
  • SAP Note 520010 – FAQ: Inconsistencies in inventory management

Reconciliation of Special Ledger(SL)with General Ledger

Ledger comparisonGCACRGUCOMP4Compares total records of any two ledgers764523

Ledger comparison (transaction GCAC)compares the totals records of any two ledgers. You can use this program to compare standard general ledger totals with any standard or customer-defined special ledger totals table. You can use in systemnew GL activatedwith leading ledger 0L (table FAGLFLEXT) or classic GL with ledger 0 (table GLT0). Because it is a generic transaction it workswith all applications which arebased on the special ledger concept including classic Profit Center Accounting ledger 8A (table GPCT) and EC-CS consolidationstaging ledger 09 (table GLT3) or consolidation ledger 1C (table ECMCT).

If the program finds any differences, youmay alsorefer to SAP Note 729433 – Differences between SL and GL for possible causes and solutions.

Reconciliation of Profit Center Accounting with General Ledger

Compare G/L Accounts in FI with Profit Center AccountingKE5T/KE5URCOPCA44Compares Profit Center Accounting totals with GL totals (CLASSIC GL)81374
Ledger comparisonGCACRGUCOMP4Compares total records of any two ledgers (NEW GL)764523

If you use classic Profit Center Accounting (EC-PCA), you need to reconcile Profit Center Accounting ledger (8A) with General Ledger. For this, you can execute either transaction KE5T (for classic GL only) or transaction GCAC (for both, classic GL and New GL).

Compare G/L Accounts in FI with Profit Center Accounting (transaction KE5T or KE5U)

The program compares Profit Center Accounting totals (table GLPCT) with classic GL totals (table GLPT0). If the program finds any differences, please refer to SAP Note 81374for possible causes and solutions. Youmayexecute the program with the option to clear differences automatically).If youreconcile the differences automatically, the clearing records are posted in tables GLPCT (summary record table) and GLPCA (actual line items). The clearing postings are posted with origin object type 98. You can analyze these line items in line item reporting by specifying this origin object type.

Ledger comparison (transaction GCAC)

If New General Ledger Accounting is active in your system, you have touse the generic transaction GCAC for comparing ledgers. Here,you can enter any base ledger and any comparison ledger. For Profit Center Accounting you enter ledger 8A (table GLPT0)and for new general ledger 0L (table FAGLFLEXT).

As you can see, there is a number of consistency checks to be run in the source SAP ERP system. In the next blog, we will discuss how to handle errors during the finance data migration phase of S/4HANA Conversion. Please refer to the blog Conversion to SAP S/4HANA – How to handle errors during finance data migration.

What is your experience with inconsistent data? What would you improve in SAP consistency checks? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Brought to you by the SAP S/4HANA RIG

Conversion to SAP S/4HANA- Consistency checks in Finance (2025)


Which of the following is a prerequisite for conversion to SAP's 4HANA? ›

You are going for S4HANA conversion if your start release is ECC6. 0. Then you are not only upgrading your system, but actually a large part of your data (financial data, stock data, customer data, vendor data, etc) is converted from the ECC 6.0 to the S4HANA data model.

What do you need to know about the SAP's 4HANA conversion guide? ›

SAP S/4HANA System Conversion Guide
  1. Plan and prepare for the migration from SAP ERP to SAP S/4HANA.
  2. Walk through the complete technical conversion process and adapt custom code and business functions for SAP S/4HANA.
  3. Learn about essential functional conversion steps for finance, logistics, and more.

Which steps can sum perform during an SAP's 4HANA conversion? ›

The conversion to SAP S/4HANA is carried out by the Software Update Manager (SUM).
The tool is used for the following activities:
  • Release upgrades.
  • Installing enhancement packages and add-ons.
  • Applying support packages.
  • Upgrading single components.
  • Performing the system conversion to SAP S/4HANA.
29 Dec 2020

Which of the requirements must be met before converting of SAP is ECC to SAP HANA? ›

In order to make one jump to S/4HANA your source system needs to be at least on ECC 6.0, since the lower SAP R/3 4.7 and SAP ECC 5.0 releases do not include the Customer-Vendor-integration (CVI) that is required for SAP S/4HANA. It doesn't matter what ECC 6.0 Enhancement Package version you are on.

What are the four conversion processes? ›

Direct Conversion 2. Parallel conversion 3. Modular Conversion 4. Phase-In Conversion.

