Transcript-Telegram from Holyoke, Massachusetts (2024)

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Holyoke, Massachusetts

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A -i- i v- ''r HOLYOKE DAILY TBA2TBQBIPT THUESDAY SEPTEMBER 10 1 i MMHMMMMMMHi Hu OBL RCNTJFOR LCEITT CONVENTION 'ENDS' WITH TK fLECTlON AND NV ITAllATOm OTOfflCEB NoCbulestoth Nadooil lout Offlctrs-lmptstai Seek to A BRIBF BFATMHBltT WW1 TNB BOOKS CONTAIN DM lwhiart Wndhrota Truntwlaa Tkto to a new eriiloa I ho thta af aa todtagomaahta aampoadtato tecta aad taHm ter wrtrt roter-aw aad pro tool appltarilaa ta any broach al tto aclcuac AH a fitogtaa and Terol Daatoma-w 'a Hate hP ter Ctartw Hanttag Tha tbe Qy BlBlttbt PStlBitina iriataaa avu haaod aa ihcarottcal Witnessed by 2000 tkfta7ro roumrihaao Jm aad asaalhla advtea to thaw qarila cue aa etedaate win approl to all ta tea aried la tnabJaak Tha Art at AW tea wing by A Mailt- A Pterileal worhlag maanul Ik hmtwtod from artflaal diowlaga and fhit-gTgr-i with a atari nnd onarii deeoriplta of nil ntaataa nnd vntanbto InetroetlM nn to tto proteeMen and tto roving ri IMS In th wntea Klndwgnrien ta Amorims Bdnrottou by Tender walker A history nf the belt eentury ot ktadergerten vetepmenk eriilMMng He rotatten I other meromeptn that tor boon rig-nlflroat ta A merlon a Hte aad aduea-ilOtoe" MotheFa Tear Mask by Mr F-WaahbarM Rack aeoath af a toby a arm year la roruteally aad aaparotoly eenMamd tto naoroal dvtalrit lined aad th urothoF roepewlhimie The clealng nroaea ot the fifth eoaveniloa of tto fik Jroa Bapttetn eeriottae yesterday were eoattloa and Imposing The election af tha ateeara lh argantaattaa hegaa at th eeealoa whleh waa eaUed to order 'look Lari alghFa Trnaasript auueuiteed tto r-IecUoa ot TroaMaat lawn ef fieuthbridge aad tto first aesead rica-prealdeata Messrs Vealae af Chleaga aad Voyer af Mu Tto aept ataetloa waa that third vlea-praMdaat aad provided ot th hot tart raaleeta af tto day Chagaoa ot Champlala whs ta toon a prominent Bguro th soavaattea ald that tto rapid growth la number aad power af tha society la Maw York state entitled them aatteu-nl of after-neon at Oat and law-late ot eae Rev la to nn elllee ta th erguntanllon nnd propeeed (A Heqn writ known lawyer or Ftuttabnrg ter the peettton Th proeenl Incumbent Btaeon-nettn of Bridgeperk Ck won then Marinated aal after a lively ballot was declared elected by tha narrow margin nf teur vntea a A delard Cues ef Wenuaaekri won aMulmoueiy chosen ail the stem nf aearelery again Ms ekolc nf tto sun-vent Ion wne mow peputer on Ma Oaten has made fin liaareerion ea th deto-gates aad tto publt by hla work aad plearing maanetu Tto atoto af medical adviser was tto neat work of tto delegatee eed there war thro roatendara: Du A taeori ef Fewtaoh-ikteftai Leetere ad Dnatelaea pad Dr a Bencher ef Woeneaokek Th tatter hold th perittan rises th tart oan vo at lea aad was re-ataotod hp a ha ad eemo majority Hta brother Da Philip Bonrter wee eheroa aa Ire surer without opposition Twa central tr nf aecoqata tar the anal tear yaara Messrs Meroeu IMS city sad Rtapal of Michigan were Ihaa ehoaeu Tto Rotalatlea eomnriMoa Were than Hrt nod to and a detailed report we plron ea tbe teitewlag subject Religion fik peaea America ro public mutuality the Frcaeh taa-guaga tto pararttal artaela aewipa-pera ciuoatlca af panth naUcaaUam our Bister Fraaoe-Aaanrlcaa leetaUoa The snutlmente asproBaed I tto roport wap autoaritod ta hp lh eaauauttote That ptoasd tto afitatal day work President La Meatagaa requested that tto mamhara aad dalsgata attaad tha maw at tto Immaculate Conccpttan Smith war hi toad apparently rona do hoar him aonak Mat an tto of tan waa alatod did nttoa pal' bin Cm torihlf ant win yaa gtamy nttomp th toon mallned hewovor- that It we to and feebly doelnmdT tore peeltlrely fought my toot battle" Th gght wns apeetaealar aad at did It appear that Oaaa had a toaaae ta win Tima and again ha ahoet wlehed punch to Moleen'a and tody hat tto totter steer far Instant wavered railing to arrant rushing' abnawtoa at nay stag seemnd lost heart aad gradually weakened though he often rallied and fought tack Uereely THR BIO HT BT ROOM DR The drat round wan In Ckunf favor th monad wont to Helena Ho famed Oaaa all through and was Wrung enngdeat who Ctona appeared worried Tto third round ended In Moines's la though he tank many hard blow the toe Melee re reed On as at very stag and badly out th negro1 Tto earth wan about ama with carrying tto Ight to Oaaa every la tto gfth ran