German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (2024)

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Fall Naturally Sweetened Sweets and Treats Recipes Whole Foods for the Holidays

In homeschool, the boys and I have been going through the beginning of settlement in the United States. Starting with the vikings, Columbus, the pioneers, and pilgrims, people throughout Europe were making their way to the new world in hopes of a better life.

In our discussion yesterday, my boys and I reflected on these people and talked about what the true meaning of Thanksgiving is.After reading Psalm 100, we all came to realize that the true meaning of Thanksgiving is about giving our praise to God and thanking him for every blessing and struggle that we may have.

Psalm 100: A Psalm of Thanksgiving

1 Shout with joy to theLord, all the earth!
2 Worship theLordwith gladness.
Come before him, singing with joy.
3Acknowledge that theLordis God!
He made us, and we are his.
We are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
4Enter his gates with thanksgiving;
go into his courts with praise.
Give thanks to him and praise his name.
5For theLordis good.
His unfailing love continues forever,
and his faithfulness continues to each generation.

It was great fun to hear what the boys were thankful for. Xavier was thankful for his friends at church, Nehemiah was thankful for his brother and sister, and Ezekiel was thankful for his mama – I like that. It was especially funny to hear what items they would have taken into the Mayflower. Each of them wanted to make sure to take their Nintendo DS as they would probably need something to keep themselves from getting bored. I love it.

When it was my turn, I explained to them that I’m most thankful this year for my immediate family. My mother, father, and two sisters – I can’t imagine my life without them. At every struggle they have always been there to help my family in love, support, and care. Goodness, it would take a book to share with you what they’ve done for me and mine over the years. From completely surprising Gabe and I with a brand new bedroom renovation for my 3 children, to financial support, shoulders to cry on, or the wisdom of my father as he always brings Gabe and I back to scriptures promises; I’m a blessed and thankful woman.

For these sweet blessings and time of thankfulness, I decided to make my family a German Chocolate Pecan Pie – two days before Thanksgiving because I figured we could be thankful on more than just one day a year. To make this pie filled with extra coconut goodness, I decided to make it in a coconut crust.

German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (2)

In my treasured Kitchen Aid 13 cup food processor, I started by blending together dried shredded coconut, coconut milk, and coconut oil until it held together.

German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (3)

I then added another 1 1/3 of dried shredded coconut to the blended mixture and placed it all in a 10″ pie dish. I then loosely spread it apart to cover the pie dish in it’s entirety.

German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (4)

German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (5)

Once there was a good thick layer of coconut crust covering the pie dish, I pressed the coconut into place starting on the edges and working down. I didn’t press the very top down as I thought the rough edges would make it something lovely to look at.

German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (6)

German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (7)

Once the pie crust was in place, I cut a piece of parchment paper to cover the edges of the pie. Since I no longer like to use aluminum foil, I cut a large hole in the parchment paper so that the inside of the crust would show through but the edges were covered. I then par-baked it at 350F for 12 minutes.

German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (8)

Although covered, the edges still browned. I think I may try 10 minutes next time.

German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (9)

Now was the fun part. I broke up a 3.5oz organic, fair trade 70% Cacao dark chocolate bar and placed it in the bottom of the pie crust like so.

German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (10)

I then whipped up my pecan filling with added coconut and poured it over the top of the chocolate.

German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (11)

I then baked it at 375F for 25 minutes more. Again, I covered the edges of the pie because I knew they would brown further. It turned out beautifully rich and decadent; yet, not overly sweet – just perfect.


German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust – A Gluten Free Recipe

Yield: 6-8 servings

German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (12)

A gluten free german chocolate pecan pie made in a coconut crust. Rich and decadent; yet, not overly sweet - just perfect!



