How Human Hair Wigs Are Made | Ruby Renee Wigs (2024)

It may seem strange buying a wig with human hair, but natural hair wigs are an excellent tool for a woman’s style toolbox. Whether you’re wearing wigs for fun, fashion, or medical reasons, human hair wigs gives you the flexibility of style while looking natural and cool.

But how do they make wigs with human hair? We know how they hair is made, but how does it make it from one person’s head to another?

  1. Prepare Human Hair to Make Natural Hair Wigs

After being donated or bought, the human hair is brushed (often in an industrial-style brush called a hackle) to ensure all the hair is uniform. All the roots need to be facing the same way, and they remove any uneven or weak strands during this process.

Once they organize all the hair into a bunch, they wash and comb it before gently disinfecting the bundle to ensure no impurities.

After it’s clean, the color is examined. If the color isn’t uniform the manufacturers either sort the hair into like-colors and textures or they color the strands to get a more uniformed look. This stage is when hair is either left natural (virgin) or can be permanently styled, straightened, or curled to look as wanted when made into a wig.

  1. Creating a Wig Cap

They form the cap of the wig into a mold. This process guarantees that the wig will have a more natural look with hair that naturally falls around the human head. It also helps shape the wig, ensuring it will be secure and not loose.

This step is essential to ensure the wig doesn’t irritate when worn. This base is what touches your head as you wear the wig.

  1. Create the Top

They sew fine mesh silk netting that matches the color of the hair into the edge and crown of the wigs’ cap together with a silk ribbon that matches the foundation’s color. Next, they use anchor points, sewn together with cotton thread. This process creates the places for them to knot the hair into the wig in the next step.

  1. Knot the Hair into the Top

They attach each hair strand independently to the top. There are various techniques for doing this. A common one is to use a tool almost like a crochet hook to poke a strand through the foundation before pulling it out the other side.

A full wig can take anywhere from 30,000 to 40,000 knots, each done individually by hand. This element is one factor contributing to how expensive natural hair wigs are.

  1. Sowing the Wefts

The final step is to sew wefts of hair along the sides of the wigs to get the natural layered look. The length of the wigs ultimately depends on the length of the wefts.

How Human Hair Wigs Are Made With Lace Fronts and Lace Tops

Lace human hair wigs offer a more natural look. They use lace which is the same color as your skin tone for a seamless, natural look. Lace wigs use a tool called a ventilating needle where they pull each strand through the lace for a look as close to hair growing out of a head as possible.

Because this ventilation method can take several hours to do just one square inch of wigs, they most often use lace wigs for the front of the hairline or the top of the head. In addition, they use the lace to conform to the shape of the crown and hairline. This process means a customizable look that’s very natural.

Lace front wigs are often sold with an overlap of lace still extending from the front of the wig top create the hairline. Before wearing, they need to trim this overlap to the natural contour of the wearers hairline.

Lace wigs are a great way to have a natural and intricate look that closely mimics a natural hairline and crown of the head. The extra work and expense are offset by how natural these wigs look.

How Human Hair Wigs Are Made With A Natural And Easy Look

Although wigs of human hair give a very natural and low-maintenance look, it can take more than 40 hours of work to make just one. This dedication and time create a beautiful wig that moves and acts as natural hair because it is natural hair.

Wigs made of natural hair are also almost one-of-a-kind, making them a valuable buy. Natural hair wigs aren’t your only option; however, if the higher cost that comes with this quality isn’t in your budget, synthetic wigs are an excellent alternative.

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How Human Hair Wigs Are Made | Ruby Renee Wigs (2024)
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