How to Compare Two Csv Files (2024)

There are a few ways to compare two CSV files. One way is to use a text editor like Notepad++ and open both files side by side. You can then visually scan the file contents and look for any differences.

Another way is to use a tool designed specifically for comparing CSV files, like the one available at This will do a more thorough comparison of the files and highlight any differences that it finds.

  • Download and install a CSV comparison tool, such as CSV Compare Tool
  • Open the first CSV file in the program
  • Select the second CSV file you wish to compare it to and click “Compare”
  • The results of the comparison will be displayed in the program window, showing any differences between the two files

Table of Contents

How to Compare Two Csv Files in Excel

Assuming you have two CSV files that you want to compare, and that each file has the same headers, here is how you would go about doing so in Excel:1. Open both CSV files in Excel.2. Select the header row of one of the files, and then click on Data > Compare Files from the menus.

3. In the Compare Files dialog box that appears, select the other CSV file as the file to compare against, and then click OK.4. Excel will now highlight any differences between the two files side by side.

How to Compare Two Csv Files in Python

Are you working with CSV files in Python and need to compare them? If so, you’re in luck. In this article, we’ll show you how to compare two CSV files using Python.

To start, let’s say that you have the following two CSV files:file_1.csvname,age,city

John,21,New YorkJane,22,Los AngelesJoe,20,Chicago

file_2.csvname,age,cityJohn,21,New York

Jane,22,BostonNancy,19,,Washington DCAs you can see from the above example data sets file_1 has 3 lines or records while file_2 has 4 records.

The first column is the names of people living in different cities and the second column is their age followed by the city they live in. Notice that some of the cells in the City column are empty which means those individuals did not provide their city information. Also notice thatJohn appears twice but with different agesin each dataset (this will be important later).

With these things in mind let’s move on to writing our code . . .

Compare Two Csv Files And Output Difference

Assuming you are talking about two CSV (comma separated value) files, there are a few ways to compare them and output the differences.One option is to use a spreadsheet application like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Simply open both CSV files in separate sheets, then use the built-in comparison features of the software to identify any differences.

Another option is to use a dedicated CSV diff tool. These tools will take two CSV files and output any differences between them, often in a more user-friendly format than a spreadsheet application. Some popular CSV diff tools include CSVDiffer, DiffNow, and File Difference Analyzer.

If you are comfortable working with code, you can also write your own script to compare two CSV files. This is generally more complex than using a dedicated tool, but it gives you more control over the comparison process and how the results are displayed.

How to Compare Two Csv Files in Mac

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If you have ever worked with data, chances are you’ve had to deal with CSV files at some point. CSV files are a great way to store and organize data, but they can be a pain to work with if you don’t have the right tools.If you’re a Mac user, there are a few different ways that you can compare two CSV files.

In this blog post, we’ll show you how to use three different methods: Terminal, Excel, and Google Sheets.Terminal is a great option if you’re comfortable working with command line interface. If not, no worries!

We’ll also show you how to compare CSV files using Excel and Google Sheets – two applications that most people are already familiar with.So whether you’re a Terminal pro or just getting started with spreadsheet applications, read on for instructions on how to compare two CSV files on a Mac.

Script to Compare Two Csv Files

In business, data is everything. The ability to effectively analyze and understand your data can mean the difference between success and failure. CSV files are a common way to store data, and being able to compare two CSV files can be critical to understanding your data.

There are a number of ways to compare two CSV files, but for this blog post we’re going to focus on using a script. Scripting is a powerful way to automate tasks, and it’s perfect for this use case.There are a few things you’ll need in order to get started:

The first step is to get the script. You can find the script we’ll be using here: .Once you have the script, open it in your favorite text editor.

We’ll be working with Python, so if you don’t have experience with Python, now would be a good time to brush up on the basics .Next, we need some data to work with. For this example, we’re going to use two files that contain information about different countries .

You can download them here:

How to Compare Two Csv Files (2)


Can We Compare Two Csv Files?

There are a few ways to compare two CSV files. One way is to use a text editor that supports file comparisons, like Notepad++. Another way is to use a command line tool like WinMerge.

If you have Excel installed, you can also open both CSV files in separate workbooks and then use the VLOOKUP function to compare data between the two files.

How Can I Tell If Two Csv Files are the Same?

If you need to compare two CSV files to see if they are the same, there are a few ways you can do this.One way is to open both files in a text editor and then use the editor’s built-in Compare feature. This is usually found under a menu item like View > Compare Files (the exact name will vary depending on the text editor).

This method works well if the CSV files are not too large.Another way to compare CSV files is to use a specialized diff tool. These tools are designed specifically for comparing text files, and some of them can handle CSV files quite nicely.

One example is WinMerge, which is available for free from There are many other diff tools available; just search for “diff tool” on your favorite search engine.A third way to compare CSV files is to convert them into another format that makes it easier to do the comparison.

For example, you could convert each file into an XML file, and then use an XML diff tool to compare the two XML files. Or, you could convert each file into JSON format, and then use a JSON diff tool.Which method you choose depends on your needs and preferences.

If you just need a quick way to tell if two CSV files have any differences, then using a text editor or diff tool should suffice. But if you need a more detailed comparison, then converting the CSV files into another format may be your best bet.