ad Oaaa had the advantage loading repeatedly without a return nnd stepping Neleoa'a mates Nelson worn a aatlla of mnldoao all thmngh tto round Tto ointk woo aveu Nolma devoting hla attention to body aad loading a oeoaalaaal Oaaa had a decided advantage la tto IghHag ta tto seventh round though champ! shewed a III egeeto from amay otlg Wow to got Metaoa right hook aad took tto load In oighth hamamriag Oaaa1 tody Tto alnth was also- slightly la Melaaa'a favor Tto tenth waa avsa bat th alevaath decidedly la (aver aad a etoaa Oaaa appeared galte tired aad seconds worked vigorously evor It looked (at tto elaa of tto twelfth ee If Nelson would win aad It waa only a guaatloa of tlma to got tto delapa Ha rr th negro down wKh his asamlom raahsa OAMg TIRSi IN THIRTBBNTH Oan held Metaoa eg tor a time la thirteenth but lust at th etoaa of round th ehamplon landed a hard to tto mouth Meloea was strong confidant whlls Oaas appeared tv lliiag The fourteenth waa avna Oaaa taking a brae aad giving aa good he leek from the rushing Dane The fifteenth was the hardest of th up to tble Um Oaaa sought Nelson with tortile right on the month noa Oan appeared tired and hie blows lacked fore To tho surprise of crowd la tto alstaantk Oaaa ralllsd battered Nelson about tto fee ovary variaty of Mow taking a good load for th round Tto seventeenth was even and tha eighteenth was slightly la Naloon'a Invar Oaaa appeared to ho tiring at th ctoae but rallied la th nineteenth nnd taggerod Nelaea with aovaral hard rights taking tto toad for tto mead Th tide of battle turned strongly la Neleoa'a fnvor at th eloa of tto twoa-tleth and looked aa If Oaaa would be able to stand tha paeo mueh longer Nelson fought Ilk a daman landing asm hard blows oa Oaaa' too ha tamblod lata hla cfbalr Tha aad cams la tto twenty-first rfuad Naieon aant In righto nnd toft tto Jaw which staggsrod Oaaa aad delivered a rain of blows ta tto body and' toad Gana aoaglft to never but Nelson woo merciless Ho rushed dans ti tto ropes aad landed practically nt wllL Ha drove him ta tto ropes Oaaa finally dropping to tho mat more from weakness thaa from th fares of th blown Ho triad to got within tha tan oocondu but was alow aid was counted out After th fight dans was a pltlabla spectacle Hla right ays waa ctoaed left eye puffed up his lips tearfully swelled and split aad hie bobs tklnaed for Ms satire length oa ana 'An yat there hem been Mda ud tto rfiatardaji Ik jwtohIHtyi whether they wM fin to tto Rtod tetand Hy or net All IM leader Jn the Natteeil imim eneapt Fhltadalphle Won yaatarday II I said that tto la teat Oalema win be Frank FarrH of tto Hlghtaadero aad that Kerman Nlherfeld'e bead wHI be oa the ptaHer' Bachaag The else ot tto fionth Atlantia taagna ae son stowed Jackaearllle 1a th pea-neat place wtth a percentage ot lit It ta declared that th season has been disastrous an financially ter meet of tto riata la the league Tto cold weather nt Montreal and Toronto ta the spring nnd fall amkro the twa cities a handicap ter th Masters league Top notch team aa to furnished fe break eves aad It's eat always possible to Bad tha cernM-aatlea Maaagw Joe Caatllloa will he umbered emcag tto tstand-patters" nest season Oataid of aa additional coteh-nr aad on or two pitchers lh nationals a tow lined up will take tto field seat eeaaea aad I oapeetad will make a good a bowl a Thee ta a more competent or mb-arte at tans backstop la tha league than Charley Dooia who la tto Ilf end linger ef the Fhtlllea Doris's record el catching three New York toe roanore aapplag ta tho gam Friday may act to mstetod poa Philadelphia North Americaa wW alga a more elgarett ameh-era" Manager MeCloekay of the fit Louis Cardinal dtotaroa "Me mere cigarette fiends If aim Do yen ameh tto devil's pip ellctor wtU the toot quest lea 1 will ask atiaor league eaadldatoe for wgatar place ea th Cardlpala" Manager Fatal Xtoamran ef Broeklya la in a bad way ter catcher AH three ot hie amtaeiar ate rittor siek er Injured Terierday Matousy the teat oat-firidar eatmfct aad Maw York riel nine taw on klm Fnrtape Join Hamntri win to eaHed ea Ha toe ptayed aeary peaitkm tot pMetor aad eairter Ihta year Xonetehy mad oa acooplng atop th like of wbleh ta roldorn area Ha had many rriattvoa la th stand who applauded him wildly On ef them Indignantly denied th ueeerllen that la a a rock naatad Kanalchlpaulaa sad proudly alatod that he waa a Feta named Keaetalpaslavatck Chicago Evening Foot Another A merlon league short alop wto la earning along at a groat rat