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- Volume 74,Issue Suppl 2
- SP0078 Clinician Reported Outcome Measures, Croms, in RMDS
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Functioning measures of function: PROM's and CROM's in the light of the WHO ICF
SP0078 Clinician Reported Outcome Measures, Croms, in RMDS
The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) offers a frame-work for how we better can take into consideration different aspects of life relevant for patients with RMDs. In clinical practice, the main focus is often on medical diagnosis and functional limitations. It is important to also describe activity and participation restrictions and also whether the environment is a facilitator or a barrier.
A patient's status can be described based on laboratory, x-rays and other different types of other measures. Today, patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) and clinician reported outcome measures (CROMs) are widely used. CROMs cover different type of methods such as performance tests, observations and measurements.
My presentation will give examples on how ICF can guide us and ensure that we cover different relevant components in assessment and rehabilitation planning. Different CROMs will be presented. Examples from a national rehabilitation program on RMDs, on how CROMs on functions can be used in clinical practice, quality assurance and research, will be given. Furthermore, the session will also invite participants to engage in the discussion on ICF and the usefulness and trustworthiness in CROMs.
Disclosure of Interest None declared
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