[100% Working] Microsoft Office 2019 Free Download Full Version with Product Key❤️ (2024)

Microsoft Office is extremely popular. Its ease of use, accessibility, interactivity, and adaptability across operating systems have made it the most commonly used tool in companies worldwide.

Do you also want the benefits of Microsoft Office 2019?

If yes, you must first download it to your computer. But how to do that?

In this blog post, I will guide you on how you can download Microsoft Office 2019 Full version for free with lifetime activation.

I will also guide you on how you can activate Microsoft office 2019 for free by using some cmd commands.

Butwhy read this articleif many other articles cover this topic?

Because after doing lots of research and trying them out.

I found a 100% working way to download and activate Microsoft Office 2019 for free.

First, I tried this method, and after testing it, I am sharing the way with you. So, I am sure that after following the steps, you will be using Microsoft Office 2019 on your computer.

First, I will answer all the popular questions that many users have about Microsoft Office 2019. Then we will download Microsoft office 2019.

So make sure you read the full post and don’t skip anything. Are you ready?

Microsoft Office 2019 Activated {Download}

What is Microsoft Office 2019

Microsoft Office 2019 enables users to work on their documents and projects for Windows or Mac OS computers. It is the successor to Office 2016. It will allow you to use Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote programs.

All these tools are essential for you if you are a businessman or even a student. However, if you are a content creator and want to create beautiful videos to present, you need a video editor like Movavi.

Microsoft Office 2019 Apps and Features

You will access all these apps and features in your Microsoft office 2019 application. This will make your work more easy and effortless.

  • Microsoft Word– Microsoft Word is a widely used commercial word processor designed by Microsoft. It is used to create text documents, edit and format existing documents, create graphical documentation, etc.
  • Microsoft Excel– Excel is a spreadsheet program that helps handle different tasks regarding dealing with data. Some of the most common ways that people use Excel include calculating taxes, accounting for future expenses, keeping track of their business finances, and summarizing different sectors using charts and graphs.
  • Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft PowerPoint is an application that lets you create presentations. These presentations can be wide-ranging and come with animations, videos, images, and much more. Microsoft PowerPoint is one of the leading presentation software applications in the world today and has been widely adopted by businesses and educational institutions alike. Anyone looking to make a powerful introductory presentation should consider using this tool!
  • Microsoft Outlook– The Outlook application on your desktop computer allows you to manage many different aspects of your life and work simultaneously. In addition to sending and receiving email messages, it will enable you to store your colleagues’ contact details, names, and numbers, organize your schedule, and keep track of tasks.
  • Microsoft OneNote– OneNote is a digital notebook that allows users to save and synchronize their notes seamlessly. Users can easily add additional information to a given page of their notebook from other sources such as another application or even the Internet. The app also allows for handwritten notes and drawings. The added notes, such as text and even images incorporated into the individual pages themselves, benefit from being tagged to make it easier for users to retrieve them should they be left with several similar options.
  • Microsoft OneDrive– OneDrive is the Microsoft cloud service that gives you access to all your files while on the go. You can store and protect files in the cloud and get to them from any of your devices. The best part about OneDrive is that it almost instantly syncs across all of your devices, so you always have a copy of your work, no matter which device you use. It’s also an online storage space where people can share files with each other.

Is Microsoft Office 2019 for free

Most people want to know that, is Microsoft office 2019 is free. The answer is NO. To use it, you have to purchase it. To learn more about the pricing, you canclick here.

It is not free, but there are some legal ways to get it free.

If you are a student or educator at an eligible institution, you can sign up for Office 365 Education for free. This gives you access to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Microsoft Teams (as well as classroom tools).

You’ll get all of this without worrying about any trial periods ending; after sign-up, it’s yours to use indefinitely. All that is required is a valid school email address!

Microsoft Office 2019 Pricing

As you know, that Microsoft office 219 is not free. You can purchase the lifetime access plan of Microsoft office 2019 plan from amazon. Microsoft Office Home and Student 2021, One-Time Purchase – Email delivery in 1 hour| Lifetime Validity, 1 Person, 1 PC or Mac, Classic Office Apps, will cost you around 7,700rs.