Are SAP calculations required for conversions? ›

SAP calculations for conversions

A SAP calculation must be completed for all residential conversions; this is to ensure they comply with all relevant regulations. For example, a commercial building with an EPC certification will still need a SAP calculation if it is being turned into a domestic property/properties.

What are 3 key elements of the SAP Activate implementation framework? ›

The three pillars of the SAP Activate Framework are SAP Best Practices, Guided Configurations, and the SAP Activate Methodology.

What is SAP s4 Hana conversion? ›

A technical conversion is a combination of a release upgrade from SAP ERP to SAP S/4HANA and a database migration from the current database system to SAP HANA. This is a large and complex process that runs for several days. Proper planning is essential for several reasons.

What is the difference between the system conversion and the new implementation of SAP'S4 HANA transition path? ›

There are two standard options for SAP S/4HANA migration: “New Implementation”, which is as the name implies starting afresh, or upgrading SAP ECC 6.0 using “System Conversion”, which allows the migration without re-implementation and without major change or disruption to existing business processes.

Which steps can sum perform during an SAP'S4 HANA conversion note there are 2 correct answers to this question? ›

There are 2 correct answers to this question. Run the database migration to the SAP HANA database Perform the migration of data into the new data structure Check the compatibility of custom code with SAP S/4HANA Apply the recommendations of the simplification list.

What is the difference between conversion and migration in SAP? ›

End of the note.
Technical Basics of Migration and Conversion.
Based on two systems: Sender and receiver systemTakes place in one client of a system only: Execution system
Sender system is read and remains unchangedChanges are made directly to the database: New values replace old ones
1 more row

What are the tools are used during S 4HANA conversion? ›

Software Update Manager (SUM) is the technical tool used for the system conversion to SAP S/4HANA. Within the SUM-process the following steps are done in a one-step procedure (for dedicated start releases):

Which tools are available for planning an SAP's 4HANA system conversion? ›

Tools to Support SAP S/4HANA Conversion Project
  • SAP Transformation Navigator. ...
  • SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA. ...
  • Maintenance Planner. ...
  • SAP Roadmap Viewer. ...
  • Simplification Item Catalog. ...
  • SUM 2.0 Prerequisite Check. ...
  • ABAP Test Cockpit.
16 Jul 2020

What are the three main components of the data model structure in SAP's 4HANA? ›

The key architectural components of SAP S/4HANA embedded analytics [4] include the SAP HANA database, virtual data model, analytical engine (embedded SAP BW), OData service, and interfaces as illustrated in Figure 1.

What are the 7 stages of a SAP implementation project? ›

There are seven key stages in this SAP implementation process.
  • Project Preparation/Planning.
  • Business Blueprint.
  • Realization/Implementation.
  • Integration Tests.
  • Final Preparation.
  • Go-live.
  • Production/ GO Live Support.
14 Apr 2021

What do you need to do to configure a new exchange rate type in SAP's 4HANA choose 2? ›

What do you need to do to configure a new exchange rate type in SAP S/4HANA? There are 2 correct answers to this question.
  1. Specify a purpose for the exchange rate type.
  2. Specify the direct or indirect quotation.
  3. Set up the relationship between currencies using translation ratios.
  4. Maintain exchange rates daily.

Is document splitting mandatory in S4 Hana? ›

Typically customers encounter scenarios where the source system is SAP ECC without document splitting while Target SAP S/4HANA has mandatory document splitting.

What are the 3 C's of conversion? ›

There are three C's to this, and they are simple to remember: Capture. Convert. Close.

What are the 5 step of conversion? ›

What Is Conversion Rate Optimization Process: Five-Step Guide
  • Step 1: Research & Data gathering.
  • Step 2: Hypothesis.
  • Step 3: Prioritization.
  • Step 4: Implementation and Testing.
  • Step 5: Learning and Reviewing.
  • Conclusion.

What is a conversion checklist? ›

Conversion checklist ensures you avoid common mistakes that will cost you time and money. This list is comprised of over 100 items that will help you get your website in tip top shape, increase conversions, sales, and revenue.

How long do SAP calculations take? ›

This entirely depends on the timeline of your construction project. Generally, UKBC aims to complete all reports within 5–10 working days after request.

