Why School Is Hard for Autistic Kids (2024)

School is rarely a good environment for autistic children. And that can be a serious problem both during the school year and after.

Autistic kids spend a lot of time in school learning how to cope with an environment that is often out of sync with their abilities and challenges. Even after they've built the skills they need to cope at school, autistic kids will graduate and head into a completely new environment where they’ll need a different set of skills.

This article discusses why school can be challenging for autistic kids and what caregivers can do to support autistic children who are having a hard time in school.

Why School Is Hard for Autistic Kids (1)

Sensory Sensitivity

Autistic kids havesensory differences in any environment, but these challenges can be even more pronounced at school. Everyday school life includes hall bells and buzzers, fluorescent lights, loud voices, food smells from the cafeteria, and echoes in the gym or auditorium.

The sensory stimuli can be overwhelming for autistic kids and trigger extremeanxiety,increased self-stimulatory behaviors (stimming), and internalized physical symptoms like headaches.

Autistic people have to regulate their bodies more actively than neurotypical people do. Some autistic people describe having a lower threshold (or a smaller "bucket") for sensory stimuli and irritation. Self-regulation is harder for autistic kids, especially when the ways that they cope (like stimming) may be stigmatized in schools.

Reading and Verbal Comprehension

Standardized testing in schools requires children to comprehend and respond to spoken and written language at a speed and level that’s expected for their age.The testing starts when they're very young, and a child's verbal acuity and comprehension are expected to increase as they get older.

Autistic kids can be at a disadvantage when they have to do standardized testing because verbal expression and comprehension are major challenges for them—particularly using and understanding figurative or expressive language.

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Executive Functioning

Executive functioningis the ability to plan and carry out multi-step projects while taking project parameters, timelines, and other factors into account at the same time. At school, executive function helps kids with tasks like managing homework, doing school projects, studying for tests, and planning for events.

Autistic people are typically less comfortable switching between activities, tasks, and topics. Executive function can be a major challenge for autistic kids in all areas of life, including at school.

Fine and Gross Motor Skills

Fine motor skills are necessary for writing, drawing, cutting, pasting, and manipulating small objects such as microscope slides and tweezers. Gross motor skills are used for bigger movements, like jumping, kicking, throwing, running, and skipping.

Autistic children commonly have mild to moderate difficulty with these skills. This includes motor planning in which a child anticipates doing an action (such as kicking a ball) and positions the body to do that movement.

Since these skills are central to meeting the academic and social demands of school, any limitations affect an autistic child’s ability to do well in class and function socially with their peers.

Social Communication

Autistic people usually have big differences in social communication. Even if these differences are not severe and an autistic child is considered "high-functioning," navigating the idiosyncrasies of socializing can still be hard for them.

In school, social interactions are everywhere and constantly changing. What's appropriate in the classroom could be inappropriate in the halls, gym, or playground. An autistic child may not pick up on social cues that tell them to change their behavior to fit a situation.

Since they also have different communication skills, it can be difficult for autistic children to tell playful teasing from bullying or understand the difference between sarcasm and fact.

Because of the ever-evolving nature of social interactions (which change with every school year), an autistic child may be socially isolated or be seen as introverted if they don't participate.

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Changing Rules and Expectations

As students go back to school each fall, they find that some aspects of their day are the same as they were last year, while other things have changed.

For example, an autistic child may have gotten used to their old teacher’s classroom, where it was OK to talk without raising your hand. However, a new teacher may have a rule that students must raise their hands and be called on before speaking. The change can be hard for any student to adjust to, but autistic kids can find it even more difficult to adapt.

Changes also happen with peers—what was "cool" last year is decidedly “uncool” the next. Autistic kids can be ridiculed, bullied, or ignored by others who don't understand their needs and differences.

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Changes in Routines

Autistic people typically thrive when they have routine and structure. While school life is based on specific routines and goals, there are times when things will be different.

Special events, substitute teachers, snow days, outings, standardized testing days, and school holidays all shake up the usual school routine and can be very difficult for autistic children to cope with, even if they know the changes are coming.

Therapy sessions and social skills groups are meant to help children learn how to cope. However, these interventions can also be disruptive when they take kids out of class—often in the middle of a lesson. Even if they are learning helpful skills in these sessions, leaving class to attend them can also contribute to an autistic child’s feeling of “otherness” from their peers.

Acceptance of Autistic Behaviors

Teachers have different backgrounds, experience levels, and beliefs, so they all handle the varying needs of their students differently.

Some teachers are frustrated when an autistic child talks too much about a special interest, has trouble collaborating with their peers, or starts stimming in class.

Teachers may expect every student in the class to progress at a similar rate and may not know how to help an autistic child—or even be willing to learn.

Even if a teacher does want to help, an autistic student can still get left behind. An educator won't always have the resources and support they need to connect an autistic child with tutors and programs that could address their needs and help them be part of the classroom.