So, instead of downloading the free or cracked version of Microsoft office 2019, I suggest you buy it.

Steps To Purchase Microsoft Office 2019

Note– Make sure you uninstall any existing Microsoft apps that are already running on your computer.

  1. Purchase Microsoft Office through Amazon; you can also use the EMI options.
  2. You will receive a link to download the software and a product key on your Gmail.
  3. The link will take you to the Microsoft site, asking you to log in through your Ms account or create one.
  4. You have to enter the key that they sent you in Gmail.
  5. The website will verify your key and ask you to choose from 32-bit or 64.
  6. Now you can download the file.
  7. The installer file will get downloaded, additional data, and a message will pop up saying Ms.Office is now installed in your system.
  8. While opening the Ms.office app, you might still get a message saying the app is not authentic, but this will go off if you log in to your office app using your Microsoft account, which you used to download the key from.

Please Note: The product key emailed to you by the seller is only used to verify the purchase of your software. The software itself has no charges and can be installed on any computer at any time- the serial number sent to you will work for as long as your account stays active. So make sure that you keep your Microsoft account secure, or else if it happens to get stolen or compromised, you will lose access to your license!

Microsoft Office 2019 System Requirements

You don’t need a very good high-end PC to use Microsoft Office 2019 on your computer. You can easily use it even if you have a low-end PC. It is well optimized and will work perfectly.

  • 1 GHz processor
  • 2GB RAM
  • 3 GB of available disk space; better to have some extra space for temp files
  • Screen resolution of a minimum of 1280 x 800
  • Windows 7 SP1 or above operating system; Works best on the latest operating system according to Microsoft
  • The browsers used should be the latest versions of the versions immediately preceding the latest versions.
  • At least .Net 3.5; preferred 4.5 LCR
  • A Microsoft account (that naturally has a OneDrive account attached to it).

Microsoft Office 2019 License Key

Many websites provide you with the license key for Microsoft Office 2019; I suggest not wasting your time looking for a license key because it will not work.

You just imagine, if someone buys the software, why the hell will they give it to you for free?

Many websites provide you with the key at the cheapest rate. For example, I found a siteeasykeyhub; buying a key from there will cost you about 399rs.

You can also purchase the key from theMicrosoft store.

Don’t worry; I will guide you on activating Microsoft Office 2019 on your Windows PC, so read the full post and don’t skip even a single thing.

I am providing you with some Keys to Microsoft Office 2019. They might work for you.

MS Office 2019 Key:

  2. 6TFV7-BGY8H-UN9IJ-98NHU-BGKe7

Product Key For Microsoft Office 2019:


MS Office 2019 Serial Number:

  1. 7Y8UH-Y6T5S-W3E4X-DCR6T-KFV7B
  3. Y8NHU-9wY7G-T6FD5-RS4WS-GJZE4

Office 2019 Product Key Full:


Microsoft Office 2019 Free Download Full Version With Activation

I will guide you with all the steps; follow them, and you will be able to download Microsoft Office 2019 For free. Disclaimer for you- All the files I will provide you are free from viruses and malware.

So, you can download them without worrying too much. If you have any doubt, you can check the downloaded files onVirustotal. The process is the same in all operating systems.

Steps to Download Microsoft Office 2019

In this section, I will guide you on how to download and activate Microsoft Office 2019 for free. Just follow the steps below, and you’ll be good to go!

#Step 1. To install Microsoft Office 2019 on your computer, you must download software (WinRar).

#Step 2. Now you have to download a 4GB File. To download it, click the button below.

File size

I’m providing a video tutorial for those of you who may not understand the steps involved in this process. Watch it carefully and follow along so you don’t make any mistakes. So, after you download the file, follow the steps shown in this video.

#Step 3. Now, there will be a new folder, double click and open that.

#Step 4. There will be an application named “Setup.” Double-click that and install it.

#Step 5. Boom! After installation, you can use all the Apps of Microsoft office 2019 for free.