    Coconut Crust

  1. Preheat the oven to 350F.
  2. In a food processor, combine 2 cups dried shredded coconut, coconut milk, and coconut oil. Blend for 3-5 minutes or until the mixture turns sticky and holds together.
  3. In a medium sized bowl, combine the coconut mixture plus an additional 1 1/3 cups dried coconut.
  4. Place the coconut mixture in a 10" pie dish. Gently, spread the coconut mixture so that it covers the pie dish.
  5. Starting at the top, by the crust, press the coconut crust down into the pie dish so that it holds together well.
  6. Cover with a piece of parchment paper that's been cut with a large hole in the center to show the inner pie crust while covering the edge.
  7. Bake at 350F for 10-12 minutes.
  8. German Chocolate Pecan Pie Filling

  9. Preheat oven to 375F
  10. Once the crust has been par-baked, add the chopped up chocolate bar to the bottom of the pie crust.
  11. In a medium sized bowl, whisk the 2 eggs together; set aside.
  12. In a heavy bottomed sauce pan, over medium-low heat, melt the butter. Add the honey and coconut palm sugar, and then whisk it all together for 2-3 minutes; remove from heat and allow to cool for 5 minutes.
  13. Once cooled, slowly whisk the mixture into the eggs in the bowl.
  14. Mix in the coconut and pecans.
  15. Pour the filling into the pie crust over the chocolate, and then bake at 375 for 22-25 minutes or until set.

©Copyright, A Little Bit of Spain in Iowa

What’s your favorite pie to enjoy on Thanksgiving day?

German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (13)

About Diana Bauman

Diana is a mother of three, proud wife, and humbled daughter of God. She finds the most joy meeting with Jesus in her organic gardens. She is completely blessed to be able to call herself a stay at home mom where she home educates her children, joyfully serves her husband, and cooks nourishing, real food, for her family. She loves connecting with people on facebook, google+, pinterest, and instagram.

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Truth in the Tinsel – Advent 2013 »


  1. German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (14)Kara @ Home With Purpose says

    Oh goodness! I’ve GOT to make this for my hubby! Pecan pie is his favorite pie, and German chocolate is his favorite cake. It’s perfect! 🙂


    • German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (15)Diana Bauman says

      Mine to, Kara! My hubby LOVES it!!


      • German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (16)Kara @ Home With Purpose says

        Surprised him with it when he got home from work tonight…he LOVED it! Thanks for the recipe! 🙂


      • German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (17)Lisl McG says

        Has anyone tried this with a lower amount of sugar. I can’t have that much and but I really want to make this. I think it would probably work if I just left some of the sugar out. Also, does a blender work if you don’t have a food processor?


  2. German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (19)Megan says

    This looks fantastic!! Did you grease the pie pan?


    • German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (20)Diana Bauman says

      No, I didn’t have to, Megan 😀 The coconut has so much oil in it, that it didn’t need it 😀


  3. German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (24)Christy says

    You just made my Thanksgiving. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving to you!!


    • German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (25)Diana Bauman says

      What a blessing to hear, Christy!


  4. German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (26)Tasja Williams says

    This looks so yummy! Can this pie be made ahead or it it a eat it today kind of pie? I’m making it for Thanksgiving tomorrow and am wondering if I can make it today…


    • German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (27)Diana Bauman says

      Oh yes, it can definitely be made ahead of time 😀


      • German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (28)Tasja Williams says

        Thank you for your fast reply! I just took it out of the oven and it looks Devine! Thank you for this great pie recipe!


  5. German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (29)Diane Huskinson says

    Hi Diana! This looks and sounds decadent! I discovered this recipe via Keeper of the Home, a site I love, and now I’ve found your lovely blog. It’s great to find a community of women with similar interests. Very excited to try this recipe, but I’ll have to modify since I am dairy and egg intolerant. Thanks for the inspiration!


  6. German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (32)Lynne says

    My daughter is highly allergic to eggs, is there a adequate substitute so she can enjoy this pie with us?


  7. German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (35)Márcia Aleixo says

    This looks absurdly yummy!!!!


  8. German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (36)Diana Bauman says

    Thank for sharing!


  9. German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (37)Lydia Joy Shatney says

    Ooh, can I have a piece STAT!


  10. German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (38)Sarah Outlaw says

    Oh my!!! Get in my mouth!!!


  11. German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (39)Holly (Your Gardening Friend) says

    With no exaggeration, I’m tellin’ ya, this is the most delicious looking pecan pie I’ve ever seen!!!

    Pecan pie is my husband’s absolute favorite pie. I’ve actually never made one, though. That’s about to change, thanks to you and this recipe – SERIOUSLY!


    • German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (40)Diana Bauman says

      Thanks, Holly!!


  12. German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (41)Brandae says

    Thank you for this recipe – I baked it yesterday, and all four adults who tasted it LOVED it. What a decadent treat! I added a splash of vanilla to the filling and used ghee instead of butter. YUM!