to Pricing of Cl load wncro worn ham wa excellent and who Is roeelvlng praise nil around to circuit Prrring Wagner nnd nor own Ocorg McBride are thro likely youngsters who are adding many spectacular axhlbltleae for th ra Washington Tlmaa Tha Cuba triad a ssml-doubla steal yeaterday What1 ttalf A oml-dou-bte sisal I where there am ma an two haaea ri th eae on Bret steals see-and white tto gentleman oa that eaek stays Mill Usually tto aeml-daubl result! a patout aad rude laughter ta th ataada and ee It proved op the Chicago Dolly Journal Bom muet NJa th prlroa geero muet draw th bleaks Pennant's Mr tto Otanta-Faunae for tto Tanks Tort Mafi rtwritror of the fit Lante Amarteaae la now eh of tto etare of leagua ltanagor MeAtasr saga: thsro omr was a promising ball player it to fishwsit-aor Ho eaa Arid and Mt and ta a hmdy baaorunnw AH to need ta osportaaea" Umpire tronblee ta tha Amarlra Aa-eoelatloa war few during tha greater pert at tto aeawn hut they have bean making up ter lost Uma lately sapae-tally la Milwaukee and It Paul Milwaukee usually a quiet and peaceful town mads a sow record tho tea having attempted to mob Umplra Owoaai hat luckily tho umplra escaped without bring hark while twa af tha alleged offender wore arrsatPd At fit Paul Umpire Rons waa mobbed by the excited teak aad thorp waa light troable at Kaaaaa City SPORTING NEW iOP INEv OAT A GOLDEN CHANCE UR l'vV'jf -i1 Th rPaiMnMliMr Pentad ta fihpota White Mw Orta a Bumping Hoot Wo OR Xpo Mataa TUM n4 tart lU of total nM to Ihn Mu who IhU wont down to tn potent 1 Raw rndroo tavtarihtaf whto 1 toigor wu ton tor timoty Mt to tan tnn'rgt tor towr to' 5 1 tad tat WU trauhln to toting Ht ytw ul tor tto itowt ml I to 1 Of (to flro Min mods to fto "Bw pormokoro" ttm worn nerutahT toty Mnnro toll toto tot MMto to right fold to tto Mvonth toning tor toto nnd tMtogr to -car town to 'tho Noth Brth of tbnro hftn onmo with poly auk fort Padres tomtnWl Nghttood ul toM to aw tottor to glilrin Other banco tor poralbto 'gear whtoh wont to wto totow lh "Forteotoo" nw tototog ramo to lh fourth and alnth tarings- With an mt to tto towtto Mkto do-pod tow tUr to Atooidn and tad (to tottoito throw to to to flnt Bnito PUrtod vr aoaond boos wMeh Cnbrora stappod mto to RM With two gho Mta and onto on ouk Map gy hit to radio Tto Cuba hurled hi thbd forcing Feiklna nd Almoid gutoa i atioag toaoa to git which bteek-d og Maearr and retired th aid to tto Hath attar Mger had fanned "Ooy" Beta aeratotad to rat and stota a-gad Senator itrneh out Rutange drop-god eae et Fndroa'o awl ooao nnd Dotan gged tor fktaR throw wns at tto tog ahead at Baton towered nnd Almeida tagged him eat Reiner wan to mystery to Hew Britain Waterman fort np ta tto fori la to found him far Mt tat woe nagned et rooaod and no damage waa dene to tto eeaead toeeni th team nine boot-ad ka ant eeuat wto KeCoho ttartod tto wtth drtre to left field tooh naeond on Mto naarlflak nnd rwnsod tto ptoto on Banyan's wtaok to mntor After Catoera had toon retlmd nnd Bn-ftoag writod Fadrea hM to Mato ad "RT wet to read at aaaaad Ralgar went alang wag tor th aast three tan-tag toM la tto rinth to waa tamtaidod WMerama etagtod Maraaae tor tto third than toiled to Mu Alawlda hM to Bomber Waterman partahthg at eeeond tort when Reiger leaked aaf th tonvy rtahWng hegaa MeOabo awaag tto toll gear tto fight geld ewe following Almeida tuer tto plato Burma Mt rafely and ttol aaaaad Buaraa couldn't dodge aa taohart and tooh flirt It looked like mar aeoree but Ret got Cabrera in tbg lr a ad fanned him Th aorenth wag area wore than tto alxth Maw RHtala (hilled three time boosting the ear to tog Ruflang singled to light SOM nnd amhtod around to third on Ahonrah paaeed ton Fndron eeorrd him i with a wait to toita Watermao hit to Reiger end th tatter In trying to block eg radio from ooeond threw wild to Boucher bath raaaem being gate Mar-gaga damped a pretty bunt In front of tto ptata He was thrown out by Aboard hot both rnnnem went np baa and i seared erbea Almeida with the Hnlyeb Inlaid drawn up tight sent tot one aemamlag yaat "Al" Boucher Reiger then iteadled nnd retired McCabe and Surra Runyan waa pa mad the eighth hut never sew second Tto nemo was devoid of feature ft I btong Hetyoha's leal appearance hi Maw Britain at tlmaa tto play aavered allghl-ly of tortooquo although both tea mo played fact ton when It wag needed- Maw Britain 'a laMd waa on tto atari aad tfebrorn aad Ahutoda turned how ftot plays Holyoko play waa rather moll no although Ferktna rattled og