Key elements of debriefing for simulator training : European Journal of Anaesthesiology | EJA (2024)

Symposium: Simulation in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine 2000: Annual Meeting of the 'Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine' (SESAM): Abstracts

Rall, M*; Manser, T; Howard, S. K

Author Information

*Department of Anaesthesiology, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany (E-mail: [emailprotected]), †Department of Work and Organisational Psychology, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zürich, Switzerland, and ‡Department of Anaesthesiology, VA Palo Alto Health Care System, Stanford University School of Medicine, USA

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Introduction The use of simulators to train crisis resource management is increasing constantly [1,2]. The detailed, video-based discussion of a simulator scenario with all participants directly after the session, with the aim to enhance self-reflection, is called 'debriefing'.

Methods A small survey was undertaken at 14 European simulator centres and at an interdisciplinary simulator workshop during the SESAM 2000 meeting in order to define the key elements of debriefing. As the numbers are very small only descriptive results are mentioned.

Results Respondents claim that debriefing is the most important part of realistic simulator training. Debriefing is crucial for a successful learning process, but if performed badly it can be the source of severe harm to the trainee. Debriefing can 'make or break' a simulator session and can be attributed as the 'heart and soul of simulator training'. Therefore, training of instructors in the art of debriefing should be emphasized. The debriefing instructor requires both clinical and teaching experience. As the setting of simulator training is very intense, coaching of the instructor by a psychologist is recommended.

Good debriefing requires a thorough briefing beforehand. Briefing should include (a) explaining to the participants that the session concerns learning, not performance assessment, (b) that confidentiality is maintained, and (c) that making errors is important for the training benefit. A nonthreatening atmosphere should be established and the crisis management terminology should be explained. The simulator should be explained in detail. Limitations of the simulation and how to deal with them should be stated. Admitting that the simulator is not completely realistic helps trainees suspend disbelief.

Elements of successful debriefing include: creating a good and friendly atmosphere, open-ended questions, facilitating of self-debriefing, positive reinforcement, open discussions on management aspects, pointing out underlying principles that lead to misconceptions/errors, using cognitive aids, showing alternatives, stressing that everybody makes errors, concentrating on few key learning points, and pointing out the good parts with the assistance of the audio-visual equipment.

Elements that should be avoided during debriefing are: closed questions, criticism using destructive language, concentrating on errors, blaming and ridiculing participants, focusing too much discussion on medical points rather than on crisis management aspects, too much instructor talking, too many teaching points, too long a debriefing period.

Conclusion Debriefing is the most important part of simulator training. Serious harm to trainees may result from poorly debriefed sessions. Training and coaching of instructors should be emphasized. Continuous studying and training of debriefing techniques in an interdisciplinary team involving psychologists should be the future.


1 Howard SK, Gaba DM, Fish KJ, Yang G, Sarnquist FH. Anesthesia crisis resource management training: teaching anesthesiologists to handle critical incidents. Aviat Space Environ Med 1992; 63: 763-770.

  • Cited Here

2 Gaba DM, Fish KJ, Howard SK. Crisis Management in Anesthesiology. New York, USA: Churchill Livingstone, 1994.

  • Cited Here
© 2000 European Academy of Anaesthesiology
Key elements of debriefing for simulator training : European Journal of Anaesthesiology | EJA (2024)


Key elements of debriefing for simulator training : European Journal of Anaesthesiology | EJA? ›

Elements of successful debriefing include: creating a good and friendly atmosphere, open-ended questions, facilitating of self-debriefing, positive reinforcement, open discussions on management aspects, pointing out underlying principles that lead to misconceptions/errors, using cognitive aids, showing alternatives, ...

What makes a good simulation debrief? ›

Ask about effective responses and validate them. Analyse and interpret the activity by applying appropriate frameworks or lenses ( such as non-technical skills, or the clinical context surrounding the scenario). Keep the discussion positive, and avoid the temptation to focus on “strengths and weaknesses”.