  13. German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (42)Danila says

    We made this for Thanksgiving dinner, it was delicious! Even the kids loved it! Thank you for the recipe.


  14. German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (43)Tricia says

    What would you substitute for the butter? We can do everything else but that. Can’t wait to make this for Thanksgiving! It looks so good! Thank you!


    • German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (44)Diana Bauman says

      Tricia, I would try applesauce. I’m sure that would work fine!


  15. German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (45)Leah says

    For coconut milk… Did you use canned or regular? AND if canned, did you chill it first in order for it to separate? Still learning about baking with coconut milk. Thanks!!


    • German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (46)Diana Bauman says

      Leah, I used canned. No, I did not chill it. Once you open the can, the cream will be on top.


  16. German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (47)Mc says

    This pie was better than I ever imagined. It was perfect. I wouldn’t change a thing about it! I don’t normally say that about gf recipes. And I don’t normally leave comments, but this was so darn good! You don’t need a holiday to enjoy it 🙂 Just go make it right now!

    Thanks for the awesome recipe!


    • German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (48)Diana Bauman says

      I’m glad you enjoyed it, Mc!


  17. German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (49)Annie says

    I made this and it was soooo good, I still can’t believe I made it. Everyone loved it. Thinking this would make amazing bars too, will be making soon.


  18. German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (50)Lori says

    Making this for the second time tonight! It is AMAZING and so easy. Big hit!


    • German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (51)Diana Bauman says

      That’s great, Lori! I’m glad you enjoy it 😀


  19. German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (52)Patty says

    Do you use unsweetened dried coconut? Is boxed coconut milk okay to use? It has a much thinner consistency than canned. Can’t wait to try this for Thanksgiving.


    • German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (53)Diana Bauman says

      Yes, unsweetened. I think boxed coconut milk will work fine.


  20. German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (54)Jane Doe says

    You know I made this two years ago for Christmas and I expected it to be good, but like, oh it’s good for Paleo. Well, it’s not just good for Paleo, it’s amazing no matter how you eat. I thought it was even better after it was cold and had really set up. Am having T-giving with the in-laws who live on sugar, corn syrup, and fried everything, and am in a bit of a panic about being stuck on the couch chewing a carrot while everyone else gorges themselves to oblivion. Decided I would make this and take it with me so had to track down the recipe again. 🙂


    • German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (55)Diana Bauman says

      Thanks for sharing that!


  21. German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (56)Juley says

    Do I need to refrigerate this pie? Or keep it on the counter overnight? Thanks! It looks amazing!!


    • German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (57)Diana Bauman says

      I would refrigerate it and then make sure to bring it back to room temperature before serving.


  22. German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (58)KS says

    I just made this last night for a New Years Eve dinner party. It’s the best dessert I’ve ever made! I have to eat gluten and dairy free and this was soooooo good! Everyone loved it! Thanks so much.


    • German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (59)Diana Bauman says

      Thanks for sharing, KS! I’m glad you liked it!



  1. […] My wonderful wife is perhaps making THIS…I married well […]


  2. […] sweet potatoes and green bean casserole and plenty of pies. I baked this gluten-free apple pie and gluten-free German chocolate pecan pie last […]


  3. […] German Chocolate Pie in a Coconut Crust – My Humble Kitchen […]


  4. […] Gluten-Free German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust / My Humble Kitchen […]


  5. […] Dec 24 •Dinner: Grilled Herb Turkey Breasts(GF),Herb Stuffing(GF Option), Green Beans(GF) and Chocolate Pecan Pie(GF) •Lunch: Leftover Mexi-Lentil Pasta and Garden Salad • Breakfast: Leftover Apple Pie […]


  6. […] 10. German Chocolate Pecan Pie with a Coconut Crust […]


  7. […] Gluten-Free German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust / My Humble Kitchen […]


  8. […] made a naturally sweetened German Chocolate Cake made with coconut flour and I’ve even made a gluten free German Chocolate Pecan Pie. Both recipes are really good; however,I’ve been eyeing this recipe by David Lebovitz for […]


  9. […] can find the complete directions at Here is picture of the pie before it was baked. As you can see the crust is made out of coconut. […]


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German Chocolate Pecan Pie in a Coconut Crust - A Gluten Free Recipe (2024)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.