ADHD in Women (2024)

Little research explores the specific effects of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) on adult women. Children, adolescents, and men are more often the focus of research. Even in children, studies show that boys more often get an accurate diagnosis than girls.

Gender bias and overlooked ADHD symptoms may have something to do with these differences. Girls tend to show less “hyperactive” behavior than boys do. Most studies happen to focus a lot on those hyperactive ADHD patterns that are more common in males. When young girls’ ADHD symptoms go undiagnosed, the problems may continue into adulthood. Without treatment, ADHD can affect your overall quality of life.

ADHD Signs and Symptoms in Adult Women

Most women with ADHD get an accurate diagnosis in their late 30s or early 40s. Experts say there could be several reasons behind the late diagnosis.

It could be that parents, teachers, or pediatricians miss ADHD symptoms and behaviors in young girls because they aren’t obvious. It’s also possible that doctors diagnose girls and young women with other mood disorders like anxiety or depression rather than ADHD. Some new research also suggests that women may develop ADHD symptoms later in life. But scientists say they need more research to prove it.

Symptoms and signs of ADHD in adult women can include:

  • Difficulty with time management
  • Disorganization
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • History of anxiety and depression
  • Difficulty with money management

ADHD can run in families. If you have undiagnosed ADHD, you’re more likely to notice your own symptoms if your child or sibling gets a diagnosis. It’s also not uncommon for women with ADHD to have other problems at the same time such as compulsive overeating, chronic lack of sleep, or drinking too much alcohol.

Impact on Day-to-Day Life

Studies show that women with ADHD tend to have very low self-esteem. They also seem to have more emotional and psychological distress compared to adult men with ADHD.

Depending on the severity of their condition, some women manage to hide their symptoms to avoid shame and rejection. Other women with ADHD may feel like their lives are in utter chaos. This can affect the whole family since statistics show that women are typically in charge of caring for the home and children.

Poor coping strategies can take a toll on your day-to-day life and magnify your struggles. For instance, you may find that it’s hard to keep up with the demands of your job, cook regular meals for your family, or stay on top of other household tasks. You might feel like you’re always trying to catch up, which can lead to chronic stress and exhaustion.

If these symptoms sound familiar to you, talk to a doctor or a therapist about it.

Treatment Options

For adults with ADHD, unlike children, the first treatment is medication rather than therapy. Medicine can’t cure ADHD, but it may ease your symptoms and make your day-to-day life easier.

ADHD medications are called psychostimulants. They directly affect the brain molecules that control your attention and behavior symptoms. Two of the most common stimulants are:

Doctors may give you different low-dose drugs to try for 3 to 7 days until they figure out which one works best for you. They will also take into account your other health conditions when choosing the right medications for you. Tell your doctor about any other conditions you have and medications you take, including over-the-counter drugs, herbals, and supplements.

Besides drugs, your doctor may also prescribe a combination of treatments that include psychotherapy, stress management, and other ADHD-focused coaching to teach you coping strategies, self-esteem, and life-management skills. The need for these depends on your specific symptoms and situation.

If you’re a mother with ADHD, you may benefit from therapies like parent training. This can help you better manage your responsibilities to your children. You can also join a support group to connect with others who understand what you’re going through. Groups may also improve the social skills necessary for your daily life.

If you struggle to keep up with the demands of your job, you can talk to a career counselor who understands ADHD. They may help you work on your strengths to better manage your performance at work.

More Research Is Necessary

As more and more adult women seek treatment and diagnosis for ADHD, scientists say they need more studies that look at gender differences in the condition.

For example, some experts believe female hormones play a role in the ADHD symptoms of young girls and women. Females may need other forms of treatment than what boys or men need. Many girls also are raised to behave differently from boys. This could make them express their ADHD symptoms in other ways.

Ultimately, experts say more research can help them identify, diagnose, and treat ADHD symptoms early in young girls and women. That early intervention is key to better management of the condition in the long run.

ADHD in Women (2024)


What are women with ADHD good at? ›

Individuals with ADHD are bright, creative, and funny — often using self-deprecating humor to remind the world that perfection is wholly uninteresting. They've faced challenges, learned novel ways to manage their symptoms, and developed a sense of humility and self-respect along the way.

What is passive ADHD in women? ›

Inattentive ADHD is the most common form of ADHD in women and girls. It can cause distractibility, difficulty concentrating, and difficulty remembering things, but not much outward hyperactivity. Girls with inattentive ADHD may appear anxious, daydream frequently, and seem to move from one topic or hobby to another.