What is the key principle of debriefing? ›

The debriefing is an essential part of the consent process and is mandatory when the research study involves deception. The debriefing provides participants with a full explanation of the hypothesis being tested, procedures to deceive participants and the reason(s) why it was necessary to deceive them.

What are the three phases of debriefing? ›

Many debriefing techniques run naturally through three main phases: reaction/description, analysis/understanding, and application/summary, as listed in table 2.

What is debriefing in sim lab? ›

Debriefing following a simulation event is a conversational period for reflection and feedback aimed at sustaining or improving future performance. It is considered by many simulation educators to be a critical activity for learning in simulation-based education.

What are the 5 key points of debriefing? ›

There are top five parts of a successful debrief:
  • Plan it in advance. Debriefs will never happen unless they are planned in advance. ...
  • Make it a safe forum. ...
  • Review the meeting objectives. ...
  • Be honest, even if it hurts. ...
  • Do a Recap.
Jul 9, 2018

What are the key elements of debriefing for simulator training? ›

Elements of successful debriefing include: creating a good and friendly atmosphere, open-ended questions, facilitating of self-debriefing, positive reinforcement, open discussions on management aspects, pointing out underlying principles that lead to misconceptions/errors, using cognitive aids, showing alternatives, ...

What are the 7 steps of debriefing? ›

A critical incident stress debriefing consists of seven steps:
  • The Assessment Phase. ...
  • The Fact Phase. ...
  • The Thought Phase. ...
  • The Reaction Phase. ...
  • The Symptom Phase. ...
  • The Teaching Phase. ...
  • The Re-entry Phase.
Sep 22, 2022

What are the 4 phases of debriefing? ›

In a four-phase debriefing model (i.e. reactions, description, analysis, summary), using the Timeline Debriefing Tool during the description phase takes about 25% of the entire debriefing duration.

Why is debriefing important in simulation? ›

For well-defined objectives, such as a technical skill or a particular team behavior, the debriefing session affords the opportunity to examine how closely participants' performance has approached a known target, and what needs to be done to bridge any observed gaps between performance and target.

How do you debrief after simulation? ›

  1. DEBRIEF: Define rules, Explain learning objectives, Benchmark performance, Review expected actions, Identify what happened, Examine why things happened the way they did, Formalize learning.
  2. bAsed on US Army methodology.
Nov 7, 2023

What is the debriefing process in simulation? ›

Debriefing is an essential part of simulation‐based education and can be defined as a structured and guided process between people, after a simulated training session (Al Sabei and Lasater, 2016).

What are the types of debriefing in simulation? ›

This resulted in the following 3 general debriefing methods termed: facilitator-guided postevent debriefing, self-guided postevent debriefing, and facilitator-guided within-event debriefing. Facilitator-guided postevent debriefing was the most commonly reported method of debriefing.

What is the pre brief and debriefing process in a simulation setting? ›

Pre-briefing/ briefing, considered synonymous, involves the interaction between facilitator and students and addresses the learning scenario, objectives and roles for the simulation experience, immediately before the scenario(6,7). After preparation, is the participation stage, which consists of a simulation scenario.

What four components do most debriefing sessions include? ›

The debriefing session typically begins with an introduction and establishment of the rules, a fact-gathering phase during which participants tell what happened, a discussion phase during which participants give their thoughts about what occurred, and a reaction phase during which they share the emotions they have ...

What is the main goal of the debriefing session? ›

When a person asks, “What happened?” they are initiating the process of debriefing. Its goals are to discuss the actions and thought processes involved in a particular clinical situation, encourage reflection, and incorporate improvement into future performance.

What should be included in an experiment debrief? ›

In the debriefing, you should include: (a) a description of your hypothesis, (b) what deception was used, if any, and why it was needed, (c) what the participants in the other conditions did (if applicable), and (d) what results the researcher(s) expect(s) to find.

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