Six Types of Service-Learning (2024)

Most Service-learning courses fit into these categories…

1. Discipline-Based:

Students are expected to have a presence in the community throughout the semester and reflect on their experiences on a regular basis… using course content as a basis for their analysis and understanding.

2. Problem-Based (Project-Based):

Students (or teams of students) serve a community agency as “consultants” working for a “client”. Students work with community members to understand a particular problem or need.

3. Capstone:

Students draw upon the knowledge they have obtained thought their course work and combine it with relevant service work in the community.

4. Community-Based Action Research:

In this model, students work closely with faculty members to learn research methodology while serving as advocates for communities.

5. Pure SL:

These classes have as their intellectual core the idea of service to communities. They are not typically lodged in any one disciplines. The purpose it to prepare students for active and responsible community participation.

6. Service Internship:

Unlike most regular internships, SL internships have regular and on-ongoing reflective opportunities that help students analyze their new experiences using discipline-based theories.

Adapted from Hefferrnan, Kerissa. (2001). Implementation. In Fundamentals of Service Learning Course Construction. Providence: Campus Compact.

Six Types of Service-Learning (2024)


Six Types of Service-Learning? ›

Effective service-learning has benefits for young people, sponsoring organizations, communities, and society. > The guide introduces six phases of service-learning: (1) Investigate; (2) Prepare; (3) Act; (4) Reflect; (5) Demonstrate and Celebrate; and (6) Sustain. These basic steps provide the structure for this guide.

What are the six stages of service-learning? ›

Effective service-learning has benefits for young people, sponsoring organizations, communities, and society. > The guide introduces six phases of service-learning: (1) Investigate; (2) Prepare; (3) Act; (4) Reflect; (5) Demonstrate and Celebrate; and (6) Sustain. These basic steps provide the structure for this guide.

How many types of service-learning are there? ›

There are three types of community service and service-learning: direct, in-direct and advocacy. Once a community need is identified, the project activities that are developed will align with one or more of the types. Below are definitions and additional examples of each type of community service and service-learning.

What is service-learning jrotc? ›

Service learning is an active and experiential learning strategy where students have a direct impact on an identified need that interests and motivates them.

Which type of learning is service-learning? ›

Service-learning is an experiential learning pedagogy that moves students beyond the classroom to become active participants in their learning and develop civic knowledge and skills.

What are the six steps of learning? ›

Here are six steps to outline the key areas necessary to learn effectively: ​
  • Learning Process Step 1: Find value ​ ...
  • Learning Process Step 2: ​Set goals and targets. ...
  • Learning Process Step 3: Develop knowledge. ...
  • Learning Process Step 4: ​Extend expertise. ...
  • Learning Process Step 5: ​Relate skills.
May 17, 2020

What are the six levels of service? ›

The Six Levels of Customer Service
  • Criminal service.
  • Basic Service.
  • Expected Service.
  • Desired Service.
  • Surprising Service.
  • Unbelievable Service.

How many types of learning are there? ›

There are 4 predominant learning styles: Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, and Kinaesthetic. While most of us may have some general idea about how we learn best, often it comes as a surprise when we discover what our predominant learning style is.

What is service-learning and examples? ›

Service Learning involves almost any helping activity. We generally refer to direct service to individuals, indirect service to people, and advocacy work. Direct service includes tutoring, serving meals, working with patients, helping a refugee family, walking foster dogs, or participating in events at a nursing home.

What are the five stages of service-learning and explain each? ›

The service-learning process takes students through the stages of Investigation, Preparation, Action, Reflection, Demonstration and Evaluation. Check out these tools from generationOn that will help every step of the way!

What does JROTC stand for? ›

The U.S. Army Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC) is one of the largest character development and citizenship programs for youth in the world. The National Defense Act of 1916 established organized JROTC programs at public and private educational institutions.

What are the phases of learning in JROTC? ›

The Four Phase Lesson Plan

These phases support “how learners learn.” The phases are Inquire, Gather, Process, and Apply.

What is service-learning in SAE? ›

In a Service-Learning SAE, students (individually or in a small team) plan, conduct, and evaluate a project designed to provide a service to the school, public entities, or the community. The project must benefit an organization, group, or individuals other than your FFA chapter.

What are four types of service-learning? ›

Six Types of Service-Learning
  • Discipline-Based: Students are expected to have a presence in the community throughout the semester and reflect on their experiences on a regular basis… ...
  • Problem-Based (Project-Based): ...
  • Capstone: ...
  • Community-Based Action Research: ...
  • Pure SL: ...
  • Service Internship:

Which type of learning is service-learning quizlet? ›

Service learning is a form of project based learning in which academic goals are accomplished through community service.

Is it service-learning or service-learning? ›

The hyphen in between the service and learning links to the key role of reflection or “learning” after the physical act of service has taken place. Some higher education programs require a reflection component in their service-learning classes.

What is the six stage process of problem based learning? ›

steps are recommended in implementing PBL in a phys- ical education fitness unit: 1) establish the learning outcomes of the fitness unit, 2) assign student roles, 3) motivate students, 4) create a strategy document, 5) develop activities based on students' interests, and 6) present the solution to the problem (see ...

What is the service-learning cycle? ›

Service-learning is best thought of as a cycle, where each step in the process leads to the next. As the diagram of the Service-Learning Cycle illustrates, the process doesn't end with the completion of the service activity.

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