How Do I Find the Difference between Two Csv Files in Excel?

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If you have ever needed to find the differences between two CSV files in Excel, you know that it can be a difficult and time-consuming task. Luckily, there is a tool that can make this process much easier.The first thing you need to do is open both of the CSV files in Excel.

Next, click on the Data tab and then select the Compare Files option. This will open up a new window where you can select which files you want to compare. Once you have selected the files, click on the Compare button.

Excel will now compare the two files and highlight any differences between them. You can then go through and investigate each difference to see what caused it. This can be a very helpful way to quickly find and fix any errors in your data.

How to Compare 2 Csv Files Using Python?

Python has a module called csv that makes working with CSV files much easier. The csv module also provides functions to help you read and write CSV files.To compare two CSV files using Python, you can use the following code:

import csv def compare_csvs(file1, file2): “””Compare two CSV files and return a list of differences.””” # Open both CSVs and create a reader for each file1 = open(file1) file2 = open(file2) reader1 = csv.reader(file1) reader2 = csv.reader(file2) # Initialize an empty list to store the differences diffs = [] # Loop through each row in both CSVs for row1, row2 in zip(reader1, reader2): # If the rows are different, add them to the list of differences if row1 != row2: diffs.append((row1, row2)) # Close both files file1.close() file2.close() return diffsThis code will take two filenames as input and will return a list of tuples containing the different rows from each file.

You can then loop through this list and print out or take action on the different rows as needed.

How to compare two .csv files on Windows 10


If you need to compare two CSV files, there are a few ways you can do it. You can use a text editor like Notepad++ to open both files and then use the Find function to compare the contents of each file. Or, you can use a free online tool like

Simply upload both CSV files and click the Compare button. You’ll see a side-by-side comparison of the two files, with any differences highlighted in red.

How to Compare Two Csv Files (2024)


How do I compare two CSV files in beyond compare? ›

Browse your file system, then rightclick and choose Compare. The two files should open up a Beyond Compare session.

What is the best way to compare two files? ›

Use the diff command to compare text files. It can compare single files or the contents of directories. When the diff command is run on regular files, and when it compares text files in different directories, the diff command tells which lines must be changed in the files so that they match.

What is the best way to compare two sets of data in Excel? ›

Open the workbooks you want to compare. Go to the View tab, Window group, and click the View Side by Side button. That's it!

How do I compare Excel files quickly? ›

Open Spreadsheet Compare. In the lower-left pane, choose the options you want included in the workbook comparison, such as formulas, cell formatting, or macros. Or, just Select All. On the Home tab, choose Compare Files.

What is the fastest way to compare two documents for differences? ›

Open one of the two versions of the document that you want to compare. On the Tools menu, point to Track Changes, and then click Compare Documents. In the Original document list, select the original document. In the Revised document list, browse to the other version of the document, and then click OK.

Can Notepad++ do file comparison? ›

Open any two files (A, B) in Notepad++, which you want to compare. File B (new) gets compared to File A (old). Then, navigate to Plugins > Compare Menu > Compare. It shows the difference/comparison side by side, as shown in the screenshot.

Which method is used to compare two? ›

Both equals() method and the == operator are used to compare two objects in Java. == is an operator and equals() is method.

How do I compare two data files in Python? ›

Method 1: Using unified_diff()

Python has a Module which is specially used for comparing the differences between the files. To get differences using the difflib library, we have to call the unified_diff() function to this comparison. Parameter: file1: List of String such as file_1_text.

What is == comparing in Python? ›

The == operator compares the value or equality of two objects, whereas the Python is operator checks whether two variables point to the same object in memory. In the vast majority of cases, this means you should use the equality operators == and != , except when you're comparing to None .

What is the best method to show a comparison between two variables? ›

A scatterplot is the most useful display technique for comparing two quantitative variables.

How do I compare two lists in Excel and pull matches? ›

You can use the IF Function to compare two lists in Excel for matches in the same row. If Function will return the value TRUE if the values match and FALSE if they don't. You can even add custom text to display the word “Match” when a criterion is met and “Not a Match” when it's not met.

How do I compare two CSV files in Notepad ++? ›

Open any two files (A, B) in Notepad++, which you want to compare. File B (new) gets compared to File A (old). Then, navigate to Plugins > Compare Menu > Compare. It shows the difference/comparison side by side, as shown in the screenshot.

How can I compare two data files in Excel? ›

Open Spreadsheet Compare. In the lower-left pane, choose the options you want included in the workbook comparison, such as formulas, cell formatting, or macros. Or, just Select All. On the Home tab, choose Compare Files.

Is VLOOKUP still better compare to Xlookup? ›

XLOOKUP is much more flexible than VLOOKUP, which can look up values only in the leftmost column of a table, and return values from corresponding columns on the right, as we saw in the example above. In contrast, the XLOOKUP model requires simpler steps and can return values for any column in either direction.

Does VLOOKUP work on csv files? ›

csv. You will use vlookup formula in a table from another worksheet to get data from this quotes. csv file. For this worksheet, you will save it "under current date".

Can we use Xlookup for multiple lookup values? ›

One of the key new features XLOOKUP brings to the table is the ability to lookup using multiple criteria (without complex array formulas – arrays are now dynamic!).

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