The seven domain of a typical IT Infrastructure (2024)

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  • The seven domain of a typical IT Infrastructure
  • Seven Domains of IT Infrastructure Seven domains can be found in a typical IT infrastructure. They are as follows: User Domain, Workstation Domain, LAN Domain, LAN-to-WAN Domain, Remote Access Domain, WAN Domain, and System/Application Domain. Each of these domains is viewed as portals for attackers if countermeasures are missing or fail. It is very imperative for businesses to protect each of these seven domains. It only takes one unprotected domain for an attacker to gain access to private data.

    • User Domain.
      The User Domain covers all theusers (of any rank) that haveaccess to the other six domains.


    1. User can destroydatainapplication(intentionally or not) and delete all
    2. User can find that his girlfriendcheated on him and use her passwordto delete all of her work so that shewould be fired.
    3. User can insert infected CD or USBflash drive into the work computer
    • Workstation Domain.
      A computer of an individual userwhere the production takesplace


    1. The workstation’s OS can have a known software vulnerability thatallows a hacker to connect remotelyand steal data.
    2. A workstation’s browser can have a software vulnerability which allowsunsigned scripts to silently installmalicious software.
    3. A workstation’s hard drive can fail causing lost data
    • LAN Domain.
      Contains all of theworkstations,hubs, switches, and routers. TheLAN is a trusted zone


    1. A worm can spread through the LANand infect all computers in it.
    2. LAN server OS can have a knownsoftware vulnerability.
    3. An unauthorized user can access the organization’s workstations in a LAN
    4. WAN Domain.
    5. Stands for Wide Area Networkand consists of theInternet andsemi-private lines


    1. Service provider can have a major network outage.
    2. Server can receive a DOS or DDOS attack.
    3. A FTP server can allow anonymously uploaded illegal software
    • LAN / WAN Domain.
      The boundary between thetrustedand un-trusted zones.The zones are filtered with afirewall


    1. A hacker can penetrate your ITinfrastructure andgain access toyour internal network.
    2. Weak ingress/egress traffic filteringcan degrade performance.
    3. A firewall with unnecessary portsopen can allow access from theInternet
    • System / Application Storage Domain.
      This domain is made up ofuser-accessed serverssuchas email and database


    1. A fire candestroy primary data
    2. A DOS attack can cripple the organization’s email
    3. A database server can beattacked by SQL injection,corrupting the data
    • Remote Access Domain
      The domain in which amobileuser can access the local networkremotely, usually through a VPN


    • Communication circuit outage candeny connection.
    • Remote communication from officecan be unsecured.
    • VPN tunneling between remotecomputer and ingress/egress routercan be hacked


    Kim, David, dan Michael G Solomon. 2012. Fundamentals of Information Systems Security. Jones & Bartlett Learning, United State of America

    The seven domain of a typical IT Infrastructure (1)

    Jennifer Alexandra

      The seven domain of a typical IT Infrastructure (2024)


      The seven domain of a typical IT Infrastructure? ›

      A typical IT infrastructure has seven domains: User Domain, Workstation Domain, LAN Domain, LAN-to-WAN Domain, WAN Domain, Remote Access Domain, and System/Application Domain.

      What are the 7 domains of a typical IT infrastructure? ›

      Whether in a small business, large government body, or publicly traded corporation, most IT infrastructures consist of the seven domains shown in FIGURE 1-9: User, Workstation, LAN, LAN-to-WAN, WAN, Remote Access, and System/Application Domains.

      What are the all 7 IT domains? ›

      The 7 domains framework, when discussing I.T. network monitoring remote services, refers to a comprehensive approach that encompasses seven key areas of control: user, workstation, LAN, LAN-to-WAN, WAN, system/application, and remote access.

      What are the 7 infrastructure? ›

      The seven IT infrastructure components include hardware, networking, software, data, procedures, people, and feedback mechanisms. For hardware components, this generally refers to servers, routers, and other physical devices that form the data center.

      What are the 7 domain in security? ›

      They are as follows: User Domain, Workstation Domain, LAN Domain, LAN-to-WAN Domain, Remote Access Domain, WAN Domain, and System/Application Domain. Each of these domains is viewed as portals for attackers if countermeasures are missing or fail.

      Why the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure help organizations align to separation of duties? ›

      The seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure help organizations align to separation of duties by delineating different areas of responsibility and ensuring that critical tasks are distributed among multiple individuals or departments, reducing the risk of fraud, errors, and security breaches.

      How many types of domains are there in IT company? ›

      According to Forrester, the different domains in the software industry are application development, systems development, system integration and delivery, middleware development, and infrastructure engineering.

      What are the IT infrastructure controls? ›

      One of the primary responsibilities of IT infrastructure is to ensure the security and privacy of sensitive business data. This includes implementing robust firewalls, encryption protocols, access controls, and regular security audits to safeguard against cyber threats and data breaches.

      What is user domain in IT infrastructure? ›

      User Domain:

      The user is the first domain and represents the end-user who accesses the organization's IT infrastructure from either inside the network or outside network. People are often the weakest link in IT security.

      How many domains are there in cyber security? ›

      The top-10 domains of cyber security encompass different areas that need to be addressed to ensure a strong security posture.

      What are the parts of IT infrastructure? ›

      A traditional IT infrastructure is made up of the usual hardware and software components: facilities, data centers, servers, networking hardware desktop computers and enterprise application software solutions.

      What are the levels of IT infrastructure? ›

      The levels of IT infrastructure include the physical layer (hardware and cabling), network layer (routers and switches), storage layer (servers and data storage), and application layer (software and applications).

      What are the original 7 top level domains? ›

      The first generic top-level domains: . COM & Co.
      • COM = commercial (for companies)
      • ORG = organization (for organizations)
      • EDU = education (for educational institutions)
      • GOV = government (for government institutions)
      • MIL = military (for the military)
      • NET = network (for Internet service providers)
      Feb 6, 2024

      What is the importance of domain 7? ›

      Domain 7.

      This Domain values personal and professional reflection and learning to improve practice. It recognizes the importance of teachers' assuming responsibility for personal growth and professional development for lifelong learning.

      What are the 7 dimensions of security? ›

      The model consists of seven dimensions: attitudes, behaviors, cognition, communication, compliance, norms, and responsibilities. These seven dimensions were identified, tested and validated by the CLTRe Research team (headed by our Chief Science Officer, Dr.

      What are the 3 main areas of IT infrastructure? ›

      The 3 main IT infrastructure components

      The components of your standard IT infrastructure can be broken down into the following three categories: hardware, software, and networking. While these represent the pillars of more traditional infrastructure, some of the same components are still used in cloud infrastructure.

      What is the domain in IT industry? ›

      A domain is the targeted subject area of a computer program. It is a term used in software engineering. Formally it represents the target subject of a specific programming project, whether narrowly or broadly defined.

      What are the stages of IT infrastructure? ›

      The five stages of IT infrastructure evolution are as follows:
      • the mainframe era,
      • the personal computer era,
      • the client/server era,
      • the enterprise computing era,
      • Cloud and mobile computing era.

      What is the IT infrastructure composed of? ›

      A traditional IT infrastructure is made up of the usual hardware and software components: facilities, data centers, servers, networking hardware desktop computers and enterprise application software solutions.

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      Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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      Name: Maia Crooks Jr

      Birthday: 1997-09-21

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      Job: Principal Design Liaison

      Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

      Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.