Experience Modification Rating: Definition & How To Improve It (2024)

An experience modification rate (EMR) is a multiplier insurance companies use to help set workers’ compensation premiums. Insurers determine your EMR by looking at your workers’ comp claims history and potential for future injuries compared to others in your industry. Businesses with lower EMRs pay less for workers’ compensation insurance. EMRs commonly range from 0.48 to 1.00 but can be 1.25 or higher.

It’s important to control workers’ compensation costs by keeping control over the EMR. With the average coverage costing $1.07 per $100 of payroll (a COVID-19 pandemic-led decrease of over 20%), employers have an opportunity to reduce their premiums by keeping the EMR below 1. This is best achieved by having strong loss control measures that help prevent injuries.

How the Experience Modification Rate Works

Your EMR compares your losses to what’s expected in your industry. The formula for determining your EMR is complex, but essentially, it increases if you have more claims than similar businesses and decreases if you have fewer.

The formula starts with a class code rate, which is the amount you’re charged based on how much risk you and your employees face on the job. Most states use job classification codes based on the ones created by the National Council of Compensation Insurance (NCCI), but some states use their own system.

Your class code is then multiplied by your payroll costs divided by $100, and that is multiplied by your experience modification rate. The result is your ultimate workers’ comp costs. Once insurers know your EMR, they plug it into an equation to determine your workers’ compensation premium.

The EMR rating range will change based on your claims history. If your business had more workers’ compensation claims than the industry norm last year, you should expect your EMR and your costs to go up accordingly. However, the rating formula most states use places greater emphasis on frequency over severity. The idea is that one severe loss may represent a freak accident, but more injuries over time may indicate poor safety protocols.

For example, let’s say you originally paid $100 per employee, per year, for your workers’ comp insurance, but those claims caused your EMR to go from 1.0 to 1.2. Now, your annual per-worker cost is $120 (1.2 EMR x $100 = $120).

The construction industry is a good illustration of how the EMR works and can impact your business directly.

Employees are constantly in high-risk scenarios because of manual labor, dangerous heights, and heavy equipment. In addition to concerns about high insurance premiums, contractors should note that governments, as well as many private companies, won’t work with businesses with EMR ratings above a certain number. Being above the maximum EMR keeps a contractor from getting lucrative contracts.

Ultimately, there is a lot of incentive to limit claims and keep a lower EMR in the construction industry. While employers cannot prevent every injury from happening, they can put in place a series of safety standards and create a culture of safety that limits injuries.

The NCCI has decided to exclude COVID-19 claims from businesses’ experience ratings, which means businesses in states that use the NCCI won’t be penalized for COVID-19 claims. The 11 states that don’t use the NCCI may handle COVID-19 claims differently. They include California, Delaware, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania, and the four monopolistic states of Ohio, North Dakota, Washington, and Wyoming.

Factors Affecting EMR Rating Range

Specific details about your claims history, such as the type and number of claims, have the biggest impact on your experience rating. However, other factors, like state laws and industry expectations, can change it, too. Below is a list of factors that most carriers consider when calculating your workers’ compensation premium.

  1. Number of claims: Experience ratings rise above or fall below 1.0, depending on the number of claims you have.
  2. Claims costs: Most states consider small claims that cost less than your deductible when determining the EMR; additionally, medical-only claims have a limited impact on EMR.
  3. Claims frequency: Multiple claims, even small ones, can have a negative effect on your experience modification rate.
  4. Claims severity: While most states place a greater weight on frequency, one huge claim can still increase your experience rating.
  5. Open vs closed claims: Usually, only closed claims impact your EMR; however, getting claims filed and closed quickly means lower claims cost and, ultimately, less impact on your experience rating.
  6. Expectations for industry: Your EMR compares your claims history against what other businesses in your industry experience.
  7. Years in business: New businesses operating for three years or fewer generally start with an experience modification rate of 1.0.
  8. State minimums: Some states only apply an experience rating to certain employers. For example, Oregon businesses qualify for an EMR if they’ve paid workers’ comp premiums of $2,500 for two years, or $5,000 for one year.
  9. Employer size: Larger employers often receive experience modifiers based on their own company’s claims experience without incorporating state average losses.

