How to Debrief Others Involved in an Incident of Challenging Behavior (2024)

Challenging behavior at work involves crossing social and professional norms in a way that disrupts work and upsets co-workers. To manage such behavior, you must learn how to understand what happened and how it affected employees. Your skill at debriefing everyone involved in the incident will determine how smoothly your company transitions back to acceptable, professional behavior and also will help prevent a repeat of the behavior.

Creating a Debriefing Plan

  1. After an outburst from an employee, your adrenaline may be pumping, causing you to want to jump into the fray to get to the bottom of it. However, you will be more effective if you take a calm moment to create a plan for debriefing employees. Write down your objective, such as understanding who was at fault or creating new rules to prevent future events. Then write down your action steps, which can include interviewing the parties involved and all witnesses.

Discovering Facts

  1. Your initial debriefing should focus on the participant or participants in the challenging behavior. If you listen carefully, take notes and ask follow-up questions without making judgments, you will be more likely to get an honest version of what happened. Moving on to witnesses, note any reports that corroborate what the participants said, and pay particular attention to conflicting tales. You can gather a lot of useful data if you stay as neutral as possible and don't try to persuade speakers to take sides.

Finding the Root Cause

  1. Identifying and understanding the reason for someone's behavior is difficult because it involves individuals' emotions, which can be complex. The employees engaging in the challenging behavior may not even be able to pinpoint why they behaved as they did. An individual’s physical condition, such as a chronic headache, backache or dental problems may produce enough discomfort to bring on a behavior. Emotional factors, such as boredom, dissatisfaction, depression or anger may contribute as well. Debriefing, asking questions and looking for clues may seem like a tedious process, but it is the best aid in getting to the root of the problem.

Reinforcing Positive Behaviors

  1. The debriefing process is an opportunity for you to not only identify negative behaviors, but also to reinforce positive ones. As you interview witnesses and the people affected by the challenging behavior, you can emphasize company values and make it clear that you reward positive behaviors. For example, if you fire an employee for sexual harassment, make it clear to other employees that you value their courtesy and respect for both genders. Even if there was no positive behavior by the person involved in the incident, you can point out the positive behaviors of the other employees. Using the debriefing process as an opportunity for improving employee outlook can turn a challenging experience into a triumphant one.

How to Debrief Others Involved in an Incident of Challenging Behavior (2024)
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