What does untreated ADHD look like in women? ›

“Women with untreated ADHD can have difficulty maintaining friendships and romantic relationships, trouble finding a career path and succeeding at work and typically blame themselves for these perceived 'failures,'” says Dr. MacLean. “Getting a diagnosis can help give them back some self-esteem.”

Can ADHD in women not be hyperactive? ›

As with girls, women with ADHD may not appear as hyperactive, impulsive, or disruptive as males with ADHD, meaning the symptoms can often be missed or misdiagnosed. However, that doesn't mean that these symptoms aren't sometimes present in women.

Do women with ADHD have high intelligence? ›

High-IQ adults with ADHD seem to function well, but it comes at a high emotional cost. They feel burdened and exhausted, blaming their struggles on themselves, not on their ADHD.

What are the hidden struggles of a woman with ADHD? ›

Women with ADHD face many of the same symptoms as their male counterparts, it's true — but they also labor under the added burden of restrictive gender roles, fluctuating hormones, and a greater tendency towards self-doubt and self-harm.

Do I have ADHD female or am I just lazy? ›


People who are lazy typically don't make an effort to complete tasks at work, school, or home. ADD/ADHD people, however, may try really, really hard but still can't tackle what they want to accomplish. This can lead to frustration, low self-esteem, and feeling bad about your abilities.

What does ADHD look like in a grown woman? ›

What Does Untreated ADHD Look Like in Women? Undiagnosed or underdiagnosed ADHD in adults is often characterized by missing deadlines, difficulty focusing, and problems organizing different aspects of daily life.

What is the daily life of a woman with ADHD? ›

Impact on Day-to-Day Life

Studies show that women with ADHD tend to have very low self-esteem. They also seem to have more emotional and psychological distress compared to adult men with ADHD. Depending on the severity of their condition, some women manage to hide their symptoms to avoid shame and rejection.

What is ADHD usually misdiagnosed as? ›

ADHD can also be misdiagnosed as absence seizures. Children with ADHD often present sleep problems Sleep disorders could lead to a behavioral and/or emotional dysregulation characterized by hyperactivity and impulsivity. Also, vigilance level disturbances can mimic absence seizures [15,16,17].

Do women with ADHD have low self esteem? ›

When ADHD goes untreated for years women can develop anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Women with untreated ADHD often find ways to hide their struggles well.

What is commonly mistaken as ADHD? ›

Sleep apnea is a common culprit that's often misdiagnosed as ADHD — and vice versa. Fortunately, researchers are devising simple tests to definitively diagnose and get kids the treatment they need.

What is high functioning ADHD? ›

While not an official diagnosis, high functioning ADHD may describe individuals with ADHD symptoms that do not affect their daily activities. Symptoms may include difficulties with focus, time management, impulsivity, and more. These individuals may develop strategies to manage their symptoms.

How do you tell if you have ADHD as a woman? ›

Understanding ADHD Symptoms in Women

Inattention: Difficulty staying focused, being disorganized, forgetful, procrastinating, and often changing topics mid-conversation. Difficulty keeping track of schedules, appointments, and belongings, frequently losing or misplacing items, and needing help with time management.

Why are so many women getting ADHD? ›

ADHD has been around for a while, yet its occurrence has risen sharply in the past few years, states a paper published in Missouri Medicine in 2022. This is due to a greater understanding of the condition—particularly in minority populations and females—along with the influence of popular culture and social media.

What does a woman with ADHD act like? ›

Some other common characteristics include mood swings, irritability, hypersensitivity to criticism, difficulty handling stress and criticism, anxiety, and low frustration tolerance. But diagnosing ADHD in women can be complicated.

What are people with ADHD best at? ›

Because of their unique ability to solve problems and create systems when interested in their work, Roberts says many people with ADHD do well as entrepreneurs, computer programmers, and within creative industries. People with ADHD would do well in the following roles, too: Sales representative. Small business owner.

What good qualities do people with ADHD have? ›

Here are some of the ADHD benefits that someone may experience:
  • Hyperfocus. Hyperfocusing is a state where an individual with ADHD can focus on a task for hours on end, essentially tuning out everything around them. ...
  • Resilience. ...
  • Creativity. ...
  • Conversational skills and humanity. ...
  • Spontaneity and courage. ...
  • High energy.
Jul 21, 2021

What positives does ADHD have? ›

ADHD can affect your life in many ways. Some of these can be negative, but there are also many positive things that can come from having ADHD, such as greater resilience, creativity, energy, and self-awareness. The key to taking advantage of these ADHD benefits is to balance the good with the bad.

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