Council Post: 14 Ways To Build A Solid Crisis Management Strategy (2024)

In business, a crisis lurking right around the corner could hit without warning at any time. Because such events are, by definition, unexpected—often impossible to imagine, much less predict—leaders need to develop solid strategies for quickly responding to any crisis that might arise to ensure that their businesses can survive and continue to thrive.

Crises can come in so many different forms that creating a comprehensive plan to deal with every issue you might encounter isn't a viable option. Fortunately, smart leaders understand how to build a flexible crisis management strategy that can be adapted to meet the needs of swiftly evolving situations.

Here, 14 members of Forbes Coaches Councildiscuss steps you can take to design and implement an effective crisis management strategy for your company.

1. Learn Resilience And Accept Vulnerability

To overcome a crisis, leaders need to be agile and learn resilience. This includes making difficult decisions with limited information and being prepared to lead through the outcomes that arise based on these quick decisions. Gaining the confidence to lead your organization and team will be imperative. Embracing vulnerability is also essential, as you must recognize that not all decisions will lead to the desired outcome. -Reena Sharma,Agilis Executive Consulting

2. Practice A 'What Would Happen If...' Exercise

Preparation is key. When I was in a former airline role, our crisis management strategy was to not only document our plans, but also prepare for crisis or disaster by practicing a "what would happen if..." exercise. For a business, that may mean ensuring a pipeline for succession, acknowledging that, as important as process is, people matter even more. During a crisis, act quickly, reassure the team and do what is right, even if it's not easy. -Denise Russo,SAP


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3. Change According To The Times And Your People

Business leaders need to acknowledge that crisis management affects everyone in the company. When developing a strategy, it is important to understand the times you are in and the people you serve. The strategy cannot be based on a situation that occurred 20 years ago because business personalities and the makeup of companies have changed, and so should the approach. -Tonya Fairley,TS Fairley Leadership and Personal Development Co

4. Form A Crisis Management Team

Form a crisis management team made up of stakeholders from various departments, product lines and locations. Include someone gifted in communications, an IT leader, someone representing your talent and someone close to your clients. Gather that group to brainstorm a list of potential crises you may face. Then, prioritize those to identify the most likely crises this group should plan for first. -Jennifer Wilson,ConvergenceCoaching, LLC

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5. Identify Your Key Risks

The primary step toward developing a solid crisis management strategy is determining where you are at risk. In today's environment, the way we conduct business has introduced a far greater field of risk, but it's also brought more options. If you know your key risks, you can create a solid strategy that will keep you in business and out of long-term recovery. -Kathi Laughman,The Mackenzie Circle LLC

6. Prioritize A 'Crisis Focus' With The Team

Meet with your team to create a "crisis focus." Leaders typically juggle too much, and a crisis sucks up attention and resources. This causes balls to drop. Decide what your priority needs to be throughout the crisis. Keep it in line with your long-term vision and values. Identify what balls you will drop or set down and how. Clarify the steps needed to accomplish your priority objectives. -Christian Muntean,Vantage Consulting

7. Forget Traditional Hierarchical Barriers

Rip up the organizational chart and remove traditional hierarchical barriers. Pull in the leaders with the knowledge, experience and passion for the work that needs to be done, regardless of their titles or roles. Then, create a flexible strategy that empowers everyone to do what needs to be done to address the crisis. -Tonya Echols,Vigere

8. Outsource The Development Of A Framework

Outsource the creation of a crisis management framework to experts in the field. This is not your company's core competency. Invest in a framework and a plan, and then get your organization's input. Your teams can provide more detail, identify more potential crises, and help ensure that the plan will meet all stakeholders' needs. Finally, task an internal team with rolling the plan out to all levels of personnel in the company. Be sure to update the plan annually. -Dana Manciagli,Job Search Master Class

9. Plan On Adjusting To Many Unknowns

A solid crisis management plan needs to cover many dimensions. Ensure that you are evaluating critical infrastructure needs, process impacts and people impacts. Recognize that you cannot plan for everything. A good plan includes monitoring how the crisis itself shifts, and then replanning as details are uncovered. It's not just about the actions you'll take, but also how you plan to adjust to myriad unknowns. -Faith Fuqua-Purvis,Synergetic Solutions LLC

10. Document Processes And Do Drills

Asking tough questions to see what is on the other side of the mountain is essential. Ask yourself about every possible pitfall, problem and detour that can (and will) happen, and then plan for them. Document workflows and processes, role play and do spontaneous drills involving a variety of team members who will take on different lead roles in the crisis to boost their problem-solving momentum and critical thinking. -Shelley Smith,Premier Rapport

11. Work Backward On A Plan To Fail

Define everything you need to fail. Then, determine with your people what's needed to avoid those things that would lead you to fail and work backward. Then, move forward into actions to avoid failure. Watch how your people's creativity helps your efforts soar to success. Then, watch how your team comes together as a result! -Jay Steven Levin,WinThinking

12. Share A Communication Plan With All Teams

Creating a solid communication plan that clearly identifies the team members involved and their roles is one of the most important steps to take in crisis management. This plan should be integrated into an overall contingency plan, and it should be shared with all team members. The desired outcome happens so much faster when you focus on finding effective solutions. -Izabela Lundberg,Legacy Leaders Institute

