Math Rankings by Country 2024 (2024)

Mathematics is the science and study of quality, structure, space, and change, either as abstract concepts (pure mathematics) or applied to other disciplines such as physics and engineering (applied mathematics). Mathematicians seek patterns, formulate new speculations, and establish facts by rigorous deduction from appropriately established formulas and definitions. Mathematics is frequently shortened to either "math" or "maths" depending upon the region.

In order to provide greater exposure to the leading mathematical scientists around the globe, launched an annual ranking of the world's top mathematical scientists. The 2022 edition of the rankings evaluates the contributions of more than 3,707 mathematical scientists, organized according to the country in which each scientist's research institution is located. The main methodology used to determine the rankings was the D-index (Discipline H-index), which tracks each scientist's published scholarly papers and citations in their specific discipline.

The purpose of math ranking by country

The ranking of maths scholars in different countries is meant to grant the academic community more visibility and to raise awareness of the influential contributions made by those at the forefront of mathematics. The ranking is also meant to inspire researchers and entrepreneurs around the world to learn the countries in which the leading maths researchers are working and the direction their research is taking.

Top Ten Countries with the Highest Math Ranking (by # of leading mathematics scientists in the top ~2k):

Number of Leading Math Scientists by Country

Scientists from the United States dominate the 2022 list, which saw 458 of the top 1,000 scholars—a full 45.8% of all mathematics scientists ranked—working for US-based institutions. Seven out of 10 scientists in the top 1% were located in the US, while the remaining three were from the United Kingdom, Israel, and Turkey.

The UK ranked second with 63 scientists, and the third spot was taken by Germany, which produced 60 ranking scientists. The other leading countries were France with 53 scientists, China with 47 scientists, Canada with 38 scientists, and Italy with 31 scholars.

Mathematics rankings at universities and secondary schools by Country

In terms of colleges, American universities, led by Princeton University, contributed 9 of the top 10 leading institutions in mathematics. The non-American institution included in the top 10 was the Swiss ETH Zurich, which ranked in the 10th position and claimed 12 maths scientists.

In a 2021 ranking of secondary school students' performance in international science and math competitions, the United States dropped from the second spot in 2020 to the third spot in 2021, behind China and Russia. The US was followed in the rankings by Taiwan, Singapore, the Republic of Korea, Vietnam, Romania, Hong Kong and Iran, respectively.

Math Rankings by Country 2024 (2024)


Math Rankings by Country 2024? ›

The survey was conducted from January to March 2024 and received over 196,300 replies. According to the 2024 rankings, the United Kingdom has the most well-developed education system in the world. The United States comes in second place, followed by Australia, the Netherlands, and Sweden.

Which country has the best education system 2024? ›

The survey was conducted from January to March 2024 and received over 196,300 replies. According to the 2024 rankings, the United Kingdom has the most well-developed education system in the world. The United States comes in second place, followed by Australia, the Netherlands, and Sweden.

Which country is no 1 in math? ›

Singapore is the highest-performing country in mathematics, with a mean score of 564 points – more than 70 points above the OECD average. Three countries/economies – Hong Kong (China), Macao (China) and Chinese Taipei – perform below Singapore, but higher than any OECD country in PISA.

Where does America rank in math? ›

Among the 81 international school systems that participated in the PISA last year, the U.S. ranked 26th in math achievement, up from 29th among the same group of school systems in 2018.

What country has highest math scores? ›

Just 7 percent of U.S. students scored at the highest levels in math, compared with 23 percent in Japan and South Korea, and 41 percent in Singapore, the top-performing country.

What rank is USA in education? ›

Education Rankings by Country
13.United States0.883
158 more rows

What country is #1 in education? ›

CountryEducation Rank (USN 2021)
United States1
United Kingdom2
6 more rows

Where does China rank in math? ›

In 2018, China was No. 1 in all three subjects tested, mathematics, science and reading. The United States was 38th in math, just above Belarus and Malta, 19th in science, just above Sweden and Belgium, and 14th in reading, just above the United Kingdom and Japan.

Which country is weakest in maths? ›

Bottom 10 Lowest-Performing Countries in Math
1Dominican Republic325
6 more rows

Why is India so good at math? ›

The sheer number of mathematically talented individuals in India is remarkable. This is partly because of the strong tradition of mathematics, the cultural significance of math, and the widespread availability of quality education.

Is USA good at math? ›

In the most recent Program for International Student Assessment tests in math, or PISA, U.S. students scored lower than their counterparts in 36 other education systems worldwide.

Why is China better at math than America? ›

A: Chinese students shine in international math tests because of a tough educational system that focuses on math basics. Cultural values push for the best grades, and the government invests big in learning. They also make use of the latest technology.

Why is America so far behind in math? ›

The U.S. has long struggled to compete with foreign countries on education outcomes. Data has established that school shutdowns and learning disruption over the pandemic greatly exacerbated that deficit. One in three U.S. students lack basic math proficiency, the assessment showed.

Which country has the hardest education system? ›

South Korea, Finland, America and Russia have some of the world's toughest education systems, according to a new guide. Singapore, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Africa complete the top 10 list of countries with difficult education systems published by, a Kosovo-based education platform.

Which country is no 1 in science? ›

To See Your Name in Print: The United States

According to the Nature Index, which tracks the globe's best natural science research. “When it comes to publishing in the world's leading scientific journals, the United States is in a league of its own.

What is Mexico ranked in education? ›

Highlights: Mexico Education Statistics

Mexico ranks 74th worldwide in the Education Index of United Nations Development Program. The Mexican government spends 5.3% of GDP on education. As of 2020, the net enrollment rate in secondary education in Mexico is 76.4%.

Which country has toughest education? ›

South Korea, Finland, America and Russia have some of the world's toughest education systems, according to a new guide. Singapore, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Africa complete the top 10 list of countries with difficult education systems published by, a Kosovo-based education platform.

Who has the best education system in the country? ›

These states have the best school systems in the US, according to new data
  • Massachusetts tops the list of the states with the best school systems.
  • New Jersey and Connecticut follow in second and third place, respectively.
  • Arizona is revealed to be the state with the worst school system.
Feb 15, 2024

What country has the highest years of expected schooling? ›

Our animation represents the most up-to-date data the United Nations has available (as of August, 2022). Australia is the country with the highest expected years of schooling at 22, and Eritrea and South Sudan have the lowest expected years of schooling at 5.

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