Types of database system | nibusinessinfo.co.uk (2024)

A database management system is a software package for creating and managing databases. Many different types of database systems exist based on how they manage the database structure.

Two types of database structure

Databases typically have one of two basic forms:

  • single-file or flat file database
  • multi-file relational or structured database

A flat file databasestores data in a plain text file, with each line of text typically holding one record. Delimiters such as commas or tabs separate fields. A flat file database uses a simple structure and, unlike a relational database, cannot contain multiple tables and relations.

A relational databasecontains multiple tables of data with rows and columns that relate to each other through special key fields. These databases are more flexible than flat file structures, and provide functionality for reading, creating, updating, and deleting data. Relational databases use Structured Query Language (SQL) - a standard user application that provides an easy programming interface for database interaction.

Types of relationships in a database

Four types of relationships exist in relational database design:

  • one to one - where one table record relates to another record in another table
  • one to many - where one table record relates to multiple records in another table
  • many to one - where more than one table record relates to another table record
  • many to many - where multiple records relate to more than one record in another table

These relations form functional dependencies within the database. Some common examples of relational databases include MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, etc.

Four types of database management systems

A relational database management system is one of four common types of systems you can use to manage your business data. The other three include:

  • hierarchical database systems
  • network database systems
  • object-oriented database systems

Ahierarchical database modelresembles a tree structure, similar to a folder architecture in your computer system. The relationships between records are pre-defined in a one to one manner, between 'parent and child' nodes. They require the user to pass a hierarchy in order to access needed data. Due to limitations, such databases may be confined to specific uses.

Network database models also have a hierarchical structure. However, instead of using a single-parent tree hierarchy, this model supports many to many relationships, as child tables can have more than one parent.

Finally, in object-oriented databases, the information is represented as objects, with different types of relationships possible between two or more objects. Such databases use an object-oriented programming language for development.

NoSQL or non-relational databases

A popular alternative to relational databases, NoSQL databases take a variety of forms and allow you to store and manipulate large amounts of unstructured and semi-structured data. Examples include key-value stores, document stores and graph databases.

Which database is right for you?

Businesses with simple database requirements often use standard office tools, such as spreadsheets. However, if you use large amounts of data or have complex business needs, you may need to consider more capable database systems that offer better functionality. Find tips to help you decide which is the best database for your business.

See also 5 reasons why your business needs a good database.

Types of database system | nibusinessinfo.co.uk (2024)


What are the 4 types of databases? ›

Comparison and Contrast of Different Types of Databases
Database Structures & TypesData ComplexityQuery and Performance Needs
Hierarchical DatabasesClear hierarchySimple relationship queries
Network DatabasesMany-to-manyComplex relationship queries
Object-Oriented DatabasesComplex dataComplex queries
6 more rows
Jun 19, 2023

What are the five 5 different types of database structures? ›

The five most common database structures for small businesses are the flat-file structure, hierarchical structure, network structure, relational structure, and object-oriented structure. Each structure has its own advantages and disadvantages, and you need to choose the one that best suits your business needs.

What are the 4 database models? ›

Types of database models

Hierarchical database model. Relational model. Network model. Object-oriented database model.

What are the major types of database system? ›

Types of databases
  • Centralized database.
  • Cloud database.
  • Commercial database.
  • Distributed database.
  • End-user database.
  • Graph database.
  • NoSQL database.
  • Object-oriented database.
Jul 31, 2023

What are the 4 types of database management system with examples? ›

The four types of database management systems are: Hierarchical DBMS, Network DBMS, Relational DBMS (RDBMS), and Object-oriented DBMS (OODBMS). Each type employs different structures and principles to organise, store and manage data.

What are the 3 main database models? ›

Three well-known data models of this type are relational data models, network data models and hierarchical data models. The relational model represents data as relations, or tables. For example, in the membership system at Science World, each membership has many members (see Figure 2.2 in Chapter 2).

What is the most popular type of database? ›

A relational database is the most common type of database. It uses schema, a template, to dictate the data structure stored within the database.

What is the most common database model? ›

The relational database model is the most used database model today.

What is the best database to use? ›

10 Best Web Applications Database Picks for 2024
  • #1 MySQL. MySQL is the most popular open-source relational database used in web applications globally. ...
  • #2 MongoDB. ...
  • #3 PostgreSQL. ...
  • #4 Microsoft SQL Server. ...
  • #5 Redis. ...
  • #6 Cassandra. ...
  • #7 Oracle Database. ...
  • #9 IBM Db2.
Feb 16, 2024

Is an Excel sheet a database? ›

Excel is not database — it is spreadsheet software. Even though many users try to force it to function like a database, its limitations in that regard are considerable. Starting with the most obvious, Excel is limited to 1M rows of data, while databases don't suffer from such restrictions.

What is the oldest database model? ›

Hierarchical databases are the oldest database models. Unlike other models, they do not have a well documented history. The hierarchical database was the first one developed and therefore was commonly used in the first mainframe database management systems.

What is the best database model? ›

The relational model is the most widely used and popular database model today. It organizes data in tables, where each table consists of rows and columns. The rows represent the data records, and the columns represent the data attributes.

How many types of database systems are there? ›

Databases typically have one of two basic forms: single-file or flat file database. multi-file relational or structured database.

What are the 4 most commonly used databases for data analysis? ›

Querying is a primary feature of SQL databases used for data mining or exploratory analysis. It helps filter, sort, and group data, and return descriptive statistics. PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite, and IBM Db2 are some of the top SQL databases used in data science.

What are the 4 main objects of a database? ›

All of these items — tables, queries, forms, and reports — are database objects. Note: Some Access databases contain links to tables that are stored in other databases.

What are the 4 basic database operations? ›

CRUD is the acronym for CREATE, READ, UPDATE and DELETE. These terms describe the four essential operations for creating and managing persistent data elements, mainly in relational and NoSQL databases.

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