Top 3 Reasons to Consider a Career in Healthcare - Roseman University (2024)

A career is more than just a paycheck. It is what you will be doing 40 hours a week for many decades. That’s why it is important to consider the reasons you choose your career carefully. While an excellent salary and engaging work are at the top of the list, there are even more incentives for pursuing a healthcare career. Here are the top three reasons:

1. You will make a difference in peoples’ lives. Perhaps the biggest reason to pursue a health career is to make a difference in the lives of others. You will contribute to creating a healthier world whether you work as a veterinarian, acupuncturist, health services administrator, or nurse.

2. You can work and live anywhere you want. Healthcare professionals in a comprehensive variety of fields are in high demand nearly everywhere across the nation. As a qualified health worker, you can decide where you want to live and the setting in which you work. You can go where you want with portable skills. Many health careers have excellent job prospects which means you will not have trouble obtaining a job.

3. You will be in high demand. Most health careers enjoy job security as the fastest growing job sector in the entire labor market. The healthcare field is growing rapidly, unlike many industries that are losing workers. Dozens of health careers have excellent job prospects, which means you will never have a problem getting a job.

A recent survey reported that 80 percent of job seekers would rather have a job that they love than one they with a high salary. While most Americans prefer passion over financial gain, the disappointing thing is that it indicates that personal satisfaction and wages are mutually exclusive. While this is true in some industries, healthcare continues to be the exception. Healthcare careers can offer the job security and portable skill you need to make a difference in peoples’ lives.

If you are interested in a healthcare career Roseman offers degrees in nursing, dentistry, orthodontics and business. Reimagine your future with Roseman University.

Top 3 Reasons to Consider a Career in Healthcare - Roseman University (2024)
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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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