How is EPC rating calculated? ›

How are the energy efficiency bands calculated?
  1. EPC rating A = 92-100 SAP points.
  2. EPC rating B = 81-91 SAP points.
  3. EPC rating C = 69-80 SAP points.
  4. EPC rating D = 55-68 SAP points.
  5. EPC rating E = 39-54 SAP points.
  6. EPC rating F = 21-38 SAP points.
  7. EPC rating G = 1-20 SAP points.

How do you monitor conversions? ›

To determine a conversion rate, divide the number of goals achieved in a given time frame by the total number of visitors to your website, then multiply that number by 100. So if your landing page had 16,982 visitors and of those, 3,604 took a desired action, then your conversion rate is 21.22%.

What are the 3 main benefits of SAP implementation through activate? ›

Using three key components—ready-to-run business processes, guided methodology, and tools for adoption and extensibility—SAP Activate aims to simplify implementation processes and help users build strong landscapes.

What is the first phase of Transform for SAP called? ›

Prepare phase

Once the Discover phase is complete, SAP customers can move into the Prepare phase. This phase of the SAP Activate methodology will provide the initial project planning and preparation which ensures that key activities are accounted for in the project timeline.

What is the difference between ECC and S4 Hana finance? ›

SAP ECC can run on third-party databases such as Oracle, IBM DB2, etc. However, SAP S/4HANA can run only on the SAP HANA Database. SAP S/4HANA is designed with SAP HANA and its in-memory computing capabilities in mind and provides multiple benefits. HANA enables in-memory computing.

Which methodology is used in S4 Hana? ›

Run Phase:

SAP Activate has matured to be a great methodology to be used for SAP S/4HANA implementation and conversion projects.

How do I migrate from ECC to S 4HANA? ›

Move to SAP S/4HANA in four easy steps
  1. Align on vision and strategy.
  2. Build the business case.
  3. Plan the path forward.
  4. Deliver business value.

What are key reasons for preferring a new implementation of SAP's 4HANA rather than a system conversion from SAP ERP? ›

With some of the new functionalities, the old constraints become irrelevant thereby providing greater scope for a more pragmatic Enterprise Structure definition. This then becomes a major reason to start afresh when moving to S/4HANA rather than just convert the existing system.

What is the best target deployment option of SAP's 4 Hana for the system conversion transition path? ›

One of the most common approaches used for S/4 HANA conversion and migration scenarios is using SAP SUM DMO with System Move: Figure 1: Classical S/4 HANA conversion using SUM DMO with the “System Move” option.

What is the difference between interface and conversion in SAP? ›

In short, conversions are written to load data into SAP onetime. These are typically file based. Interfaces are written to exchange/update/send/receive data between SAP and other systems on an ongoing basis.

Which preparation steps must be performed for an SAP's 4HANA conversion? ›

  • Readiness check and pathfinder. A good first step is to run the S4HANA Readiness Check 2.0. ...
  • Sizing. You need to switch your system from your current database to a HANA database. ...
  • Data archiving. ...
  • Remove unused clients. ...
  • Add-ons. ...
  • Custom code adjustments. ...
  • Custom code performance. ...
  • Data transition validation tool.
5 Nov 2021

What are the preparation steps for an SAP's 4HANA conversion? ›

Prepare the source sandbox system to be converted, mainly adjusting the relevant items coming from the SI_Checks on the system. Execute the conversion and migration to SAP S/4HANA with the standard SAP tools provided (DMO of SUM). Adjustment of the objects and custom code to SAP HANA and SAP S/4HANA.

What are four types of conversion methods? ›

Conversion Methods
  • Parallel Conversion.
  • Direct Cutover Conversion.
  • Pilot Approach.
  • Phase-In Method.

How many types of conversion process are there? ›

In computer science, type conversion or typecasting refers to changing an entity of one datatype into another. There are two types of conversion: implicit and explicit. The term for implicit type conversion is coercion.

Is a SAP calculation required for a conversion? ›

If you are converting a building or changing it's use, you will need to produce SAP Calculations to demonstrate the energy performance of the new dwellings.

Which of the requirements must be met before converting of SAP ECC to SAP's 4HANA? ›

The Add-Ons existing on a customer's SAP ECC system that shall be part of the target SAP S/4HANA release must be supported in order to permit the system conversion/upgrade process to go through. The Maintenance Planner is a solution hosted by SAP that helps you plan and maintain systems in your landscape.