a eou-pt of aamoth ptaya of hard-hit holla to 'h otatkHL "Cy" alao had a good day With tto toleb Tto aeoro: NBW BRITAIN 1 dig" Ul One And Ha Intel Mm wauM fhe an tto Oaaa bat nnd vor about aese Melee with QaaeT th the mate tto waa It hla hlna that until th the left and be light nnd th and with not aa to tto np up hla me Tto TO BT JUDGE CHAFING EVANGHUNM OUGHT GIVU MATRON HAN AKD MARBMAL LYNCH A TUB i BLB IE HAfi COMFAN- 'A ION IE AUGG ALEEAEDER Jnigo ChnW wu (to aaenra of do- eronslag (hp Hriyeh pnpntaUMt tap aa the fair sex ta eo seemed this mom- Y-log' wto a he rant two Irani ynqar girl -to the taarastsy Inrtnflon for mg a Le senator for ladtinjto por ym An-' cording to the reports nf the' pollen tto sort tad every renew to pnrara this eeuree ud th oily will art bo la meuralag during their ntoene- A He Ataunder id yenre rift nnd RrangnUm Ollgny 14 you rid nr the prtrouuro '-f- Both were riwrgod wtth Mnhhnrnrato After rontonro tad bow Imposed Matron Mnysltan led Evangeline from the clerk af tho court ofite tn tto detention room Who A corridor wu roa bed the girl pn( np strqgglq for her liberty and ratal Iwnrt bur- f- rlad to the reacua Evnagalia was Jr-frnntlr ard In tana then mlnnte brekn the BMlrea'a hold but tto grip of tto ft marshal wu to strong nnd Bvnnglln 'li wa loctoa np white ah sereomod nt the top of tor vole that her arm herd ELOQUENT PREACHES C0KRG EEV 090 RA PAVXB OF NEW BEIT-AIN Wild ADDREM THE ORACH CHURCH ON TUB ANNUAL CHURCH DAY SuMny fieptomtor ITlh will to Ito popup! church day nt Grace rturrt nnd this cccqatan promises tv PM tong ramamParod by tto mamtorq Pf Roblnron's pariah for 1 tto pvaalng ncrvlcs Rev Oaora dAvIp pf Now Brttala will pprok on highly Interacting rahjeek Hu Clrarch and tkq Adopted outran" Rev Mr Davie to fort tort from Mnropenn trip and toe gathered many tatereaUng foots hie robjeok He hu splendid rapuutta os nloqnenl apeahw npd 'hen he addressed lh Mew England oo agrees of Ceagregnltaral etoraho Woreraier lately Wore ter paper ro- marked Itot "Without be) (tiling tkq other iproken nt nil Dr Down folk wna the meet potable effort over tonrd Fr tavorol yenre Dr Psvta hu refused offers to rom to Helypk sad ehureh-goers pro spticlpntlag hta oemlag with pleasure All former tceetora workers pad friaade ot Groaq ehureb are Invited I attend 4 GOLF CLUB BRIDGE PARTY Th Wednesday bridge puff ri tha Mount Tom Golf club wns attended by 4 Indies yeetordny afternoon Mra Burlingame end Mr A Wether-ell being hosteraen Th high pram were mad by Mrs George Welsett eed Mrs Frnaklln Strapk Rcfroihmpirta were iimi Mlaaap Helen Burlingame Marlon Brora nag Jaeale rhtlps arointing In thin Tto afternoon won on of tho mart hoautl- ful of tho roar Th hostess fop tho 1 bridge party at the Golf club next week will be Nrn Co wna nnd Mrq James Ramag IFOKB ON "CIVIL BBRVICE" Marie ry ot the high Pshpof epoka fievv lee" nt th a A roemi tart evening After onto lining briefly lh history and develop eaent ef tawe regarding Civil fiervl a poke af iu eporinl application I nun own ally both In tto mnnlripnl nnd tkq put elfin eervtcn The ctam whleh heglu Tuasdqy fop-tember II promleu to be even targfV than lu: you AN INGLEKDR URAL EfiTATB DRAU MaQueeu of Ingtaridd -toe dimmed of her property (hero stating of the Ingteride Onfo ertlngq nnd groeery ntaro to Mary WeiAott Th eoeriderstlen In not mad pabMn Mra MeQuera will Uva in fiprtngfold In fto frtnrn BODY BROUGHT HERB FOR BURIAL Tto tody ef Mrs Mary Crane widow of wnitem Crus who died In North nmpton Monday wns brought te Bk Jo-ram conwtery yesterday ter kgrini Her anldea hum worn Mira Mur Uri nsy t- MARRIAGE UCRNfiR A marriage Itaerae wu Ironed ted Iff John Lnronree ot tanln rtrort and him Aawlta Trim nil ot to Centro streak iVi NEN iscss uam OU tto Twtotag of Faroata by Ahtotk Ute It Hta ot the to many cl lh chapter tHtan each an -gHim aad MaHM' Th VM pad th Way" Rule ot wu" Priro" and Th Beginning af Wisdom ladtrotP th aalhorta often hwwroua but nt the mow tin eertoue trealmon af the qceatlea nf oeroeat malhed In governing ohltdreu In Indtan Mexloe by Fivdorleh fitorv A peputar neenunt 1 (to arthoFa a-pcrlaaea In th Intoraria af alhaatagy ta lh remote ledtaa oinmul-tta of Otalapl and fierthorn with plenllfnl tllnntvnttan stowing Indian lypoa eertnmou onoaprilona and Amartoe Merohout Bhlpe aad fipltor by W-1 Ahhrik A ohrealol at Ito high eeurfiga rroklM daring nnd aM aril acrlfife ho rods of (to merchant trialhreprs Journal ItN-it edHod by liesmer A aw targa-typa edi Uoa nl th Journal