#Step 6. Now, to activate your account, you need to copy the code. You will find the code on the same page.

#Step 7. Now open Notepad and save it as the file with the name office.bat.

#Step 8. Open it in “Run as administrator”.

Activate Microsoft Office 2019

You have to follow some steps, and you will be able to activate your Microsoft Office 2019 for free.

@echo off
title Activate Microsoft Office 2019 (ALL versions) for FREE - MSGuides.com&cls&echo =====================================================================================&echo #Project: Activating Microsoft software products for FREE without additional software&echo =====================================================================================&echo.&echo #Supported products:&echo - Microsoft Office Standard 2019&echo - Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019&echo.&echo.&(if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" cd /d "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office16")&(if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16\ospp.vbs" cd /d "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16")&(for /f %%x in ('dir /b ..\root\Licenses16\ProPlus2019VL.xrm-ms') do cscript ospp.vbs /inslic:"..\root\Licenses16\%%x" >nul)&(for /f %%x in ('dir /b ..\root\Licenses16\ProPlus2019VL.xrm-ms') do cscript ospp.vbs /inslic:"..\root\Licenses16\%%x" >nul)&echo.&echo ============================================================================&echo Activating your Office…&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ckms >nul&cscript //nologo ospp.vbs /setprt:1688 >nul&cscript //nologo ospp.vbs /unpkey:6MWKP >nul&set i=1&cscript //nologo ospp.vbs /inpkey:NMMKJ-6RK4F-KMJVX-8D9MJ-6MWKP >nul||goto notsupported
if %i% GTR 10 goto busy
if %i% EQU 1 set KMS=kms7.MSGuides.com
if %i% EQU 2 set KMS=s8.uk.to
if %i% EQU 3 set KMS=s9.us.to
if %i% GTR 3 goto ato
cscript //nologo ospp.vbs /sethst:%KMS% >nul
echo ============================================================================&echo.&echo.&cscript //nologo ospp.vbs /act | find /i "successful" && (echo.&echo ============================================================================&echo.&echo #My official blog: MSGuides.com&echo.&echo #How it works: bit.ly/kms-server&echo.&echo #Please feel free to contact me at msguides.com@gmail.com if you have any questions or concerns.&echo.&echo #Please consider supporting this project: donate.msguides.com&echo #Your support is helping me keep my servers running 24/7!&echo.&echo ============================================================================&choice /n /c YN /m "Would you like to visit my blog [Y,N]?" & if errorlevel 2 exit) || (echo The connection to my KMS server failed! Trying to connect to another one… & echo Please wait… & echo. & echo. & set /a i+=1 & goto skms)
explorer "http://MSGuides.com"&goto halt
echo ============================================================================&echo.&echo Sorry, your version is not supported.&echo.&goto halt
echo ============================================================================&echo.&echo Sorry, the server is busy and can't respond to your request. Please try again.&echo.
pause >nul
  1. Copy The Code Above
  2. Now Open Notepad and Paste the Code.
  3. Then Save it as a file.
  4. Rename the file as Office.bat and save it.
  5. Now Run the File as administrator.
  6. Wait for some time, and your Microsoft Office 2019 will get activated.

Done! Now enjoy your apps. I hope you have followed all the steps, don’t skip any of them; otherwise, it may not work for you. If you are facing any issues while downloading Microsoft Office 2019, comment to me.

I will try my best to help you with that.

Last Words

I hope you have read the blog and downloaded and activated Microsoft Office 2019 on your PC. But if you are facing any issues while downloading and activating it on your PC, let me know in the comment section.

I will try my best to help you with that.

Will Microsoft Office 2019 work on windows 7?

No, Microsoft office 2019 will not work on windows 7 or windows 8.

Can we Activate Microsoft Office 2019 Without an activation key?

Yes, we can activate Microsoft Office 2019 Without an activation key, I have guided you with all the steps on how you can do this.