Which is the new application used for financial consolidation in SAP'S4HANA? ›

Real-Time Consolidation in SAP S/4HANA

In summary, RTC was intended to be the next-generation consolidation tool that offered integration between SAP S/4HANA and SAP BPC by allowing direct access to the Universal Journal and leveraging the consolidation capabilities offered by SAP BPC.

What is the difference between the system conversion and the new implementation of SAP'S4HANA transition path? ›

There are two standard options for SAP S/4HANA migration: “New Implementation”, which is as the name implies starting afresh, or upgrading SAP ECC 6.0 using “System Conversion”, which allows the migration without re-implementation and without major change or disruption to existing business processes.

What are the 3 types of data in SAP? ›

Data types can be divided into elementary, reference, and complex types.

Which 3 of the following are parts of Hana sizing? ›


The main important sizing component is the Memory, and the second important sizing component is CPU. The third main component is a disk, but sizing is completely dependent on Memory and CPU.

What are some of the things you can do to prepare for an SAP's 4HANA project? ›

Hardware and Infrastructure
  1. Understand your hardware requirements and infrastructure needs.
  2. Consider whether or not an SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud solution makes sense for your business;
  3. Make sure you have a plan for post-implementation support costs;
19 May 2022

What are the system requirements for SAP HANA? ›

Check if your system has the required hardware to successfully install and run SAP HANA 2.0, express edition.
Machine Requirements.
HDD120 GB HDD recommended
Cores2 cores (4 recommended)
1 more row
18 Sept 2016

Which prerequisites must be fulfilled before adding hosts to an SAP HANA scale out system? ›

  • Prerequisites. ...
  • Creating a network. ...
  • Setting up a NAT gateway. ...
  • Adding firewall rules. ...
  • Creating an SAP HANA scale-out system with standby hosts. ...
  • Installing the monitoring agent for SAP NetWeaver. ...
  • Enable SAP HANA Fast Restart.

How many days it will take to learn SAP HANA? ›

How Long Does It Take to Learn SAP HANA? If you know your way around databases and are experienced with the logic of programming, learning will maybe take about a month. On the other hand, if you are starting out totally from scratch, then it could take three to six months.

What is the easiest module to learn in SAP? ›

Top SAP Modules for Freshers
  1. SAP Material Management (MM) SAP's Material Management module concerns the movements of the materials. ...
  2. SAP Human Resource (HR) SAP's Human Resource module concerns data management and work process within the human resource department. ...
  3. SAP Financial Accounting (FI) ...
  4. SAP Controlling (CO)
12 Jul 2022

Which is the new application used for financial consolidation in SAP's 4HANA? ›

Real-Time Consolidation in SAP S/4HANA

In summary, RTC was intended to be the next-generation consolidation tool that offered integration between SAP S/4HANA and SAP BPC by allowing direct access to the Universal Journal and leveraging the consolidation capabilities offered by SAP BPC.

What challenges did you face while working on SAP s4 Hana? ›

The common challenges faced during the implementation of SAP HANA platform are: Data migration: During migrating data from the legacy systems to any new platform, it is business-critical to make sure that no data is lost during the migration, and the migrated data is consistent with the source data.

Which of the tools are used during S 4HANA conversion? ›

Software Update Manager (SUM) is the technical tool used for the system conversion to SAP S/4HANA. Within the SUM-process the following steps are done in a one-step procedure (for dedicated start releases):

What are the 5 general categories of system requirements? ›

System requirements fall into five general categories: outputs, inputs, processes, performance, and controls.

What are the three types of requirements for a system? ›

The main types of requirements are: Functional Requirements. Performance Requirements. System Technical Requirements.

What is a system requirements checklist? ›

The Requirement Checklist is a convenient element that acts as a tally to indicate whether a Requirement complies with a set of predefined measures such as whether the Requirement is Atomic, Cohesive, Traceable and Verifiable.

Which consistency checks are available in SAP HANA environment? ›

The table consistency check is a procedure available in the SAP HANA database that performs a range of consistency check actions on database tables. It can be run from the command line or scheduled within the statistics service.

What is the maximum count of records for Hana table? ›

There is a limit per table/partition of 2 billion rows by the design of HANA. Determines the number of records in the partitions of column-store tables. A table partition cannot contain more than 2,147,483,648 (2 billion) rows.”

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Views: 6349

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.