tide Mntorihnaetta Buy eofony oavorlng tn Hrrt nineteen poors It ostateno The oroota while nnd prlvnta krg rig-nlleasee nnd gmoH wore re "fully nnd ronelaely racordad no ttot tharo In hardly to to found elsewhere vivid representation ef th aeUr tertunce and the maanerp eu stoat very thought et tto founder of Oem- Tkhrlatlo Faith and th Old Tortamoai hr Ttairt goa vor Is set forth some ef th more Haul ronpaquoneoe for peed aad FNHB fOUOlO IUI jwv mu-AV pKom to ra a RBLATIYB OF BEROBANT HACK LEFT HEM FO WEffT YBARfi AGO John Fmaete Bnlllvnn formerly ot thin rity te dead nt CleeleroM Ohio The news nf hip droth reached tor test evening tarongh the Springfield polio Me ratal QnlUy ef that city resolved totter yeetordny from Philip Eleven (IT Ftton atroot Clnetanril -Would rvu to kind enengh to Irak up the reUtlvee of John Francis fiulll-van arortlnlot whq laR there (meaning fipringfioldl nbont II yam ngpf Re tod brother roppoetdlr by the um of Jerry Hnteldnwtowu ou tlm volunteer rente In Holyoke He some Wert nt ttol Um with mob by the asm off Dorr Ee to wry ataii men not on posted to Ute nt ou nf ear hospitals Inmipeokiog in the ipppeetor nf polls toro tod he told me to tolls this stop Writ and let brow whet yon found art If any ropenm ta ottnohod will nf tto Boro after tto receipt of th letter telegram arrived froro Ctnrinnetl Informing the Pritaa that th men hod died and pill be held swelling thr claim af rotative Bulllvee wu qnMs wall knew torn Ho waa rotative of Mtgroat Drool Mack nf fto fPUeo fnron It waa stated today ttot tto deed man taft hero in llli to path hte fortune ta th West nnd tot little ton ton tonrd from him Into LARGE HEATING PLANT Tto MriyekP tope If company nf men rtfort to installing the homUm plant nt tto mw Brtrth Medley prat EtortnrtF nnd Wright worn oonnoeted with tho lllotyok Yslve and Hydrant aampnuy tto propriotarn nf ton aoweempoxp and orq kept tort With orders ud eon roe la evea nt thtagutot evTl the Inctualoa of Hebrew wrlt- rhurch this morning nnd the eeuroutieu I Qulstlan Bible ad ef th Votes ef FeteFe penea nn a tew er the prsetlctl eonse- nfilltatod wgnelrotlen which told a (MM) Murer trlewa rencornlng tto Old TtPtamont 1 Wanted- TbeotagV by Certor A Presbyteries breooheF eulapeh nnd hum ran aemparlaon of the rid nnd now throtofftee ta lltt took to ahoplr written an tn be entirely eom-praMuiiM to those who hpv no technical knnwtadga4 tt whloak Loaf pad Tendril by John Bnnnngha A took ot eceaya nharnetarked hr reliable reviewer nn "fitted with the matures! thought nf venerable men who lorn sod believes In Ufa hie follow-man ssd lh valveree" to msetlqg In Moaumaal toll today With tew clcring word the president declared the ronveallea closed sin 41a Th iMtoltalim of tto Pffieere tart night In the ally hell wne nn imposing ceremony Tto sente nronnd the tens Idee of 'he big toll wore packed with mro than IN people- A square wne left In tto middle According te tho program unpaged the erasing opened with Selection by CnritoFa orohatra rang "Radons FronenlA" by tho choir nf tha Froctom Blood Immaculate Con-oaptloa nnd Fanmtufil Help phnretof under th edlroettan of Mra Jnlo lotofihU ul PtCUbnrg FhlteAsIphln At 'Now Fork Al Bfiooklnt Amortron i Chicago at Batrotk Ik Unto at Ctevolaad Boat At Washington DAN OVRILTB III OFFBIk i To Rad Wallar to Win On Oana from Tha Latter Answer CtranmetaaoM under which Hartford won two gam from Bridgeport yoo-tarday ware aulto oatroerdlnary tea OVMI was as cantons for Harttaed to tea that offered Red Walter III he weald wlaaaa gaata It waa da-aided ua Walter to tha second gam If he woa the first aad a Rod toe toon touted a total worth from lAHfi to (AMI to earn National Leugna dab th Bprtagfiold hoard of strategy figured oat that Red ought to sap at least eae gdma Well Red went tat lh ton and Hartford mad four run ta th first Inning This didn't took mneb Ilk III tor tto rod ana 'la th third laalag Red was knocked eat of th box a screaming three-bagger by Hogan Yancey putting an aad to Red vision at th Ilk Nolle waa seal la aad Red was aavad for tto aeoead gama Ho cam veifaear briugiag tom tto money la th last ooatoet hat a Mt of fast work by Bddl Juatle and a pow-erful elam by O'Leary pat the final gam wear It belonged Honest John Is a fatalist and to bellavei that every flaw to pate a gam ta Jeopardy by Inferior catching he will pull it with hit bludgeon sad tbta to Just what to did yesterday ter hla drive la tha loot half of th ninth seat two man over tto platter making thro