How Long Claims Affect Experience Ratings

Insurance companies work on a three- to four-year rolling claims cycle, meaning claims stay with policies from year to year and typically fall off in year four. New claims are incorporated into the claims cycle as they occur.

A company that is completely claims-free for three years typically sees EMR rating range reductions. This is why reporting claims promptly is important—the sooner the claim is filed and closed, the sooner it will fall off the EMR books.

How To Improve Your Experience Modification Rate

Improving your experience modification rate can go a long way toward lowering your workers’ compensation insurance costs. The steps you take now may not cause an immediate reduction, but they can lay the groundwork for lower costs and, more importantly, better safety.

1. Make Safety a Top Priority

Reducing accidents is essential to minimizing workers’ compensation claims and improving your EMR. Even inexpensive changes to your business practices, such as monthly or weekly inspections of your facilities and vehicles, can reduce accidents. Many small business owners create safety committees and regularly train employees on how to avoid injuries and what to do if there is one to help prevent losses.

Take advantage of the loss control programs offered by your provider. Safety programs can reduce your e-mod if they reduce the number of claims you file. Some insurers require policyholders to set up safety programs and may give premium credits to companies that have them, and more comprehensive training programs often receive larger credits.

Depending on your state, you may earn a discount or a premium credit for implementing a formal safety plan. Because the state issues the discounts, carriers must offer you the discount if you meet the state-specific requirements.

Workplace injuries often have a negative effect on the bottom line of the business even with workers’ compensation insurance in place. You can learn more about the cost of claims to your business’ profits by using the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) “$afety Pays” calculator.

2. Consider a Loss-sensitive Policy

Insurance carriers have two methods to price workers’ comp policies.

  1. Guaranteed cost policies are what you typically think of when you think of insurance. You pay a fixed premium, and all of your risk transfers to your insurer.
  2. Loss-sensitive policies, like a workers’ comp dividend or small deductible plan, are different. You keep some of the risks, but your ultimate premium reflects your actual losses during the life of the policy. This adjustment can reduce the premiums you pay while also incentivizing you to improve safety.

3. Set Up a Return-to-Work Plan

Getting injured, disabled, or sick employees back to work quickly once their physician releases them can help lower your experience rating. Return-to-work plans typically require job modifications that are specific to the injured worker’s position and may include reorganizing their workstation or changing their daily tasks. Plus, you need to identify essential functions the employee must be able to perform before coming back to work while balancing legal requirements set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

The best workers’ comp providers will offer assistance in return to work plans, including utilizing alternative work with nonprofit organizations. The Office of Disability Employment Policy also has a return-to-work toolkit that is a great resource for figuring out how to retain injured employees.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

New employers are usually assigned an EMR of 1.0. Once employers have three years of claims history, most states adjust the business’s EMR, which means their workers’ comp premium will probably change. After three years, they’re no longer new, so they receive an experience rating that impacts their costs just like the other employers in their state.

Business owners usually get their EMRs when they receive their initial payroll classifications or renewal statements. Every insurance company uses a slightly different format, but all disclose it after your annual premium audit. If you are unable to find your EMR, call your insurance agent to locate it within your renewal paperwork.

Your EMR impacts your workers’ comp costs because it’s a multiplier that’s applied to your base rate. When your base rate is multiplied by an EMR higher than 1.0, your costs increase. An EMR lower than 1.0 causes your workers’ comp costs to go down.

Bottom Line

When it comes to the EMR, there are many things a business owner can control. The bottom line is to set safety practices for your business and keep claims to a minimum, both in frequency and severity so that you can maintain a low experience rating and keep costs down.

Experience Modification Rating: Definition & How To Improve It (2024)


Experience Modification Rating: Definition & How To Improve It? ›

EMR is a calculation used by insurance companies to determine workers' compensation premiums. A contractor's assigned EMR is based on a couple factors, including actual insurance claim history, which gives owners and managers an idea of the kind of risk they would take on by hiring that partner.