13. Take Responsibility For Any Crisis

Take responsibility for any crisis that is happening, could happen or might happen. Procrastination and neglect will be costly. Developing a crisis management strategy involves research to inform preparations, leadership and team building to ensure responsiveness and resiliency, and systems and processes to implement the strategy and maximize talents. -Lori Harris,Harris Whitesell Consulting

14. Stress-Test Your Strategy Regularly

A solid crisis management strategy should be stress-tested at least once a year. Have organizational leaders and/or a crisis team review the strategy by conducting a "fire drill" to spot any gaps in the plan. Also, ensure that all new employees, managers and leaders are trained on the key components of the crisis management plan you put in place. They should understand what their roles will be in the case of a business disruption. -Karan Rhodes,Shockingly Different Leadership

Council Post: 14 Ways To Build A Solid Crisis Management Strategy (2024)


What are five 5 things you should think about when planning crisis response strategies? ›

5 Critical Elements of a Crisis Management Plan
  • Align the crisis communications plan with the operational plan. ...
  • Assign crisis team members (and backups!) and know how to reach them. ...
  • Know your risks and build those into your plan. ...
  • Training can be difficult, but the alternative is worse.
Sep 1, 2018

What is the crisis response strategy? ›

A crisis response strategy is a plan that helps individuals, organisations, or governments navigate and manage challenging situations effectively. It's like a roadmap for dealing with unexpected events, such as natural disasters, accidents, or emergencies.

What are the 3 major crisis strategies? ›

The 3 Most Effective Crisis Communication Strategies
  • Plan Ahead. Create a detailed contingency/scenario plan that outlines every conceivable crisis and appropriate response. ...
  • Speed Is Key. It's imperative to acknowledge crisis situations immediately. ...
  • Be Responsibly Transparent.

What is the most important step in crisis management? ›

Planning is the most important step to ensure an effective response using Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication (CERC). It takes considerable time and effort to develop and maintain a crisis communication plan.

What are the four key elements of effective crisis management? ›

The Four Elements of Effective Crisis Management
  • Clearly identified team roles and responsibilities.
  • A formal incident assessment team and process.
  • Effective Incident Action Planning (IAP) skills.
  • Effective crisis management team communication.

What are the 4 P's of crisis management? ›

Those Ps include people (keep every employee informed and lines of communication open), positive cash flow (a critical focus to manage debt), practices (managing with transparency and operating strategically), and positioning (find opportunities to position yourself for growth).

What are the 4 goals of crisis management? ›

Identifying the main problems, including what precipitated the crisis. Reducing the intensity of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors related to the crisis. Fostering the return of pre-crisis functioning. Teaching emotional self-regulation.

What are the six rules for crisis management? ›

To organize your plan, use a crisis management template with the following six steps:
  • Identify your crisis leadership team. ...
  • Assess risk. ...
  • Determine the business impact. ...
  • Plan the response. ...
  • Solidify the plan. ...
  • Review and update.

What are the six principles of crisis management? ›

Throughout every step of an effective response, be first, be right, be credible, express empathy, promote action, and show respect.

What are the six steps to better crisis management? ›

There are six recognized phases within every crisis: (1) Warning; (2) Risk Assessment; (3) Response; (4) Management; (5) Resolution; and (6) Recovery. This is the fourth of six topic briefings that will explore each phase of a crisis, identify specific areas of concern, and provide manageable solutions.

What are the 4 three types of interventions used in crises? ›

Taking action in crisis intervention involves intentionally responding to the assessment of the woman's situation and needs in one of three ways: nondirective, collaborative, or directive.

What are the 3 stages for crisis preparation? ›

The pre-crisis stage concerns prevention and preparation. The crisis response (during the crisis) stage is when management must respond. The post-crisis stage looks for ways to better prepare for the next crisis and fulfils commitments made during the crisis phase, including follow-up information.

What are three of the nine basic strategies of crisis intervention? ›

Crisis Intervention Strategies
  • Step One – Define the Problem. In this phase, we help others figure out what the problem is that we are trying to solve. ...
  • Step Two – Ensure Safety. ...
  • Step Three – Provide Support. ...
  • Step Four – Examine Alternatives. ...
  • Step Five – Make a Plan. ...
  • Step Six – Obtain Commitment.

What are the 9 strategies of crisis intervention? ›

10 Crisis Interventions Techniques and Exercises
  • Active listening. Active listening involves giving undivided attention to the person in crisis and demonstrating empathy and understanding. ...
  • Calming strategies. ...
  • Safety planning. ...
  • Problem-Solving. ...
  • Psychoeducation. ...
  • Expressive therapies. ...
  • Reality testing. ...
  • Cognitive restructuring.
Feb 29, 2024

What are the 4 C's of crisis management? ›

One straightforward way to approach a crisis is to follow the 4 C's – cooperation, containment, control and cauterise. Cooperation begins now. Before the crisis. Meeting with government officials and NGOs to establish a rapport is critical.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.