daukle-head-ra that Hartford has woa this wtk-Hartford Canrawk LAST OF THR CHARTER OAK RACBR Th grand slreuM mesa whtoh taw toe In program at Charter Oak path this weak were teongta to a etaa thta aftomaan with two even la tto IM pace ter puree of (Mi and th AM trot tor a puns of turn Both moo won notable for th etoo finish la an tto toata fiva oat being nereeaary to deride the pace ad tour la the trotting event William wen tto MA taking the second third nnd fifth beets after Charts Hal tad aaptured tto first aad fourth Thera were fiva etartem la thta event Imdy ef Honor had tto polo aad th toeaue got away wall bunahed Charity Hal took th toed at tto nnarter aad told It to tto who Juri Mriaa nul William a In the eeaead bent of tto roe I (to tables war turned William ft beat tog Charley tor first place by a half length William took tto third took and looted like a winner tat in th fourth heat wa third Charley Hal winning with Hilton A dr a eseead Tto final beat waa th moot Interesting of tto day William wtmtng from Charley Hat by nock Dorte drove William ta ptaa of Murphy wto Is HI hero Laarotta waa dlriaarad la Id drat took WlUtam ft teak first money Charley Hal roeeud Hilton A Jr third aad Lady of Honor fourth fiom fine racing was soon in tto (rotting event Dei Coronado finishing la tto lead In tto tew toata but aha broke to tto ereShd heat a abort dlstaaeo from tto wir and passed by tto judge stand on a galtep She was placed seventh "Rd" Geers mad strong fiatohea wMh hie ohaatnul mar Teasel hi three ot tto toata and finished a good third In the ether heat He forced Del Coronado ta trot In AM la tto third teak ATHLETIC MBHT Aa athletic moat for boy who were In tha Helyoka BoyF Bamtoll I League will be held on Saturday afternoon September llth nt Springdale I Park Th meet will to divided lata two section: Section A boy ever II aad Hoot Ion toys under 1A The event for tto outer hoys as foltown: Ruanlng high jump running brodd jump ruanlng hop slap and jpmp abet put 1M yards dash il yards run Tto running hop stop aad jump auf tto IN yards gush or closed to manlbom of tho league Tha other ovoata are open to any toga of te rity For tho yoaagor bay running high Jump yard dash II yard dart a landing bread Jump Ttero aril' to relay raeaa ter both eoe-tlona Ribbon prtros will bo given to first second aad third ta each evaat I and a banner or shield to the team scoring the highest number of potato -try blanke aas be gotten at tha I A or fit Jerome Temperance Hell An entrance tee ef If cento ter nil tto svonto HARVARD BTABTB FOOT" ALU Tsar tn nnd poor out Harvard toe prods meee ot football by having toe mart tMtot rt seems Uksty ttot under tto row aaneh there win to change for Hand Coach Houghton and hla outsat coach Chart Daly rriaracd Tuesday teem a week's trip to Caatioa Ha where theg wore th guests of Otp- tain Burr of th varsity slaveo Bavaral pf thta yeaFP squad were ala gveete af Burr at hta Mataa aumator hoaaa WMta there were net enough candidates Yb form an rievsB with Haughten and Daly ta tto 11 so-up eemo ot Ito temwttaM whleh the coach has been ptaaatag were im thraugh OoMh Haughton aaya that thta briaf praetloe waa la na way deaigaed preliminary week Tto party wm arranged according to the corah rinipty to try nut nemo new ptaya Captain Burr will return to Cambridge tto tart ot the week nnd tto rondldatae for tto team wlU roport Monday at ridtarF Field teg pracHoa AMGRRB Vfi WRffT ITRERT fiTABfi Tto open queetten to wto In th tort amateur teem tn thta tto hen toll dty wfl he pretty Marty settled IqtaMay when tto Rangers wtU ptay tto Wtet treat Btais on tto Bockrttre rtrert gieurtta Tto rivalry bet wean these ntaea ta latenaa aad stiff tortto la looked fpr Tto Moulton and An-HMyutoe are booked tor Uw roeond gaaa Ms PaUvan wto ta at pwaant a member I'ef tbe Holyvkq teagno tearo wtt fwtri tor tha Moeltsn Bart gum wta to tor a puma nf WA nnd tto sort win to ptv-dueed by nort managar toatakk THR OTHER GAMER Hartford won tto first pause eaaUy at Hartford yeaterday aad wsu out In an ratting finish la th eeesad Bridgeperta a poor throws by In tto tart Inning: mmmmm won gam from Ifurideu to Farker wna In spUa ft ot toning in thp first I mat go to FRonranfCH Provtdeno It In Ketaring ter "Jhago" vender pad I "Cbay" Drinn Beth own are wanted by latah Em imn tofi to tto InB a understood boa toon Mnry foymonr Aymnr daughter ef loth Seymenr Mtookbrldg Bha wu tha wife foteetmnn Ftederisk Aynror -igour married Frederick A reran chip atandlati 44 peon ngn and