[100% Working] Microsoft Office 2019 Free Download Full Version with Product Key❤️ (2024)


Can I download Microsoft Office 2019 for free? ›

While you can download Office 2021, 2019, and Office 2016 for free from Microsoft, you need to own a license key or have a Microsoft 365 subscription to actually use the programs within.

Where is Office 2019 activation key? ›

Step 1. Sign in to your Microsoft Account. Step 2. Go to Services & subscriptions, locate your Office 2019 and click the View product key next to the Product key tab.

How do I manually activate Office 2019? ›

Activation of Microsoft Office 2016, 2019 and 2021

Manually: Log into your computer with an administrator account. Change to the directory where Microsoft Office is installed. cscript ospp.vbs /act to complete the activation process.

How can I access Microsoft Office without a product key? ›

Do I need a product key to reinstall Office? No, you don't. Just go to the Microsoft account, Services & subscriptions page and sign in using the Microsoft account that you used to buy Office.

Is Microsoft Office 2019 a one time purchase? ›

Office 2019 is now available as a one-time purchase for commercial and consumer users. Office 2019 is available for both Windows and macOS, and includes classic versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. The Windows version also includes Publisher 2019, Access 2019, Project 2019, and Visio 2019.

Which version of MS Office is free? ›

Microsoft 365 Education for students and teachers. If you're a student or teacher with an active school email address, you may be eligible to get complete Office suite access for free through Office 365 Education.

Is any version of Microsoft Office free? ›

Whether you're using a Windows 10 PC, Mac, or Chromebook, you can use Microsoft Office for free in a web browser. The web-based versions of Office are simplified and won't work offline, but they still offer a powerful editing experience.

What happens if I don't activate Office 2019? ›

If Office activation fails, you'll see Unlicensed Product or Non-commercial use / Unlicensed Product in the title bar of your Office apps, and most features of Office are disabled.

How do I activate Office activation? ›

If you bought a new Microsoft 365 product key card, or you received a product key when you bought Microsoft 365through an online store, go to Office.com/setup or Microsoft365.com/setup and follow the on-screen prompts. This is a one-time process that adds your new product to your Microsoft account.

How do I activate Office 2019 offline? ›

Step 1. Download the offline installer from your account portal
  1. To download the offline installer, go to www.office.com. ...
  2. Select Install Office. ...
  3. In the Download and install window, select Other options.
  4. Check the box Download an offline installer and select the language you want to install the Microsoft 365 apps in.

Can I use Office without a Microsoft account? ›

A Microsoft account is usually required to install and activate Office versions 2013 or later, and Microsoft 365 Family or Personal. You might already have a Microsoft account if you use a service like Outlook.com, OneDrive, Xbox, or Skype; or if you purchased Microsoft 365 or Office from the online Microsoft Store.

Can I use someone else's product key for Microsoft Office? ›

Each Windows product key is unique and can only be used on one computer. Additionally, using someone else's product key is a violation of the Microsoft Software License Terms, and could result in legal action being taken against you.

Is Office 2019 a lifetime license? ›

Office 2019 is the standalone version of Microsoft's suite of office apps. It requires nothing more than a single purchase of the program for PC or Mac. Once you've bought it, you own the copy for the rest of all time.

How much does Office 2019 cost? ›

How Much Does Office 2019 Cost? The cost of Office 2019 then is pretty simple to predict, either $249.99 for Home and Business as a once-off purchase, or 149.99 for the Office Home & Student edition. Note that both of these are perpetual license that may be installed on a single Windows PC or Apple Mac.

Is there a lifetime Microsoft Office 2019? ›

Because Office 2021/Office 2019 don't have a time-limit, sellers have taken to calling them “Lifetime” to make them look like better value than a Microsoft 365 plan. If you see a 'Lifetime' offer, ignore that word and look at what version of Microsoft Office is being sold.

Is MS Office free for lifetime? ›

A lifetime license gets you access to the Office 2021 versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams, OneNote (the Windows package(Opens in a new tab) also includes Publisher and Access). You'll receive license keys for each platform immediately upon purchase, as well as download links for quick setup.