Most schools in the United States are not designed to be universally accessible. While more schools are making accommodations for kids with different needs, many still do not. Even schools that do make changes rarely have the facilities needed to address the various challenges that autistic kids face in school.

There are autism-only schools, but they also have their pros and cons and may not be the best choice for some children. If you're caring for an autistic child, a school counselor can be a valuable resource. They can help create and implement strategies for students with different needs.

Lastly and most importantly, turn to individual autistic self-advocates or organizations such as the Autistic Women and Nonbinary Network (AWN) or the Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN) to get the best perspective on educating autistic children.

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Why School Is Hard for Autistic Kids (2024)


Why School Is Hard for Autistic Kids? ›

Its Changing Rules, Expectations, And Routines Can Be Stressful. Autistic kids generally tend to do best when they have a set routine and a consistent schedule. They like predictability. Although school generally follows certain predictable patterns, any changes to what is expected can make adjustments difficult.

Why is school hard for autistic students? ›

Sensory challenges

Schools can be places of complete sensory overload. There are hall buzzers, yelling children, whistles, fluorescent lights, and much more. For autistic children who are sensitive to sensory stimulation, this can trigger extreme anxiety and other behaviors.

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Parent/Child Communication

Children on the autism spectrum can often have difficulties expressing their feelings and communicating with others. Deciphering what your child needs can be even more difficult with a child on the spectrum.

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Having an autistic child can put a lot of strain on you and your family. You might need to spend a lot of time helping your child get the support they need. This can be very stressful and exhausting. It may be hard to make time for the rest of your family and can affect your relationships with each other.

Why is it so hard to raise an autistic child? ›

The reality is that autistic children, while they may have many strengths, may have a very tough time with many neurotypical childhood expectations. Their verbal skills may be compromised, so high grades and perfect grammar may not be achievable.

Should a child with autism go to normal school? ›

In conclusion, the answer to the question, “Can a child with autism go to a normal school?” is a resounding yes. However, the journey involves understanding the specific needs of the child, providing appropriate accommodations, and ensuring a supportive and inclusive environment for learning and development.

What to do if your autistic child hates school? ›

We recommend speaking gently with your child or teenager and communicating that you're not angry but curious about why they don't want to go to school. If they believe you want to help, they are more likely to speak honestly about their feelings.

What age does autism get easier? ›

One key finding was that children's symptom severity can change with age. In fact, children can improve and get better. "We found that nearly 30% of young children have less severe autism symptoms at age 6 than they did at age 3.

Can autistic child grow up normal? ›

Can An Autistic Child Become Normal? Yes, some children with autism become more engaged with the world and show fewer disturbances in their behavior as they mature. In fact, those with the least severe problems eventually might lead normal or near-normal lives.

What do autistic children struggle with the most? ›

Repetitive Behaviors and Restricted Interests
  • Repetitive Motions and Obsessions.
  • Stimming: Repetitive, Stereotyped, and Sometimes Self-Injurious Behaviors.
  • Restricted Interests: Obsessions, "Special Topics", and Attention Deficits.
  • Insistence on Sameness.

What parenting style is best for autism? ›

A variety of research has shown that the most effective form of parenting when dealing with ASD is Authoritative parenting, and the study shows that mothers tend use more of permissive form of parenting which may have an adverse effect on the behavioural problems of children with ASD.

Who carries the autism gene mother or father? ›

On average, the data showed that siblings with autism share about 66 percent of their genetic material from their father. They only share about 30 percent from their mother. Siblings without autism share just about half of those percentages.

Can an autistic child get better? ›

A new study found that some children correctly diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) at an early age may lose symptoms as they grow older. Further research may help scientists understand this change and point the way to more effective interventions.

What should you not say to a child with autism? ›

5 things to NEVER say to someone with Autism:
  • “Don't worry, everyone's a little Autistic.” No. ...
  • “You must be like Rainman or something.” Here we go again… not everyone on the spectrum is a genius. ...
  • “Do you take medication for that?” This breaks my heart every time I hear it. ...
  • “I have social issues too. ...
  • “You seem so normal!
Dec 13, 2017

What challenges do autistic students face in school? ›

Language development and communication difficulties are common challenges in students with ASD that are often inextricably intertwined with issues related to socialization – so much of human socialization is related to verbal and non-verbal communication.

How does autism affect schooling? ›

Children on the autism spectrum may have trouble understanding or communicating their needs to teachers and fellow students. They can have difficulty understanding some classroom directions and instruction, along with subtle vocal and facial cues of teachers.

How do schools handle autistic students? ›

This is commonly referred to as mainstreaming or inclusion. In the general education setting, providing the least restrictive environment can sometimes be accomplished with accommodations, such as using a one-on-one aide who is trained to work with children with autism.

Can autism make it hard to study? ›

ASD can make it difficult for you to concentrate. This is because you are sensitive to stimuli and your fixed thought patterns take up a lot of your attention. verbal communication. This means that, for example, they might not realise when someone is trying to end a conversation.

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.