How can I improve my experience modification rate? ›

Improve Your Experience Modification Rate

One way you can lower your EMR is to invest in a safety program that builds in proactive activities to help avoid accidents This will help you lower your premiums over time, as your accidents are reduced in frequency and severity, the risk to insure your business goes down.

How do you explain experience modification rate? ›

Insurance companies translate the experience modifier into a number, or an experience modification rate (EMR). This number is based on your company's historical cost of injuries and future risk chances. A company's EMR is then compared to the average losses of other employers in your state in the same industry.

What is considered a good EMR rating? ›

The average EMR rating is set at 1.0, representing the industry standard. When a business has an EMR lower than 1.0, it indicates a better-than-average safety record (credit).

What is a good mod rating? ›

An employer with an experience mod of 1.00 is exactly average in its claims cost loss experience compared to businesses of similar size and industry. An experience mod of less than 1.00 is better than average and subsequently, an experience mod of greater than 1.00 is worse than industry average.

What is a good experience modification factor? ›

What is a good EMR score and why is it important? The average EMR is 1.0 which means a business is no more or less risky than similar businesses in their profession. A rating higher than this would mean a business is riskier than average and would result in higher premiums.

What is an example of experience modification rate? ›

This is how the EMR formula places more penalties on businesses with frequent losses vs. less frequent, larger losses. In other words, a company with 20 claims in total losses of $70,000 will have a higher EMR than a company that had 1 accident that resulted in a total loss of $70,000.

How is EMR score calculated? ›

Expected Rate, found by adding the Expected Primary Loss (G) to the Expected Excess Loss (H) and then multiplying by the Expected Excess Loss (H) too. Now you can find your EMR with this calculation: Actual Rate (L) / Expected Rate (M)

What is the formula for experience mod? ›

How is an e-mod calculated? The e-mod is determined by comparing actual losses the customer experienced to the loss amounts NCCI expected during the experience period for the employer's industry. The calculation factors in the size of a business as it relates to the amount of payroll paid during the experience period.

What is a bad EMR? ›

EMRs can commonly range between 0.48 to 1.25 or higher. The lower the rating, the better. A high rating, above a 1.0, is considered a bad EMR and will increase your worker's comp premiums. Again, worker's compensation insurance rates are based on your company's claims history.

What is considered a bad EMR rating? ›

What is a good EMR? The average EMR is 1.0, which means that the contractor is found to be no more or less risky than majority of other contractors. Typically, a rating under 1.0 is considered good, or relatively safe. If your rating is above 1.0 it is considered bad, or riskier.

What does an EMR of 1.1 mean? ›

If your EMR is 1.1 then your premium will be 10% higher than the average company in your classification. If your EMR is . 75, you will pay 25% less on your premium than the average company.

What affects EMR rating? ›

First, to calculate your EMR, your insurer will look at the last three years of your safety record and then compare that data against similar data from other businesses in your industry. Then, if your safety record is about average for your industry, you'll get a workers' comp mod rate of 1.

How is experience modification rating calculated? ›

The experience rating calculation generally consists of an experience period of three policy years (36 months) of class code, payroll and claim data. The most recent policy year of data used is the policy year that expired one year prior to the rating effective date.

What is the lowest experience modification rate possible? ›

Achieve 0 claims, and you will achieve your lowest experience modification rate possible. Even though there isn't a single universally accepted minimum, many insurance companies will provide or can provide a company with their lowest experience modification rate possible.

Is it possible to have emr of 0? ›

Keep in mind that if you have zero claims on your Experience Rating Worksheet, your EMR will not be zero (0.00). Since you multiply your Experience Modification Rate by Manual Premium, you can't have an Experience Mod of zero (0.00) because zero X [anything] = zero, right?

How can experience modification rate be reduced? ›

Establishing & Prioritizing a Safe Work Environment. Ensuring a secure work environment can positively impact your EMR. By prioritizing safety practices, your business can minimize workplace injuries and incidents, resulting in a decrease in workers' compensation claims and associated costs.

Who determines experience modification rate? ›

Once the WCIRB determines a business is eligible for experience rating, its experience modification is calculated by comparing the actual losses to the expected losses.

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Name: Reed Wilderman

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