How long is the free version of Microsoft Office? ›

Get a free trial and you'll have access to premium features, more cloud storage, and advanced security for your data and devices. Try 1 month free Ready to buy Microsoft 365? After your 1-month free trial, Microsoft 365 Family is $99.99 per year.

Can we install MS Office in laptop for free? ›

You can use Office suite for free for one month by downloading the Microsoft 365 trial. This includes the latest versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and other Office programs. Microsoft 365 is the only version of Office with a free trial available.

What happens when Office 2019 expires? ›

Microsoft plans to end mainstream support for Office 2019 on October 10, 2023. Unlike other versions of Microsoft Office, Office 2019 will only get two years of extended support, which means that support for Office 2019 will end on the same day as support for Office 2016, and Windows 10 will on October 14, 2025.

Can Office 2019 key be used more than once? ›

Answer. Yes, you are able to install Microsoft Office on more than one computer. Your product key (which comes to you in an email) can normally be used about 3 times. So if you download your Microsoft Office Suite onto 2 computers, you will have one more download "just in case" one of your computers crashes.

How many times can I reinstall Office 2019? ›

You can install Microsoft Office for free on up to 15 devices in total (five installations on Windows and MAC devices, five installations on smart phones and five on tablet devices).

Why is Microsoft Office saying I need to activate? ›

This can happen if you don't uninstall the pre-installed version of Office on your new PC before installing a volume license version of Office. To stop the prompts for activation, make sure your Office uses volume licensing and then update the registry.

How do I reset Microsoft Office activation? ›

  1. Open Control Panel > Credential Manager.
  2. Select Windows Credentials.
  3. Remove all credentials listed for Office by selecting the drop-down arrow next to each one, and select Remove.
  4. Check for and delete any values present under the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Protected Storage System.
Sep 19, 2022

What is Office activation key? ›

A Microsoft office product key is a 25-character code used to activate Windows and helps verify that Windows hasn't been used on more PCs than the Microsoft Software License Terms allow. If you have just purchased Microsoft Office, you may be experiencing some difficulties with how to use it.

Can Office 2019 be used offline? ›

Create a file: You can create a blank document, workbook, or presentation when offline. However, to create a document, workbook, or presentation from a template, you'll need to be connected to the Internet. You can then continue working on your file when offline.

How do I fix Microsoft Office unlicensed product for free? ›

Unlicensed Product and activation errors in Office
  1. Step 1: Sign in to Office with the right account. If Office asks you to sign in, enter the account you used to buy Office. ...
  2. Step 2: Check for multiple copies of Office. ...
  3. Step 3: Check your subscription status. ...
  4. Step 4: Troubleshoot activation.

How do I get a free confirmation ID for Microsoft Office 2019? ›

Run ospp. vbs /dinstid in command prompt to get the Installation ID of Office. Run slui 4 in Windows Run dialog to get phone number of Microsoft Product Activation Center, call the phone number and give the Installation ID to get the Confirmation ID.

Which version of Microsoft Office is available a free? ›

Microsoft 365 for the web is a free version of Microsoft 365 that you can use in a web browser. All you need is to sign up for a Microsoft account with a new or existing email address.

What happens if Microsoft Office is unlicensed? ›

All editing functionalities are disabled on an unlicensed copy of Microsoft Office. Upon opening a blank document, you will see “PRODUCT NOTICE: Most of the features of Word/Excel/PowerPoint have been disabled because it hasn't been activated” message with the Activate button next to it.

How do I permanently activate Microsoft Office? ›

If you have installed Office

Open one of the Office apps like Word, Excel, etc. on your PC. In the pop-up Welcome window, click the Sign in button to enter your Microsoft account credentials to sign in to Office. Click File -> Account. Click Activate Product.

How can I install Microsoft Office 2019 on my laptop for free? ›

Log in to Microsoft using the Microsoft account associated with Office 2019​​​​​​​. Select Services and subscriptions and find Office​​​​​​​ 2019 to install. If you want to choose a different language or bit version, select the link Other options. Select Run, Setup, or Save File to start the installing process.

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