thoy In Brraklini many yenre No 'M i will Mvor flght again" said dans today guess Father Time baa get That I was talrly and honestly beaten outfought than la no doubt Dana fought Ilk a ball deg:" With the defeat of Oaaa ends probably ter many yoan tha ehaaas that a Mgro will wear tto laurel Moleoa grimly held After the battle Billy Fapto aad tho Battler greened hands and aaah i vowed that never again would to tees a entered man In tto annaro alnete To black man will avar take tto crown from eold the gwadlah fighter "I have baa tan Th boot tko roes can produce I shall oevar give a negr aaether otaaea" And to tbln Papke nodded hie asseak Nn Information ban aa yat been given out aa ta what Nelson will do at th pro sent time Ho will howaror probably go back to tto stag for easy money before agala engaging la a flag battle to Baltimore for ma" any Oaaa 'Til to eontont after tbta to ms my totoL Lot tto you agar boys fight iitvouk" YSfiTBRDAT'fi RB8ULT8 Notloea! Chloitge A Bk Lento A Npw York Brooklyn A Flttobnrg -n- clnnrtl 1 Boston A Fhltodriphta Cleveland A Bk Laale (M Innings) Wpehlngton A Boston 4 New Turk A Philadelphia fi DetiuN 1 Chleaga (If laalags) CONNRCnCDT LEAGUE ffTANDDfOi STMOMBl Al BeevaF "Beauty taw" opened a last half ot tha wart ugagoteeat at tto uplre thk afternoon Mr BeeveF shew been before the public ter fourteen years and In nil that ties toe furnished od eatertatameata This Beam two new musical comadtoa Kerry Go Round" sad are bring praam tod wtth several A4 pact Ilia mad-wtehad tn botwraa fit- ANNUAL MEETINGS Oncers Elect ad by Flnt and Hlghtanda li Church Socictlro The woman' forrign mis binary aodriy of Ito Flrrt Mritadlrt ahnreh hold Its annual maattag yaatevday aftorraca aad ataetad Itoro afitean: Praridrok Mn Kraaey vie praridrok Ifrafi Jama VkriHti mcwdlan roerotovy Mn Mta-ate Lyro eerraspoadlag aceratary lira rente trra suiter htru Kate Foliar Mia Krondy wu elected Mr egeto to tto annual toaneh mcritag la Metros la October Tto aaaaal mcrilag of tto woman' foreign nrirotarary eorirty of the Highlands Methedtat church wra held yrotro (toy and thro rifieern wore riroted: Frcridink RandnUi treasurer Mia Hobart MeMaatere secretary MlmNtl-Ho malth! nperiateadrol of th Ktagu HeraU Mn Mcliatarai onpariateadmt of tto eradl irik Mr A a kerona I fireworks at mountain fark Dee-rorten prayer by th etoptnln-genernk Rev Ctagnon of Now York President Lsmontagne made brief nd dross end Inetructed th muster ef eerq-monies te randnrt tM newly-alerted flleert Into the talk They were oeeort-rd by the Garde Lawler The rifieers after Inking the roelety noth ef ellog-taaee reertved th benediction nf the eheplata thta won foltawed by an on-hlbltlon drill by the guard Mtae Dora Raneher ot Woeraeckot then gave violin solo whleh woe followed with an by Rev Vtltandre ef Foil River Tto orchestra gave eriee-ttone nnd violin drat wne given bp Mlee Bencher and Mr Davlgaoa A speech wu ta have been given hr A Dubuque but to wu unavridobly absent and th first vtee-prowdenk Blip rolna ef Chicago delivered ea Improe stvv oratlea Mies Mereedae Oeoffrian aeeempaaled by Prof Velhenbnrgb readered vocal rota whleh wee followed with violin wta by Bugera Dnvtgnna Following at ort addressee by the dotage tee the rational Canadian hymn Canada" wu rendered by the ehrtre af tto thro Fveneh Cattails ehurobaa and th program "wu ended by nn nrohertra aelrettan It wu fin ending to ton three days' erorii ef the ronvoattaa An ourmara amount nf bnalnora wu Iran-snetod without friction nnd heridea ttol tho detagstea found tlm tn enjoy tto heepltnllty of to rity Nothing but kind words for the reception given to them toe been tonrd from any ot the delegates end there ta a general ton of regret about tto wholesale scattering 1 the tailors ttot began thta morning The impression that tto ranger left hero I Holyoke I fine ape nnd It my be many yenre before raehu fins bogy nf picked men will visit Helypke CtTT AUZHTOIFfi RBFORT GMPd Total Net Debt ot CHtr Is If Bseero of Aerate fiver Lta- blltttaa flllliPk CHy Auditor Kenney toe filed hta report af tto fippaetal eendltton of if tty from December 1 1MT to Avgurt II IPN induriv The grand total rat debt Ot the city te given ItltA-HI Th roeeee ef uroto orroo llnhlll-I tie ta IkllkNk Tto total naeourt of upeoltacted tarae Is IMIMtifi The rity cub neerort te ns peoombor 1 IM1 sort an Mod fltk- III11 Angnrt Ik UN receipt to dote I1444HM1: total 9INTlM1t Angnrt fl dlahuraa manta to Onto 9k-4TIlNt1l tolenealllti-Tfi BAKXNG COMPANY ABBMMIR I Mutual By Brood taking Coiknr Ua-nbta to Keen Afloat DnringV tfirtn-rton Cnabla to wnrthar tto flaoariol rorin-gundy tha Muturi ryo brand taking company filed nn rarignmtal wNk fto' pity dlnrk Into yvutoidny nftorraqn through thrir nttoracy fFOnnnnr Tto ndrigyuront wu nwdu to Wlttogi Grory of fipringfidd of tto Gonry-finUfvna rampany Tto firm ton toco In biaMdra about you and holt land aondneta totorte ta Hriyntro Chin-Pi nnd Imdtaw Th hravtert srodKerq pro Frontlro Brooks A COh ft Bum-ham nnd tho Ooory-fiulilvnn eompsay let Holyoko and a fimltk ot fipring-ri tired from tortneu nnd they returned -jP to Btaehbridg: Ska to eurriroA toofr' aides her bnebnnd by non fodrtpk: Aymnr Jr rirter Mrs Fluroh -ji nnd two brat hero WUttam A- and Georg Beymenr all nf Bteehbrtdgte Ml Mnmta Wrieb nnd Themu 'i $fj Coo gee were nwrrtad In Mh'lforFB ahnreh nt Hagdoavllto geeterddrii enromeny bring performed by toiiDoeVb ley The couple wu attended hr japnle Wrinh and Henry Welsh Marine of tto hrtdo TIN hrldg tryvrilng'pult nf Mnq Mlw Faint Lev Ira Jrakrtt oad Rnyw'- mend Leroy Look wood nf WUltronativ Ct were married yeetordny nt tho krldote tom nt MHtlraoguo Rv Mderla Hlnrtllffo nf Bk Jurod Math- 's ndirt ehurph la BprtngdriR rifirintak Th aovnte warn vrattondod ftn' 4 I--- i'sZ j' Li hilS Rum HcCUto 1 Waterman Almeida Rufiangu Fndron Total haaea New Britain Holyoke A gaeriflee hits Borne Manana Stolen boas Burns Two-taro hit Fechlno Home van MeCnto First too on holla off Fndrdn (0 Rsigsr off Reiger (D Runyan Ruflfinga Left on haaea' Mew Brvnln A Holyoke A Wruak out by Padroo OA Dotaa Bouther Few Mna Burke Hemtoeber Reiger by Ral-gor (B Almeid Mqiyaa Cabrera a Fa-ivpa Batten hlk Buna Banyan Double piny Fndron Almeida and Runyan Buead holla Rnfianga Abeam Tima lh Mm Umplra Lawton KBtBON JN THR I1PT Wean Out Joo dans gottlaa tha Qnaetlna ot Light Weight Cham plea hip Hr a White AN FRANCISCO CaL gpk Battling Nelaea ellnetod bin elahn to tha light weight paffllletla ehamploa-1 ship by Mf sating "Joe" Oana ter th eeeond tlm at tto Colma arena yea-torday The fight ended In the twenty-first round when Oaaa beaten down by A raneeseinh of blows from hla sturdy conqueror failed to got within the count of ten Tha veteran negro fighter wan severely punished tot the ctamptou too hem tto marks ot th battle From th first slang of tto gong to tto last momaat If Moison Snrcofi tho fighting never giving I ground nnd gradually tatteiwd dawn hie gldar and lens vigorous opponent -I Oans suceurabed In the twehty-firot fr- vnund after being nnmarelfally trouas-I aC Nelaea la this round tobeg rirhte I and tafto to Jaw and tody and Onto X' ooak to tM floor HaetaalenUy tto do--V firoitod fightorwntohod tto rotersa feprlafifirid i hart fori Now Huron Now Britain HOLYOKR Bridgeport' Mori dp -i Wmtsrbui7 i New York Flttobnrg Chisago Philadelphia Clariaaatl Boston Brooklyn Bk Lento 'hr -'J Orehertm Also FUralrttng Mule ter Dnnslng Thin Weak Th 'street railway eempeay gave a bountiful display ot firowwrkp at Mron tola Fork tart evening before targe nwwfi The Cariuo ban eteaed ter tho ronoro and this evening nnd tomorrow nvqnlng thsro will to reworks Tha earn to tto perk tart evening won crowded end owing to the elegant display a larger crowd promt to to ro hand this evening Daring tto week an orchestra win faralrt mu ate for tha dancing Tto pavilion urn heavily patronised tart traolag tt oretortra being popular Tto firework will begia nt o'alecli HARD BADLY JAMMED IN MA- CHINE 4ieeiw fiwlfk of II Oliver rtrort employed nt th Hadley mills la fiaath Hadley" Fell tod hle right head aer-tawriy Injured while nt work ywterdny ud my loro the use ef tk He dropped o' bobbin between tha pulley of the loom aad In trying to ngtrlentel Ik hand -won sought and every bora rturtod He rt tttol le tho'Heura ot Frovldoran hospital fro troatmrok The gwn In married nnd top three ahlMron0t f-v v-v f-' Yg Wist Qiok xd Tbocosli Jub if SHOE REPAIRING JK only tiu bdfit gtoek repfilrn by ikilM operfitor rnt i to 9 buBfldF "OO bothu to lug ghoM down (own of mu nr Telephone 936 dsd wi trill egll for and deliver (ho work CBABGES YEBY MODERATE fi A PRENTISS 364 High Qta (Ai Detroit Chicago I Bk Leak Cleveland PhilaAelpbta Hasten I Washington Now Turk GAMBB TODAf Oennertlent In Wotarbnry at I New Haven at Helyoka terldss' HnttokPhwOhlrof nd iNowBrtt- (t gam) nt ite fietae hi iMtowfta TMOlIfi Ml Mnrtariw.

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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.